January 2021
January 9th, 2021
College Test Prep Course Webinar for Juniors is Monday
As a reminder, the College Counseling Office, along with our course partner, Summit Educational Group, will be hosting a webinar on the upcoming Junior College Test Prep Course this Monday, January 11 at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Drew Heilpern, Summit Chief Brand Ambassador, will provide families with an overview of the SAT and ACT test prep curriculum. Ms. My Doan and Mrs. Cyndy Pitta, Co-Directors of College Counseling, will give a brief summary of what to expect during the entire course. Webinar information was sent to Juniors and their families on Monday, January 4th.
Select Athletics Contests to be Livestreamed
The girls freshman basketball game vs. Bishop Fenwick was livestreamed on Friday to the Austin Prep community.
Over the past few weeks, Austin Prep has continued to offer athletic opportunities with the start of winter sports. Over 350 student-athletes participated in tryouts for winter sports, which officially began on December 14th after two weeks of pre-season workouts. It has been a welcome sight to see so many students, coaches and staff interacting together, and we appreciate the patience and support of all those who made this return to play possible in very unique circumstances.
While current restrictions and guidance prevent us from having spectators at games, we are excited to have been able to livestream select athletic contests to family and friends. For an upcoming schedule of livestreamed events, and to access the livestream, click on the button below.
Santa's Austin Prep Journey
Santa Claus' Christmas Journey included a stop at Austin Prep, and it was a fun two weeks with him between Lessons and Carols and Christmas Day. Although his stay has come to an end, we thank all those in the school community who followed him on his search for the one person on his naughty list this year (who would have thought it would be Mr. McLaughlin? He is so nice!). To view the entire Austin Prep Santa Claus experience, click the video link above! Until next year...
Virtual Masses Continue with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Mass
Mrs. Michelle Connor, Father Patrick Armano, Conor Long '21 and Mr. Stephen Williams at the virtual Christmas Day Mass.
We are grateful for all those who joined in for our virtual Christmas Day Mass, which included the splendid piano playing and singing of Mr. Stephen Williams and Conor Long '21, respectively. In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr, Day we will celebrate a virtual Mass for life, justice, and peace, on Monday, January 18th. Information on how to access the Mass will be forthcoming.
Austin Prep Presents Returns January 26
We look forward to the next instalment in the Austin Prep Presents series, which will take place Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, will host Rob Peterson ’04, Attorney, The Law Office of Attorney Robert G. Peterson. The webinar, entitled, "Estate Planning: It's Never Too Early!" will take you through the legal terminology and default rules associated with inheritance, general concepts governing wills and trusts, identifying probate and non-probate assets and distribution, along with advance directives, including living wills, health care powers of attorney, and financial powers of attorney. Webinar information will be sent in advance of the event. We hope you will join us!
Meet Our Head Green Key Ambassadors
Austin Prep's Green Key Ambassadors are an invaluable connection between our admissions office and prospective families. Our Green Keys interact with prospective families at admissions events, serve as tour guides during their free block, and host students for shadow days. Click below to learn more about the 2020-21 class of Green Key Ambassadors! If you know of a prospective family who would like to learn more about the Austin Prep experience directly from a Green Key Ambassador, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@austinprep.org.
Meet Our Head Green Key Ambassadors
Thank You for your Support of the Annual Fund!
Thank you to all those who kept Austin Prep in their year-end giving plans this past holiday season. 2020 was a unique year, yet we accomplished a great deal, largely due to Annual Fund support. We are more resilient than ever and we are forever grateful!
Students Make Literary Connections Using Math Code
Students taking Honors Algebra II with Ms. Alison Fish, Mr. Stephen Williams, Ms. Amy Cole, and Ms. Michele Brewer participated in a cross-curricular project with students in Mr. Matt Diapella and Mr. Vin Parella's English classes. Students had to choose a character from a recent novel that they read in English class. Students selected Junior from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Starr from The Hate U Give, Luma from Outcasts United, and Romeo from Romeo and Juliet among others. The students had to send a secret message from one character to another that would change the outcome of the novel. They translated the message into numeric code that they then encoded using matrices. The students practiced encoding and decoding matrices and also produced creative ways to send these messages that were fitting to the novels and characters they chose. The entire project was able to be done virtually this year.
