February 2021
February 6th, 2021
Austin Prep Celebrates National Girls & Women in Sports Day
Molly and Grace Ardito '21 were among the female members of the Austin Prep Athletics community highlighted on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, Austin Prep took part in celebrating National Girls & Women in Sports Day. This year, Austin Prep has 312 female student athletes, nearly 80% of the overall female student population. They are coached by 40 female coaches on 30 girls teams, and we are proud of their contributions to the Austin Prep community. To learn more about how sports has impacted their lives, click the links to hear from Ellie Walsh '21, Head Girls Hockey Coach Steph Wood, and Administrative Assistant to Athletics and Head JV Girls Basketball Coach Stephanie Bramante.
Super Bowl Fun Courtesy of Austin Prep Presents
Chef Peter Agostinelli '96 and Todd Moriarty, Director of Dining Service for Sage Dining at the recent Austin Prep Present Taping.
The big game is tomorrow, and while the New England Patriots are not playing, Tom Brady is, which likely still stirs emotions and for many is odd to comprehend. Tompa Bay? Tampa Brady? Despite your outlook on the game, the Super Bowl is always an opportunity to spend time with family and indulge on standard pre-game fare. This year, try out some new menu items with the help of Austin Prep Presents! Click here for an encore performance from Chef Peter Agostinelli '96 and Todd Moriarty, Director of Dining Service for Sage Dining, with recipes to help you prepare a family friendly Super Bowl party!
Final Coffee and Conversation Dates Approaching
There is still availability to join Dr. Hickey for Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School. The remaining dates are listed below. This is an opportunity to have high level discussions and open dialogue with Dr. Hickey, and to learn more about Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey looks forward to discussing the outlook for the Fall, as well as other initiatives for the 2021-22 academic year.
Here are the remaining dates:
Wednesday, February 10 - 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 11 - 8:00 a.m.
Friday, February 12 - 12:00 p.m.
The coffee and conversation with Dr. Hickey will run about 45 minutes, and will be conducted in a small group setting to help facilitate conversation. If you'd like to participate, kindly RSVP with the date to Mrs. Judy Reynolds, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at jreynolds@austinprep.org. Once confirmed, Mrs. Reynolds will email you a Zoom meeting invitation to participate.
Dr. Hickey looks forward to hosting you!
Artists and Writers Recognized Regionally
Several Austin Prep students were recently recognized for their achievements in art and writing. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. The Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent and present their remarkable work to the world through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. The Awards give students opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. Students across America entered nearly 320,000 original works in 2020 in 28 different categories of art and writing. All entries are considered for Gold Key, Silver Key, Honorable Mention, American Visions Nominee, and American Voices Nominee Awards.
Jullie Chung '21 won three Silver Keys for "Refreshment" (colored pencil), Peekaboo (colored pencil), and "Wanderer" (pencil).
Jacquie Plante '22 won an Honorable Mention for her pencil drawing, "Fears" (pencil).
Arianna Shalhoub '22 won a Silver Key for her animation, "Maple Learns to Fly." To watch the animation, click here.
For the second year in a row, Emma Kilbride '21 won a Golden Key Award for her writing. More on that below...
Emma Kilbride '21 Writing Recognized Nationally
Emma Kilbride '21
At the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards (referenced above), Gold Key winners are automatically considered for national awards. Emma Kilbride's '21 piece “The Palimpsest of Anne,” entered in the Personal Essay & Memoir category, has been nominated for the American Voices Award. Each year, jurors select pieces that they believe exceed the expectations of a Gold Key, and Emma's work was chosen as one of five pieces to be nominated for this award. Emma's piece will be adjudicated against the other four nominees at the National Level. As an American Voices nominee, Emma was awarded $500 for the achievement. Well done, Emma!
Austin Prep recognizes Faculty and Staff During Catholic Schools Week
National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States, celebrated January 31 - February 6, 2021. Specifically, on Friday, Austin Prep recognized faculty, staff and volunteers. Teachers are the backbone of Catholic schools, and we honor teachers, as well as administrators and staff who support teachers in their important work, and thank the parents, grandparents, alumni, and board members who provide volunteer service.
