Faculty and Staff Directory

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faculty staff directory
Ms. Cheryl Amari P '25

Ms. Cheryl Amari P '25

Theology Faculty
Mrs. Carine Aurelio

Mrs. Carine Aurelio

Director of the Fr. Smith Library & Media Center
Sister Justine Babirye

Sister Justine Babirye

Theology Faculty, Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Michael Baccari '03

Mr. Michael Baccari '03

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Vincent Balina

Mr. Vincent Balina

Technology Specialist
Ms. Celia Barletta

Ms. Celia Barletta

World Languages Faculty
Mrs. Nicole Barletta P'28, '29

Mrs. Nicole Barletta P'28, '29

Events Administrative Assistant
Ms. Kerianne Barry P'29, '30

Ms. Kerianne Barry P'29, '30

World Languages Faculty
Mr. Dustin Batista

Mr. Dustin Batista

Theology Department Chair, Coordinator of Service

Mr. Brendan Beauregard

Development Associate
Ms. Susan Belanger

Ms. Susan Belanger

Assistant Head of School, Administration and Special Projects
Mr. Anthony Benning

Mr. Anthony Benning

Dean of Students, History Faculty
Mr. Anthony Biscardi '88

Mr. Anthony Biscardi '88

History Faculty
Mrs. Leeann Blais

Mrs. Leeann Blais

English Faculty
Mr. Michael Bolduc

Mr. Michael Bolduc

Merrimack College Teaching Fellow
Mrs. Sara Bonica

Mrs. Sara Bonica

Administrative Assistant to Associate Head of School
Dr. Leila Bradley

Dr. Leila Bradley

Science Faculty
Mr. Jack Brady

Mr. Jack Brady

History Faculty
Ms. Nina Bramante '19

Ms. Nina Bramante '19

Assistant Director of Communications
Mr. Colby Brennan

Mr. Colby Brennan

Merrimack College Teaching Fellow
Ms. Kerry Brennan

Ms. Kerry Brennan

Assistant, College Counseling
Ms. Michele Brewer

Ms. Michele Brewer

Mathematics Faculty
Ms. Diana Carlson '12

Ms. Diana Carlson '12

School Nurse, BSN, RN
Ms. Lena Caruso

Ms. Lena Caruso

Art & Design Faculty
Ms. Carly Cavanagh

Ms. Carly Cavanagh

Science Faculty
Ms. Kate Cavanaugh P'26

Ms. Kate Cavanaugh P'26

English Faculty
Mrs. Stephanie Choate

Mrs. Stephanie Choate

English Department Chair, English Faculty
Mr. Alan Chuckran

Mr. Alan Chuckran

Science Faculty
Ms. Katherine Clark

Ms. Katherine Clark

Art and Design Faculty
Ms. Julia Cocuzzo

Ms. Julia Cocuzzo

Athletic Trainer
Mrs. Michelle Connor P'25, '28

Mrs. Michelle Connor P'25, '28

Assistant Head of School, Head of Upper School
Mrs. Amy Costa

Mrs. Amy Costa

Assistant Director of Admissions
Mr. Ricardo Cueva

Mr. Ricardo Cueva

World Languages Faculty
Ms. Abigail Czerniecki

Ms. Abigail Czerniecki

English Faculty
Mr. William Dalton

Mr. William Dalton

Campus Safety Officer
Mr. Peter DeLuca

Mr. Peter DeLuca

Mathematics Faculty
Mrs. Janet Delude

Mrs. Janet Delude

College Counselor
Mr. Francesco Donati

Mr. Francesco Donati

Science Faculty
Ms. Kristen Donnelly

Ms. Kristen Donnelly

History Faculty
Mr. Patrick Driscoll '97

Mr. Patrick Driscoll '97

Director of Athletics
Dr. William Driscoll '89

Dr. William Driscoll '89

Dean of Faculty
Mrs. Kim Esakof

Mrs. Kim Esakof

Lead School Nurse, BSN, RN, NCSN

Ms. Jennifer Evans

Campus Safety Officer
Mr. Michael Fahey

Mr. Michael Fahey

Director of Facilities
Ms. Elizabeth Farrell

Ms. Elizabeth Farrell

Science Faculty
Mr. Alfonse Femino

Mr. Alfonse Femino

History Faculty
Mrs. Kasey Field

Mrs. Kasey Field

Administrative Assistant, Admissions