Middle Schoolers Perform Well in AMC 8 Math Competition
Matthew O'Malley '25 and Anika Mittal '25 were the highest Austin Prep scorers in the recent AMC 8 Middle School Math Competition
Austin Prep's Middle School once again administered the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) for all Middle School Algebra I and II students. The contest took place on Tuesday, November 10th. Students who take the AMC 8 have the opportunity to develop creative quantitative thinking skills, which better prepares them to succeed in high school math classes. This competition aims to challenge and inspire students to become lifelong learners of mathematics.
The following Middle School students should be recognized for their outstanding performance. Congratulations!
Highest Austin Prep score
1. Matthew O'Malley '25
2. Anika Mittal '25
3. Bruce McGinley '25
Honorable Mention
Steven Reyes '26
Madeline Byrnes '25
Malerie Lague '25
Russell '21 and Gupta '21 Reflect on Womens Conference
On Thursday, December 10th, Kayla Russell '21 and Arya Gupta '21 virtually attended the 2020 Massachusetts Conference for Women. The mission of The Conferences for Women is to "promote, communicate and amplify the influence of women in the workplace and beyond." At the annual nonpartisan, nonprofit conference, thousands of active professionals are brought together to connect, renew, and find inspiration in community.
After the Conference, both Kayla and Arya took some time to reflect on the experience.
Kayla: It was absolutely amazing and I could not have asked for a better experience! Expert speakers led seminars discussing the issues that matter most to women, including personal finance, business and entrepreneurship, health, work/life balance, and more. Everything each speaker had to say was unique and inspirational. They made me think about life in ways I wouldn’t have before. Some of my favorite speakers were Rachel Cargle, Awkwafina, and Alicia Keys. Rachel Cargle delivered a powerful story discussing the difference between being not racist and anti-racist, Awkwafina talked about changing the image of Asian Americans in the media and the difference between diversity and representation, and Alicia Keys addressed how she is done subscribing to the stereotypes of women and how to lead with love and compassion. One of the most memorable quotes from Alicia Keys that stuck out to me was “I’m done with anything I don’t deserve." I was incredibly moved by every speaker. Since then, their stories continue to make me think about our society and how we treat and address women and racism.
Arya: It was a fantastic opportunity for us to listen to women who are experts in their fields share their experiences and what they’ve learned from them. I attended sessions about serving the community, being anti-racist, practicing wellness in a pandemic, and leading through change. My favorite speakers were Alicia Keys, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and Rachel Cargile. Alicia Keys spoke about the importance of defining happiness on your own terms and striving to achieve your version of success, not anyone else’s. Doris Kearns Goodwin shared fun anecdotes about several past U.S. presidents and what their perspectives and advice might be for us in this time of crisis. Rachel Cargile talked about her journey with intersectional feminism and the importance of acknowledging and unlearning the racism that stems from a history of white-focused feminism. My favorite quote from the day was something Alicia Keys said that really stuck with me: “We’ve got to do what’s right even if we don’t personally benefit from it.” I hope to be intentional about implementing this idea into my life from now on.
Both Kayla and Arya expressed gratitude to Mrs. Maureen McGinness P'20 and Mr. Jay Tebbens, Dean of Students, who made their attendance possible.
Annual Holiday Door Decorating Winners
Austin Prep had its annual Door Decorating contest in the final days before the Christmas. This year, we had an opportunity for students to participate remotely by decorating a door in their own home. Below, you will find the winners of the virtual Door Decorating contest, as well as some of the standout doors from classrooms and offices on campus. Thank you to all those who participated!
Community Spotlight: Ms. Alison Holland
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Stoneham, MA
Education/Degrees: BS in Biology from Union College & MAT in Secondary Education from Simmons College
Years at Austin Prep: This is my first year at Austin.
Years working in Education: This is my 8th year working in education, (3 at Malden Catholic and 4 at North Andover High School). I also worked briefly as a paraeducator in the Stoneham Public Schools.
Department/Area of Subject: Science/Biology
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: My sophomore year biology/ health teacher, Ms. Chapman. She was also my soccer coach. Ms. Chapman was down to earth, open, honest and approachable. Her enthusiasm for the subject made her class fun.