Students Study Crime Scene Reconstruction in Forensics Class
Science labs continue to thrive at Austin Prep, despite the unique learning environment. This month in Ms. Stacey Bishop's Forensics class, students are studying blood, including blood types and blood spatter patterns. They have been conducting labs examining the different patterns made by high velocity forces, such as gunshots, compared to medium velocity patterns made by lower impact forces. Students also simulated patterns made by arterial blood spurts. They also calculated different impact angles to determine where blood spatter originated from when reconstructing a crime scene.
Arts Spotlight: Olivia Doherty '22
Olivia Doherty '22 served as one of the cantors at this year's Convocation Mass.
The Austin Prep Arts Spotlight caught up with junior Olivia Doherty '22, who will be appearing in the student-directed, live-streamed production of Enigma later this month. Here are Olivia’s thoughts on preparing and performing:
Q. You will soon be appearing in Austin Prep’s first live-streamed drama performance, Enigma. Is this your first experience with a student director? How is it different from working with a faculty member?
A. This is my first experience working with a student director! I feel that it’s different from working with a faculty member because it can be easier to take notes or criticism from someone your age, and because I find it feels like more of a team effort as we can all share our input and work together to find what works best for the characters or the show. Our director for Enigma, Conor Long '21, is a good friend and fellow actor of mine, who I’ve worked with as a castmate many times before, so I feel very comfortable with him and working with him for this show has come easily.
Q. How do you prepare for a performance? Do you have any rituals or exercises that you do to get ready for showtime?
A. I like to start with some vocal warmups, I’ll do them with a group or just by myself depending on the cast, and I'll usually look over my lines or music one last time. I also like to focus on my breathing, whether that’s a meditation before the show or a few deep breaths in the wings right before I go on stage. That helps me to feel centered and ready to put my best self out there.
Doherty '21 has made regular appearances during livestreamed performances this year.
Q. How did live streaming reshape your ideas about performing? What are the challenges about performing this way? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? What are the best parts?
A. Live streaming has been a big change! It has kind of reshaped the way that I view theater altogether, because it's become clear throughout the pandemic that we can make theater so much more accessible with this technology, which is really exciting! Some of the challenges about performing this way are that often you get much less prep or rehearsal time since all you really need is a camera and a computer, so since there are fewer moving parts you can perform on shorter notice. Another challenge is that you don’t get the atmosphere of a big show, which means it can be hard to gain the energy to perform without anyone else around. Some of the benefits are that it's a much simpler process than a normal show would be, and although only getting one chance to perform can be stressful, it’s also a really nice feeling to be in a big empty room, film for an hour, and then be done!
Q. You were the lead in last year’s drama production of "Victoria Martin, Math Team Queen"; you’ve sung for the Pope in Rome, and you’ve been a soloist for Lessons and Carols and a lead cantor for our school masses. What’s next for Olivia Doherty? What are your future plans beyond Austin Prep?
A. I’m hoping to go to a college where I can major in liberal arts or theatre, and would love to move to New York one day. My goal is to work in theatre, whether that’s being on stage performing or in the background stage managing or producing!
February 13th, 2021
Skiers Take Top Spots at the Interscholastic Races
Deanna Dinitto'21 and Sydney Pilla '23 with Coach A.J. Reusch
The Girls Ski Team had a tremendous performance at the Interscholastic Races on Thursday. Captain Deanna Dinitto '21 had an overall 1st place finish in the Interscholastic Race, with a 1st place finish in Slalom and a 2nd place finish in Giant Slalom. Sydney Pilla '23 had a 3rd Place overall finish with a Top 5 in both Slalom and Giant Slalom. Congrats!
Winter Break Travel Requirements
With the Winter Break upon us, we know Austin Prep families may be traveling to visit extended family and friends. To that end, Austin Prep has developed a health and safety plan for Winter Break travel. We ask that you review the policy and comply with its guidelines. For the policy to be as effective as it can be, the Austin Prep community needs to be unwavering in our commitment to the common good and exemplify our core values of veritas, unitas, and caritas. There is an uncompromising expectation that we continue to honor Austin Prep’s Covenant and the Winter Break travel policy. This is a time when all of us – students, staff, and parents – need to be champions of integrity.