Mrs. Linda Filadoro P '22 '23

Mrs. Linda Filadoro P '22 '23

World Languages Faculty
Ms. Michelle Flaherty

Ms. Michelle Flaherty

English Faculty
Mr. Tyler Fleming P'28, '30

Mr. Tyler Fleming P'28, '30

Director of Communications
Ms. Olivia Foderaro

Ms. Olivia Foderaro

College Counselor
Mrs. Amy Foley

Mrs. Amy Foley

Science and Innovation Specialist
Mrs. Laurie Ford P'26, '28

Mrs. Laurie Ford P'26, '28

Teaching and Learning Specialist
Ms. Doreen Fuller P'09, '13

Ms. Doreen Fuller P'09, '13

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Leonard Gendron

Mr. Leonard Gendron

Campus Safety Officer
Ms. Kayla Greenwood

Ms. Kayla Greenwood

Dean of Academic Affairs, Theology Faculty
Mr. Bradley Harkins

Mr. Bradley Harkins

Director of Technology
Mrs. Meghan Harkins

Mrs. Meghan Harkins

Theology Faculty
Mr. Andrew Herlihy

Mr. Andrew Herlihy

Mathematics Faculty
Ms. Aprille Hibbard

Ms. Aprille Hibbard

Science Faculty
Ms. Meaghan Holloran

Ms. Meaghan Holloran

Science Department Chair

Mrs. Mary Houghton

Administrative Assistant, Main Office
Jack Huntress

Jack Huntress

Science Faculty
Mrs. Allyson Jaena P '19, '22,'26

Mrs. Allyson Jaena P '19, '22,'26

Student Accounts Manager
Mr. Trevor Jones

Mr. Trevor Jones

Humanities Faculty
Mr. Michael Joyce

Mr. Michael Joyce

Band Director / Event Production Services Co
Mr. Raymond Kabunga

Mr. Raymond Kabunga

Theology Faculty
Dr. Joseph Kelley

Dr. Joseph Kelley

Augustinian Scholar in Residence
Mr. Adam Kramer

Mr. Adam Kramer

Assistant Director of Athletics
Sister Immaculate Kyampeire

Sister Immaculate Kyampeire

Science Faculty, Theology Faculty
Alanna LaTorella

Alanna LaTorella

Accounting and Business Operations Manager
Dr. Christy Lawrence

Dr. Christy Lawrence

World Languages Faculty

Ms. Colleen LeGros

Administrative Assistant, Main Office
Dr. Michael Lescault

Dr. Michael Lescault

Theology Faculty
Ms. Barbara Lichtman

Ms. Barbara Lichtman

Library Assistant
Mr. Edward MacKenzie '99

Mr. Edward MacKenzie '99

History Faculty
Riley Magee

Riley Magee

Athletics Facilities Specialist
Mr. PJ Malafronte

Mr. PJ Malafronte

Special Projects Manager
Mrs. Kathleen Mann

Mrs. Kathleen Mann

Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Mrs. Nicole Marley

Mrs. Nicole Marley

English Faculty
Mrs. Rebecca Martiniello

Mrs. Rebecca Martiniello

World Languages Faculty
Dr. Jessica McCormack

Dr. Jessica McCormack

Director of Music
Mr. Michael McLaughlin

Mr. Michael McLaughlin

Head of Middle School
Mr. Jack Meaney '14

Mr. Jack Meaney '14

Associate Director of Annual Giving
Mr. Jaycob Morales

Mr. Jaycob Morales

Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion
Mr. Todd Moriarty

Mr. Todd Moriarty

Sage Dining
Mr. Garret Morris

Mr. Garret Morris

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Matt Mulcahy '10

Mr. Matt Mulcahy '10

Communications Assistant
Sister Paskazia Nakitende

Sister Paskazia Nakitende

Theology Faculty
Sister Mary Namutebi

Sister Mary Namutebi

Theology Faculty
Sister Maria Nassali

Sister Maria Nassali

Assistant Head of School, Mission and Ministry, Theology Faculty
Br. Blair Nuyda

Br. Blair Nuyda

Art & Design Faculty
Mrs. Marla Pascucci-Byrne P '26, '30

Mrs. Marla Pascucci-Byrne P '26, '30

Art & Design Department Chair, Art & Design Faculty, English Faculty
Mrs. Natalie Petrillo P'10