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have?: I would probably be a field scientist studying animals. When I was a kid I always imagined I would be like Jane Goodall studying chimpanzees.
Favorite Quote: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore /J.K. Rowling
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): I have run 5 marathons.
January 16th, 2021
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
In remembrance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Austin Prep will be closed Monday. We wish a Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to our entire community.
Virtual Mass on Monday for Life, Justice, and Peace
Join Mr. Raymond Kabunga, Fr. Patrick Armano, Olivia Doherty '22, and Mr. Stephen Williams for a special virtual mass on Monday.
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we invite all members of the Austin Prep community to join Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, on Monday, January 18th for Mass. The virtual Mass for life, justice, and peace will be celebrated from the Chapel of Saint Augustine on the Austin Prep campus. The Mass can be viewed on the Austin Prep YouTube channel, and the link will be distributed on Monday morning. We hope you can join us.
Students Continue to Demonstrate Caritas in Action
Austin Prep students continue to embody the School's mission by demonstrating the importance of service to others. William Burns '22 showed the value of caritas within his local community this past holiday season. To read more about how Will raised over $1,700 for the Reading Food Pantry!
January Edition of Journey of the Heart
Children of Austin Prep employees in the Academic Enrichment Program.
You may recall back in December, Dr. Hickey shared in one of his communications that we would highlight once a month some programs, activities, and initiatives at Austin Prep that exemplify our core values. Through Journey of the Heart, which is published on our website, members of the staff will share their insights. January's edition of Journey of the Heart focuses on how Austin Prep launched a mutually beneficial program to support students and staff. As Dr. Hickey said, "Austin Prep will continue to lead and adapt as needed to sustain the unwritten curriculum for this – and future generations of students." Austin Prep does that best by living mission.
Samaritans Webinar on January 19
On Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00 p.m., Samaritans, a well-known national organization providing suicide prevention and education services, will be hosting a parent webinar entitled "How to Help a Friend."
Kendra McDonald, Manager of Community Outreach and Education at Samaritans, will speak to parents on this important topic and how it relates to students in our community. Attached you will find a description of the webinar.
In the coming weeks, Samaritans will also hold a workshop with each Austin Prep upper school advisory group. Students will learn to identify important signs and symptoms of depression and suicidality in themselves and their peers. Most importantly, students will learn how to access help and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Those dates are January 25 and 28, and February 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, and 10. To access the webinar, click below:
Samaritans Webinar | January 19, 7:00 p.m.
Head of School Holiday is January 22
In case you need a reminder, which is unlikely, Dr. Hickey granted students a Head of School Holiday, which is scheduled for Friday, January 22. It has been a hectic stretch with midterms and modified schedules and all the other challenges and adversity caused by Covid-19, but we made it to the halfway point of the 2020-21 Academic Year. Use the day of no classes to rest, recharge and celebrate. Thanks, Dr. Hickey!
Austin Prep Presents Returns January 26
We look forward to the next installment in the Austin Prep Presents series, which will take place Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, will host Rob Peterson ’04, Attorney, The Law Office of Attorney Robert G. Peterson. The webinar, entitled, "Estate Planning: It's Never Too Early!" will take you through the legal terminology and default rules associated with inheritance, general concepts governing wills and trusts, identifying probate and non-probate assets and distribution, along with advance directives, including living wills, health care powers of attorney, and financial powers of attorney. Webinar information will be sent in advance of the event. We hope you will join us!
Cubby Cares Mentorship Program
Seniors TJ Brosnan, Faith Moran, Ryan Noyes, Brianna Fountain, and Arya Gupta are among the leaders of the Cubby Cares Mentorship Program.
This week, Austin Prep unveiled a new program entitled "Cubby Cares," an innovative mentoring program between Upper School Green Key Ambassadors and new Middle School students. Spearheaded by Faith Moran '21 under the direction of Mrs. Brenda Simblaris, Assistant Director of Admissions, Cubby Cares is an effort to build supportive and cohesive relationships between Upper School and Middle School students. In the spirit of Unitas, this program will assist in building community in the hallways of Austin Prep. Assisting Faith in her efforts are TJ Brosnan '21, Ryan Noyes '21, Brianna Fountain '21, Arya Gupta '21, Arpi Sharma '21, and Sal Lococo '21. A total of 60 sophomore, junior and senior Green Key Ambassadors will be meeting a minimum of once a month with their 6th or 7th grade mentees to provide them with support and guidance within the Austin Prep community. Middle schoolers will have an opportunity to seek out advice from their Upper School peers and simply build friendships with their mentors. Part of growing personally and within our school community is relationship building and discovering your academic and personal interests. Our Cubby Cares Mentors are ready to lead their Middle school Cubbies to success! Students will meet at the beginning of the second semester to kick off the program.