Black History Month Highlighted in Science Department Curriculum
Aaron Wilcox '25 studies Thomas J. Marshall, who invented the fire extinguisher in 1872.
Throughout Black History Month, we look forward to highlighting recent and current work on campus that advances our efforts in the area of mission and inclusion. The Science Department has been building off of the 2018 7th Grade Summer Reading of Chasing Space that chronicled the endeavors of Black astronaut Leland Melvin. Dr. Maria Blewitt, Science Faculty Chair, and her colleagues are focusing on the contributions of the Black community to medicine, science, and industry. A 3rd Quarter project, suggested by Dr. Crystal Kuykendall, will accentuate the contributions of Black inventors of the 19th and 20th Century to celebrate Black History Month. Students have been creating videos with links on Padlet to present a history of inventions credited to Black inventors, including the fire extinguisher, guitar, horseshoe, and mop.
Austin Prep Presents Returns February 23
On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Realtor Felicia Giuliano-Kennedy '09 will guide this conversation for first-time home buyers with her colleagues at Classified Realty. During this educational program, they will discuss navigating a competitive market, and mortgage lending, along with how to mentally prepare to take the next steps in buying your first home. We hope you can join us!
Save the Date: Dr. Crystal Kuykendall to Host Parent Webinar February 24
Austin Prep looks forward to hosting with Dr. Crystal Kuykendall a webinar for the parent community. The webinar will take place Wednesday, February 24th. Information on how to participate will be forthcoming.
Dr. Kuykendall joined the Austin Prep team in the Summer of 2020. No stranger to our campus, she was a guest speaker for the annual St. Augustine Lecture Series and deeply impressed faculty and students with her powerful storytelling and warm personality. Dr. Kuykendall has also taught at Seton Hall University and Montclair State University and is the former Executive Director of the National Alliance of Black School Educators. She has also served as the Director of Urban & Minority Relations for the National School Boards Association and the Director of the Citizens Training Institute of the National Committee for Citizens in Education. Watch this video to learn more about Dr. Kuykendall and the work she has done with the Austin Prep community. We hope you will join us.
Memorial Scholarship Applications are Now Open
Jack Iannibelli '22 received a Memorial Scholarship Award at the 2019 Memorial Scholarship Luncheon.
We are pleased again this year to be able to offer a number of Memorial Scholarships for which students in Grades 9, 10 & 11 may apply to for the 2021-2022 school year. Memorial Scholarships are available to our students due to the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created funds in memory of a loved one.
The Memorial Scholarship Program is now online and the descriptions and applications are available in the Student Portals, and here are the steps to follow to access this information:
- Log in to the Student Portal (Veracross)
- Click the box in the right column titled Memorial Scholarship Application
All applications must be completed by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 5th. There will be no extensions and applications will not be accepted via email.
Traditionally, formal presentations of the Memorial Scholarships are made during a special May luncheon. We hope to be able to hold the Memorial Scholarship luncheon again in person this year, and will follow local guidance as it pertains to gatherings. More information will be forthcoming. Award recipients will be notified by April 9th.
Please direct all questions via email to Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for External Affairs, at sbelanger@austinprep.org.
Junior Elizabeth Morin Publishes First Book
With Book Review by Ms. Lucie Langa, Teaching and Learning Specialist
When Elizabeth Morin '25 was 11 she wrote her first book. She put it on the internet and over 150,000 people read it, inspiring her to take writing more seriously. The result was The Last One, Elizabeth's first published work.
Elizabeth started the book in April 2020 and the book was published in December 2020. While most book publications take a year or longer, her writing was expedited as Elizabeth was a part of a writing challenge that helped move the process along.
"My book took me about a month to write, but that’s because I was a part of camp Nanowrimo which is a month long writing challenge," Elizabeth said. "After writing, I spent about six months editing, and after several in depth edits and re-writes, I decided I wanted to self publish it. There were a few different options I could have gone with but Amazon publishing was the best choice for me. I had help setting up a kindle direct publishing account, then I sent in the book and it was on the market a few days later."