Mrs. Natalie Petrillo P'10

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Nathan Piccini '93

Mr. Nathan Piccini '93

History Faculty
Mrs. Nicole Piccini

Mrs. Nicole Piccini

History Faculty
Mrs. Cynthia Pitta P'28,'30

Mrs. Cynthia Pitta P'28,'30

Director of College Counseling
Mrs. Alison Pliskaner

Mrs. Alison Pliskaner

Mathematics Department Chair, Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97

Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97

Associate Head of School

Dr. Kerry Pound

Science Faculty
Mrs. Nicole Putney P'26

Mrs. Nicole Putney P'26

English Faculty
Mrs. Juliana Rankin

Mrs. Juliana Rankin

Middle School Health and Wellness Counselor
Mr. William Reidy

Mr. William Reidy

Theology Faculty
Ms. Nicolle Renick

Ms. Nicolle Renick

Art & Design Faculty
Mrs. Hillary Repucci

Mrs. Hillary Repucci

Director of Development
Mr. Marcelo Rocha

Mr. Marcelo Rocha

Science Faculty
Mr. Brian Russo '09

Mr. Brian Russo '09

English and History Faculty
Mr. Corrado Russo

Mr. Corrado Russo

World Languages Faculty
Mr. Sean Ryan

Mr. Sean Ryan

Assistant Dean of Students
Ms. Lauren Sabella LMHC, SAC, CCAPT

Ms. Lauren Sabella LMHC, SAC, CCAPT

Upper School Health and Wellness Counselor
Mr. Duane Sandler

Mr. Duane Sandler

Mrs. Michelle Secor

Mrs. Michelle Secor

College Counselor
Ms. Linda Sherry P'24, P'27

Ms. Linda Sherry P'24, P'27

World Languages Department Chair, World Languages Faculty
Lisa Simmons P'24, '25, '27, '30

Lisa Simmons P'24, '25, '27, '30

Director of Admissions
Mr. Eric Smith

Mr. Eric Smith

Theology Faculty
Mr. Mark Spengler

Mr. Mark Spengler

Mr. Darren Stewart

Mr. Darren Stewart

Director of Alumni Engagement and Giving
Ms. Ushearnda Stroud

Ms. Ushearnda Stroud

Coordinator of After School and Summer Programming
Mr. Erik Sullivan

Mr. Erik Sullivan

English Faculty, College Counselor
Mr. Zheng Sun

Mr. Zheng Sun

Mathematics Faculty
Ms. Jessica Swindell

Ms. Jessica Swindell

History Faculty
Ms. Julia Taliaferro

Ms. Julia Taliaferro

Merrimack College Teaching Fellow
Ms. Jill Teichmann

Ms. Jill Teichmann

Human Resources and Payroll Manager
Ms. Cassandra Thompson

Ms. Cassandra Thompson

English Faculty
Mrs. Zhibin Tian

Mrs. Zhibin Tian

World Language Faculty
Ms. Alicia Varraso

Ms. Alicia Varraso

Assistant Dean of Students, History Faculty
Ms. Xiaofei Wang

Ms. Xiaofei Wang

World Language Faculty
Mr. John Weber P'18, '20, '22

Mr. John Weber P'18, '20, '22

Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Jon Whalen

Mr. Jon Whalen

History Department Chair, History Faculty
Mr. James Wilkins Jr.

Mr. James Wilkins Jr.

Assistant Athletic Director
Mr. Stephen Williams

Mr. Stephen Williams

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Ian Williamson

Mr. Ian Williamson

Mathematics Faculty
Mr. Adam Zona

Mr. Adam Zona

Mathematics Faculty