Community Spotlight: Mr. Nick Quinn
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Woburn, MA
Education/Degrees: B.A. in Classics from Saint Anselm College, Masters in Educational Leadership from University of New England
Years at Austin Prep: 1st
Years working in Education: 15
Department/Area of Subject: Language/Latin, Theater
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: Mr. Dan Keller, orchestra conductor and teacher for 8 years, head of the tech crew for the theater department, and leader of the outing club. Mr. Keller inspired me to love the science and art of music, encouraged my passion for technical theater and stage design, and pushed me to enjoy the outdoors, especially snowshoeing!
Do you have a motto you teach by? Or an expression you try to instill in your classroom? Be open to other outlooks while learning. Others may learn different, teachers may teach different, societies may act different. Accepting these differences, even if you disagree with them, and appreciating them for what they are will make you a better world citizen.
What’s the most insightful thing a student has ever said to you? “Thank you for giving me my first lead role.” - Student who is now pursuing a career in Broadway.
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have? Chef. I love to cook, experiment in the kitchen, and watch others try my creations.
Favorite Quote: Don’t quietly sneak into oblivion; go in screaming, with your hair on fire, face covered in chocolate, sliding head first into the grave. And as you stand up and dust yourself off, shake St. Peter’s hand, say “Man! What a ride!”
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): I am a classically trained violinist with a passion for movies, music, food, and travel. I regularly tell my wife that “if I don’t come home, you can find me on the North Shore of Crete, soaking in the sun and enjoying what life should really be like.”
January 23rd, 2021
Student-Athletes Honor Martin Luther King Jr. Over the Holiday Weekend
Over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday weekend, members of our Boys and Girls Basketball and Boys and Girls Hockey teams wore armbands and helmet stickers on the court and ice to recognize and celebrate Dr. King's legacy and impact on our society. The armbands and stickers will continue to be worn throughout Black History Month, which Austin Prep is looking forward to celebrating this February. In the coming weeks, be on the lookout for special programming happening on campus celebrating Black History Month.
Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School
As we transition to the second semester, Head of School Dr. James Hickey has announced a series of dates in the coming weeks for virtual Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School. These informal gatherings are great opportunities to have high level discussions and open dialogue with Dr. Hickey, and to learn more about Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey looks forward to discussing the outlook for the Fall, as well as other initiatives for the 2021-22 academic year. Here are the dates:
Wednesday, January 27 - 8:00 a.m.
Thursday, January 28 - 12:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 2 - 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, February 3 - 8:00 a.m.
Thursday, February 4 - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 10 - 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 11 - 8:00 a.m.
Friday, February 12 - 12:00 p.m.
The coffee and conversation with Dr. Hickey will run about 45 minutes, and will be conducted in a small group setting to help facilitate conversation. If you'd like to participate, kindly RSVP with the date to Mrs. Judy Reynolds, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at jreynolds@austinprep.org. Once confirmed, Mrs. Reynolds will email you a Zoom meeting invitation to participate.
Austin Prep Admissions Efforts Thrive Despite Adversity
Entering the Admissions Season, School Receives Record Number of Applications
Newly accepted Austin Prep students will receive a special accepted student package in the coming days.
Admissions season is always a stressful time for any school. By adding a global pandemic to that equation, admissions offices everywhere have been put under a level of pressure never felt before. Austin Prep and the Office of Admissions has been no exception to this reality. With the loss of in-person shadow days, school fairs and the annual Open House in October, Austin Prep’s Admissions staff had to go back to the drawing board and completely reinvent the admissions process.