Elizabeth is appreciative of the support of the Austin Prep community, particularly her teachers and friends who have encouraged her to pursue writing. She was also inspired by Ray Bradbury's “There Will Come Soft Rains," a piece she read in 8th and 9th grade English which always stuck with her.
"The story is great, it involves advanced technology and an accident that takes out the population. It is similar to my book, but I won’t spoil anything," Elizabeth said.
REVIEW: "A thrilling, thoughtful novel," by Lucie Langa
As a reader, I find that authors often struggle with integrating story elements: the characters take a backseat to the setting, or the plot gets lost in descriptions or themes. However, Austin Prep's own Elizabeth Morin has done in her debut novel what many seasoned writers never achieve: compose an exquisitely balanced book. The Last One is an enthralling dystopian tale of perseverance, intrigue, and the joys and sorrows of the human experience. I was immediately pulled into the world of Sarah Johnson through Elizabeth's skillful characterization and descriptive language. Elizabeth has a particular talent for capturing deep human truths and concerns in clear, accessible ways. The Last One took me on an emotional roller coaster ride: I laughed, I cried, I bit my nails from nerves, and now that I've finished, I only need one thing: more writing from Elizabeth! Truly a fantastic read for any fans of sci-fi and dystopian literature.
Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler
Mrs. Kerianne Barry and her French students made Mardi Gras themed masks in class this week.
In the 113 year history of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Carnival Association, Mardi Gras has only been cancelled a handful of times. And while the reigning monarchs of merriment and mirth won’t be tossing beads and doubloons to crowds for Mardi Gras this Tuesday one thing is clear: the COVID-19 pandemic can’t cancel the spirit of the day or the famous King Cake.
Students in Mrs. Kerianne Barry’s French 4 class got to experience this firsthand this week with a visit from Andi Oustalet, Board President of the Coastal Mississippi Mardi Gras Museum, and Leonie Johnston Simmons. Students learned about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in Mississippi - from how the kings and queens are selected to the design of the beautiful costumes and floats that are part of the pomp and pageantry of Carnival.
“Mardi Gras is about more than revelry,” Johnston Simmons shared, “it is about family, heritage, and culture.” Students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about traditions associated with the holiday, Oustalet’s vision in creating the museum, and how the Carnival Association continues to extend the celebration to everyone. “Mardi Gras is really a celebration for the thousands of people lining the parade route,” Oustalet said. The Museum will extend that celebration all year long - let the good times roll!
Middle School Mystery Tour Takes Over Campus on Wednesday
It was a day of fun for all our Middle School Students as both Cohorts were on campus on Wednesday, when they took classes then participated in the "Austin Prep Middle School Mystery Tour." The day included Kahoots, Bingo, a Faculty Baby Photo Contest and ended with ice cream. 8th graders also received special Upper School acceptance packages. It was a great day of community building with classmates!
Ms. Donnelly Contributes Book Review for MiddleWeb
Austin Prep Faculty continue their professional development outside of the classroom. As noted in a recent Cougar Courier, several faculty members have followed the lead of Head of Middle School, Mr. Michael McLaughlin, as book reviewers for MiddleWeb, a website that provides resources for teachers, school leaders, parents and others interested in the success of young adolescents.
Ms. Kristen Donnelly recently had her first book review published. Her review of Small Changes, Big Impact: 10 Strategies to Promote Student Efficacy and Lifelong Learning, can be read here. We can expect to see additional Austin Prep MiddleWeb book reviews published over the course of the school year.
Academic Decathlon Qualifies for State Finals
The Academic Decathlon team finished in third place in Region II during the regional round of the Massachusetts Academic Decathlon competition held last Saturday. With this performance, the team qualifies for the Massachusetts State Finals as the fifth seed out of the sixteen qualifying teams. The state finals will take place virtually on Saturday, March 6th. Eighteen students from Austin Prep participated in the regional competition.