This Admissions cycle has seen the introduction of virtual shadow days, a complete redesign of our merit scholarship process, and a virtual Open House. The virtual Open House replaced the traditional in person Fall Open House, and featured department specific, 90 minute sessions spanning an entire week. These innovative and unique initiatives resulted in a 34% jump in completed applications and a 41% increase in accepted students during this admissions cycle. As was true with the 2020-21 academic year, the 2021-22 academic year is projected to result in an Admissions waitlist.
"Austin Prep is incredibly blessed to have had a record-breaking admissions season, but quite simply, this would never have been accomplished without our entire community. The Office of Admissions is incredibly thankful to everyone who played invaluable roles in guiding the future of our school through such challenging times," Director of Admissions, Steve Silverthorn said. "The leadership of Dr. Hickey in keeping our campus open to our students, the faculty for creating and implementing a curriculum conducive to hybrid learning, our facilities department for keeping our campus safe, the department chairs and coaching staff for the countless handwritten notes to newly accepted students, the athletic department's relentless efforts to keep our students physically active and socially connected, the parents who supported our school on social media, in their communities and at virtual events, and most importantly, our students who hosted shadow students and spoke at all admissions event, all attributed to our success this year."
We are a community guided by the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas. The entire community rallying to support Austin Prep throughout this Admissions cycle is one of the most powerful examples of living mission our school has seen. Veritas empowered us with the confidence to accept the many challenges we knew we would undoubtedly face; Unitas inspired everyone to apply their skills and passions to work together in order to keep our school true to what we aim to offer; and Caritas guided our entire community with the unwavering commitment to protecting our school against any and all uncertainties.
Full Slate of Live Streamed Athletics Action This Weekend
Friday night's Austin Prep Senior Night swim meet was live streamed from the Burbank YMCA in Reading.
Austin Prep continues to offer live streamed athletic contests to family and friends, and we have a busy schedule over the next few days.
January 23 10:00 a.m. Boys JV Ice Hockey Austin Prep vs. Archbishop Williams
January 23 12:00 p.m. Boys Middle School Basketball Austin Prep vs. MASS Elite
January 23 12:20 p.m. Boys Varsity Ice Hockey Austin Prep vs. St. Mary's HS - MA
January 25 1:30 p.m. Boys Middle School Basketball Austin Prep vs. MASS Elite
January 25 3:15 p.m. Girls Freshman Basketball Austin Prep vs. Arlington Catholic
January 25 4:45 p.m. Girls JV Basketball Austin Prep vs. Arlington Catholic
January 25 6:15 p.m. Girls Varsity Basketball Austin Prep vs. Arlington Catholic
For access to the livestreams, click on the button below.
Austin Prep Presents Returns Tuesday
We look forward to the next installment in the Austin Prep Presents series, which will take place Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, will host Rob Peterson ’04, Attorney, The Law Office of Attorney Robert G. Peterson. The webinar, entitled, "Estate Planning: It's Never Too Early!" will take you through the legal terminology and default rules associated with inheritance, general concepts governing wills and trusts, identifying probate and non-probate assets and distribution, along with advance directives, including living wills, health care powers of attorney, and financial powers of attorney. You can register for the event by clicking here. We hope you will join us!
Middle School Students Create Website to Pitch an Olympic Bid
Middle School students created a website to promote a bid for Warsaw to host the 2028 Olympic Games. The website banner is shown above.
Skyscrapers rise above the red roofs of the Old Town: Warsaw is a city with a rich past and a bright future. Warsaw was recently declared the "winning host city" for the 2028 Olympic Games in Mr. Jon Whalen's Topics in Technology: The Olympics course. Middle School students spent the past several classes building a website to promote a bid for the Olympics in 2028. Students were challenged to "hook" the Olympic Committee by highlighting the unique history and heritage of their bid city, consider logistics like transportation and accommodation for athletes and spectators, and propose existing and new infrastructure to accommodate the 33 different sports that are a part of the Summer Games. Dylan Harris '27 was one of the group members who worked on the Warsaw bid, "From learning about different cities, to making a detailed website on the unique stadiums, games, hotels and much more that the city has to offer, I enjoyed every part of it."
You can check out the group's work by clicking here.
Student Artwork Featured on Edutopia's Instagram
The artwork of students in Mr. Nathan Piccini's American Experience 10th grade class was recently featured on Edutopia's Instagram. Edutopia is a non-profit educational support foundation founded by George Lucas. Their newsletter and website offers videos, lessons and support for those in K-12 Education. Edutopia was in search of examples of art projects that K-12 teachers have done in their core subjects.