Individual recognition went to the following students for their accomplishments:
- Cat Gallagher '22 - Silver Medal for Interview, Honorable Mention for Music, Economics, Literature, and Speech
- Liam Gildea '22 - Top 20% for Social Science
- Maria Hanna '22 - Bronze Medal for Interview. Top 20% for Science, Art, and Social Science. Top 20% Overall in the Scholastic Division
- Cat Jalbert '22 - Honorable Mention for Interview, Top 20% for Math, Music, Economics, Literature, Social Science, and Essay
- Michelle Laferriere '23 - Honorable Mention for Speech. Top Combined Score for Austin Prep Students
- Meredith McDonough '22 - Top 20% for Music, Essay, and Speech
- Eryn Trant '21 (Captain) - Top 20% for Literature and Interview
- Victoria Withycombe '22 - Gold Medals for Speech and Interview. Silver Medal for Music. Honorable Mention for Economics and Social Science
Our alternates combined for the highest team score of any alternate group participating in the regional competition. Participating alternates and their accomplishments were:
- Christian Alfieri '23 - Top Alternate Score for Math
- Jennifer Britto '21 - Top Alternate Score for Music, Economics, Literature, Art, and Social Science. Top Combined Score for Alternates in the Scholastic Division
- Valeria Centinaro '23 - Top 20% for Economics and Art
- Olivia Ferri '23 - Top Alternate Score for Literature
- Caroline Kelly '23 - Top Alternate Score for Economics
- Nyree Kourkounian '22 - Top 20% for Music
- Paula Reyes '24 - Top Alternate Score for Music
- Sofia Senn '23 - Top 20% Combined Score for Alternates in the Honors Division
- Anjali Serrano '23 - Top 20% for Science
- Lily Seville '23 - Top Alternate Score for Science
Special thanks to Karen (MacKenzie) Sleeman '03 for volunteering to serve as a speech and interview judge for this competition. We're still actively looking for volunteer judges for the state finals; anyone interested can contact Mr. Ed MacKenzie or Ms. Kayla Greenwood or sign up at www.massdecathlon.org.
Community Spotlight: Mr. Nicholas Reynolds
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Bryn Mawr, PA
Education/Degrees: B.A. in History - Colgate University; M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Lesley University
Years at Austin Prep: First Year
Years working in Education: 13; worked at 3 independent schools in Massachusetts before coming to AP.
Department/Area of Subject: Upper School Health and Wellness Counselor
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: My high school Latin teacher/advisor gave us the space to mature as people and grow as students because he really listened to us.
Do you have a motto you teach/counsel by?: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do;” whether it is learning a new language or speaking your truth, this Eleanor Roosevelt quote has helped me guide the students I have taught and counseled during my years in education.
What’s the most insightful thing a student has ever said to you?: “I think school is getting in the way of my education.”
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have?: Photographer
Favorite Quote: “No one belongs here more than you.” - Brene Brown
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): I love SCUBA Diving and Australia.
Any other information you would like to share: I'm located opposite the third floor central staircase, stop by!
Have a Great Winter Break!
And a Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a safe and well deserved break, Austin Prep! Campus will be closed Monday, February 15th, and the Cougar Courier will return on Saturday, February 27th.
February 27th, 2021
Spirit Week Returns to Austin Prep
Spirit Week makes its way to Austin Prep the week of March 1st - 5th. The week includes themed dressed down days, fun contests, and charitable efforts.
Bracelets are required for participation in Themed Days. Bracelets were available for purchase last week and will be available again on Monday for purchase during lunch blocks. Bracelets can be purchased for $10. Students who are fully remote can also participate in the Spirit Week's activities. To purchase a bracelet, remote students can mail a $10 check to school made payable to Austin Prep. Or students can drop off cash or a check at the Main Office or have a friend drop off their payment to the Main Office. Please put payments in an envelope with the student name clearly marked so we can document them appropriately.
All money raised during Spirit Week will benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment, with a commitment to no child being denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.
If you have questions about Spirit Week, please reach out to Mr. Patrick Costello, Coordinator of Student Activities.
Memorial Scholarship Applications Due Friday, March 5
Nico Fanuele '22 received a Memorial Scholarship Award at the 2019 Memorial Scholarship Luncheon.