The students used Adobe Spark to make digital collages that represent President Roosevelt's Four Freedoms. Its a take on the Normal Rockwell Series that accompanied the speech during World War II and inspired by the Rockwell Museum project called Reimagining Rockwell. Ms. Jamie Schefen and Mrs. Heather Scott both provided Mr. Piccini with the digital tools to walk students through setting up their collages.
The caption accompanying the photo of the artwork is as follows: "Digital Collages: Inspired by Norman Rockwell’s paintings, Nathan Piccini had his high school students develop their own modern artistic interpretations of themes from either Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech or President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address. Students created digital collages and then wrote an accompanying one-page reflection."
Samaritans Webinar Recording Available Here
On Tuesday, January 19th, Samaritans, a well-known national organization providing suicide prevention and education services, hosted a parent webinar entitled "How to Help a Friend." During the webinar, Kendra McDonald, Manager of Community Outreach and Education at Samaritans, spoke to parents on this important topic and how it relates to students in our community. You can view the webinar below.
In the coming weeks, Samaritans will also hold a workshop with each Austin Prep upper school advisory group. Students will learn to identify important signs and symptoms of depression and suicidality in themselves and their peers. Most importantly, students will learn how to access help and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Those dates are January 25 and 28, and February 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, and 10.
Community Spotlight: Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Reading, MA
Education/Degrees: Master of Science in Biology, Boston University, Bachelor of Science in Marine Science, Jacksonville University
Years at Austin Prep: First year.
Years working in Education: I have worked as a teaching fellow for a total of two years. I previously taught oceanography, biology II, and marine science classes to undergraduate and graduate students at Jacksonville University, Boston University, Harvard University Extension and Harvard University. This semester, I am working as a teaching fellow for conservation biology at Harvard!
Department/Area of Subject: Science: Chemistry, Marine Science, Oceanography, Topics in Technology: A Zoo Habitat
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: My calculus teacher inspired me by pushing me harder academically than any other class I had taken in high school. She had high expectations and strict rules, but also had faith in her students that motivated us to put in the effort needed to succeed. I stayed up later and studied harder than I ever had but it allowed me to become a better student and a much harder worker. She helped me see how incredible it feels to overcome a challenge and taught me that you can do anything if you put in the effort. Without the lessons she taught me, I do not think I would have had the drive or study skills to make it through two semesters of organic chemistry in college. I am so thankful she was “hard” on me and pushed me to be better!
Do you have a motto you teach by? Or an expression you try to instill in your classroom? The earlier you start working on something, the earlier you will get results!
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have? Wildlife/Marine Biologist
Accolades: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Scholar Finalist, Princeton University
Favorite Quote: “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ― Jane Goodall
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): After college I was lucky enough to work with over 30 different species of birds as a bird trainer at Southwick’s Zoo and then as a penguin aquarist at the New England Aquarium. I left the aquarium in 2020 to spend more time on my master’s research but spend every weekend outside looking for, and photographing, birds!
Here are some photos of a breeding pair of red-tailed hawks I took last week in Reading:
Another fun fact: I am working on hiking all 48 of the New Hampshire 4000 footers. So far, Mt. Washington has been my favorite. I love hiking and hope to hike the entire Appalachian trail someday (Georgia to Maine)!
Any other information you would like to share: I am the #1 fan of the Austin Prep/Sage Dining homemade ice cream sandwiches.
January 30th, 2021
Don't Miss Your Chance for Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Hickey
As noted in last Saturday's Cougar Courier, Head of School Dr. James Hickey has announced a series of dates in the coming weeks for virtual Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School. Dr. Hickey has recently hosted two Coffee and Conversation events and is grateful for those who participated.
There is still availability to join Dr. Hickey for future Coffee and Conversation dates, which are listed below. This is an opportunity to have high level discussions and open dialogue with Dr. Hickey, and to learn more about Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey looks forward to discussing the outlook for the Fall, as well as other initiatives for the 2021-22 academic year.
Here are the remaining dates:
Tuesday, February 2 - 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, February 3 - 8:00 a.m.