As a reminder, all Memorial Scholarship applications must be completed by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 5th. There will be no extensions and applications will not be accepted via email. Students in Grades 9, 10 & 11 are eligible to apply for the Memorial Scholarships for the 2021-2022 school year. Memorial Scholarships are available to our students due to the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created funds in memory of a loved one.
Scholarship descriptions and applications are online and available in the Student Portal, and here are the steps to follow to access this information:
- Log in to the Student Portal (Veracross)
- Click the box in the right column titled Memorial Scholarship Application
Traditionally, formal presentations of the Memorial Scholarships are made during a special May luncheon. We hope to be able to hold the Memorial Scholarship luncheon again in person this year, and will follow local guidance as it pertains to gatherings. More information will be forthcoming. Award recipients will be notified by April 9th.
Please direct all questions via email to Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for External Affairs.
Austin Prep to Celebrate Women's History Month
Austin Prep looks forward to celebrating Women's History Month, which runs from March 1st - 31st. During this time, we will recognize the contributions, achievements and influence of women on the history and culture of the United States and the world, but also locally and in the Austin Prep Community. For more information, contact Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion, and be on the lookout for more information around campus, here in the Cougar Courier and on social media.
Webinar Talk with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Available to Parents
Austin Prep is committed to supporting diverse viewpoints as a pathway to greater understanding and to grow as a community of faith. Our Journey is built upon the foundation of unitas. We have registered for an AISNE Webinar on Wednesday, March 3 entitled "Go Beyond an Awareness of Racism: Contribute to the Formation of a Truly Just and Equitable Society" A Webinar Talk with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi.
Go Beyond an Awareness of Racism:
Contribute to the Formation of a Truly Just and Equitable Society
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
A Webinar Talk with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. EST
Facilitated Community Conversations for
7:15 - 8:00 p.m. EST
Dr. Kendi is a prominent lecturer on antiracism and the #1 New York Times Best-Selling author of Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America and How to Be an Antiracist.
From 2008 to 2012, Dr. Kendi has been a professor of history at State University of New York at Oneonta, University at Albany, SUNY, Brown University, University of Florida and American University in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Kendi founded the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University, serving as its executive director until June 2020, when it was announced that Dr. Kendi would join Boston University as a professor of history. Upon accepting the position, Dr. Kendi agreed to move the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University to Boston University, where he will serve as the founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. During the 2020–2021 academic year, Dr. Kendi is serving as the Frances B. Cashin Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.
The evening includes access to Dr. Kendi's 60-minute webinar talk, a recording of his talk, and an invitation to participate in a 45-minute facilitated, peer-to-peer, AISNE community conversation reflecting on Dr. Kendi's words and message. Conversations will be offered with parents: 7:15 - 8:00 p.m., which will be generously facilitated by AISNE community members including diversity, equity and inclusion practitioners across our membership of schools across New England.
If you would like to participate, please follow this registration link for our community. Be sure to click on Austin Prep in the drop down menu. You must complete this in order to attend. Space for this event is limited, so we ask you to register soon.
Flags Representing Students' Backgrounds Raised in Dining Hall
A small representation of the flags raised in the dining hall last week.
Last Fall, Austin Prep students were surveyed to highlight and recognize individual backgrounds, family traditions, cultural identity, and nationality, with a goal of better understanding our own individual history and differences. One outcome of the exercise came to fruition over the winter break. Using information provided by students regarding their family heritage, 55 flags representing countries that Austin Prep students identified as having a connection with were raised in the dining hall. Students, did you miss your chance to fill out the survey? Contact Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion, and he will grant you access to the form!
Annual Golf Tournament Returns
After having missed the opportunity to host golfers within our school community in 2020, we are excited to announce the return of the annual Austin Prep Golf Tournament! The 33rd Annual Golf Tournament will take place on May 24, 2021 at Indian Ridge Golf Club in Andover, MA. Working within local guidelines pertaining to social gatherings, we look forward to a reimagined event with the health and well being of our guests as the priority. Registration and more information will be available soon.
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. Proceeds from past golf tournaments have funded numerous campus initiatives, including the recently renovated David E. Nelson '81 Fitness Center. Now, more than ever, we welcome your participation in the event, either as a golfer or sponsor. Event sponsorships help make our event a success, and a wide array of sponsorships are available. We appreciate all those who have already committed to helping us make this a great event, and look forward to having additional members of the community join us.
If you have questions about golf sponsorships or the event in general, please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for External Affairs. We hope to see you on the course for another great day with friends in support of Austin Prep.
Dr. Crystal Kuykendall Helps to Celebrate Black History Month
Dr. William Driscoll '89 hosted Dr. Crystal Kuykendall Wednesday evening for a special webinar for the parent community.
As a part of our continued celebration of Black History Month, Austin Prep hosted Dr. Crystal Kuykendall for a special webinar for our parent community on Wednesday evening. Through brief explorations of historical components and developments, Dr. Kuykendall provided a thought-provoking overview of some of the benefits the study of Black history brings to members of the Austin Prep community. Watch this video to learn more about Dr. Kuykendall and the work she has done with the Austin Prep community.
Caritas in Action
Twin sisters Jasmine ‘26 and Izzy ‘26 Labriola made snack bags for Beverly Bootstraps and dropped those to the food pantry over vacation week.
Valentine's Day has passed but at Austin Prep love endures through our guiding value of caritas. Middle School students have been hard at work serving those in need in our local communities. Learn more about their efforts, read the latest edition of the Middle School blog.
What Do You Love About Austin Prep?
For Valentine’s Day, the National Honor Society asked students, faculty, and staff to share what they love about Austin Prep. The most common answer was an appreciation for the community. Many people shared that they felt welcomed and supported at Austin Prep. There’s a lot of love at Austin Prep! Responses can be found along the second floor hallway between the library and the Chapel of St. Augustine. Check them out!
Winter Sport Student Athletes Celebrate Senior Days
Boys Basketball
Lence Altenor, Michael Gizzi, George Kiu, Marveen Pierre, Adrian Quezada
Girls Basketball
Grace Ardito, Molly Ardito, Amanda Patti, Katelin Stone, Gabrielle Vachon
Boys Hockey
Deniro DeMarco, Joseph Thibodeau, Brady McGrath, Colin McGrath, Trevor Lundy, Douglas Russo, Conor Peterson
Girls Hockey
Jade Owirka, Amelia Oulton, Elise Lyons, Allie Martinson, Cassandra Valentine
Boys and Girls Skiing
Elizabeth Bodette, Brooke Brown, Deanna DiNitto, Jack Bartley, Maxwell Clarke
Boys and Girls Swimming
Bennett Donnelly, Elizabeth Walsh, Molly Dugan, Gwyneth Kirby, Kathleen Morrison, Ryan Noyes
Lunar New Year Celebrations End With the Lantern Festival
Austin Prep International Students celebrating the start of the Lunar New Year.
Yesterday was the Lantern Festival, which traditionally marks the end of the Lunar New Year period. The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Those who celebrate will go out to look at the moon, send up flying lanterns, fly bright drones, have a meal, and enjoy time together with family and friends in parks and natural areas. We hope those in the Austin Prep community who celebrate had a great Lunar New Year!
Community Spotlight: Mr. Adam Zona
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Milford, CT
Education/Degrees: B.A. Mathematics/Applied Sciences; M.A. in Physiology
Years at Austin Prep: First Year
Years working in Education: 4
Department/Area of Subject: Math
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: My college math teacher, Jeff Rabin, was an excellent teacher. His patience for teaching and passion for math always made learning both enjoyable and rewarding.
Do you have a motto you teach by? Or an expression you try to instill in your classroom? “Going to school is like going to the gym. Just like NFL players work on their bench press to improve their overall strength, students work on studies in core academic subjects to train their minds to be stronger, faster, more analytical, and more creative.”
What’s the most insightful thing a student has ever said to you? “When I understand the basics, I master the complexities.”
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have? Climatologist
Accolades: Visiting Team Member, NEASC
Favorite Quote: “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.” - Robert Frost
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): When I was a student I was involved in the student government and I enjoyed helping out students with special needs.