Thursday, February 4 - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 10 - 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 11 - 8:00 a.m.
Friday, February 12 - 12:00 p.m.
The coffee and conversation with Dr. Hickey will run about 45 minutes, and will be conducted in a small group setting to help facilitate conversation. If you'd like to participate, kindly RSVP with the date to Mrs. Judy Reynolds, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at jreynolds@austinprep.org. Once confirmed, Mrs. Reynolds will email you a Zoom meeting invitation to participate.
Dr. Hickey looks forward to hosting you!
Austin Prep Looks Forward to Celebrating Black History Month
At Austin Prep, the foundation of our community is our Catholic and Augustinian tradition. This underpins our educational approach to develop a community that reflects the diversity of the human family. In the Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo wrote that we are members of the same family and we must respect the inherent dignity of all human beings. This commitment is continuous and not relegated to a single month. Rather, our approach is infused with all our efforts to augment our core values of veritas, unitas and caritas.
We highlight our ongoing commitment to fostering respect for all people in our celebration of Black History Month. Led by Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Inclusion and Community Engagement, Austin Prep has planned numerous activities for staff and students throughout the month of February to honor the achievements of Black Americans and their contributions to our country and world. In addition to the special activities planned for Black History Month, we look forward to highlighting in various outlets the many year-round components of our curriculum which guide us towards the overarching objective to form graduates who are lifelong learners, passionate global citizens, curious collaborative scholars, and compassionate servants.
As we look forward to Black History Month, take a minute to learn about how our Middle School students recently celebrated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., as detailed in the latest edition of the Middle School Blog.
Austin Prep Adds Two to Board of Trustees
John and Sun-Min Han P'20 with daughter Mia '20 at the Girls Soccer Senior Game in the Fall of 2019
Austin Prep is pleased to announce that John and Sun-Min Han P’20, of Burlington, have been recently named as members of the School's Board of Trustees, Mr. and Mrs. Han are parents to four daughters, including recent Austin Prep graduate Mia ’20.
Mr. Han has an extensive background in engineering and science related research fields. In 1991, Mr. Han founded Rubix Composites, Inc. where he currently serves as President and CEO. Rubix Composites, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of structural insulation and specialty refractory products for a variety of industrial high temperature heating applications. With funding support from Department of Defense and Energy grants to develop insulation alternatives to asbestos, Rubix Composites was founded to provide reliable solutions for difficult engineering challenges. Mrs. Han supports the operations at Rubix Composites by serving as the Workplace Manager and accountant.
Prior to founding Rubix Composites, Mr. Han served as an Application Engineer with Hexcel Corporation and as a Materials Engineer with IBM. Mr. Han received his B.S. and M.Eng. degrees in Material Science Engineering, both from Cornell University. Mr. Han is a member of the American Ceramic Society and Industrial Heating Association.
Mrs. Han received her B.A. Degree in English from Rutgers. She held various administrative roles within the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government Admissions and National Security Program offices before committing completely to raising her four daughters and assisting with the operations at Rubix Composites. Mrs. Han has been active in volunteering as a member of the Trustees of Reservations, and in the Burlington Schools and with the Austin Prep Parents Association.
Education has been an important component of the Han family story. Mr. and Mrs. Han immigrated to the United States from South Korea as young children. Both of Mr. Han's parents were school teachers – a highly respected profession in South Korea – yet moved the family to the United States for greater educational opportunities as the family viewed a quality education as a way to thrive. As a result of various grant and scholarship programs, Mr. Han was able to attend boarding school at St. Mark’s School in Southborough, MA. Educational opportunities also guided Mrs. Han's family, as they eventually landed in New Jersey as a result of her musically inclined sisters’ desire to attend the Juilliard School in New York City.
The Hans look forward to continuing to support education based initiatives by expanding their role with Austin Prep. They are grateful for their family, educational, and business success in the United States, as they believe no other place could have afforded their family these opportunities, and hope to be able to support future Austin Prep families in a similar manner.
Work Begins on the New Middle School Strategic Plan
Middle School Students during the 2019-20 Academic Year.
The Middle School Strategic Plan Committee has started to meet to imagine the possibilities and chart the course of the Middle School program from 2021 to 2026. The plan’s framework will ensure that Austin Prep purposefully addresses priorities to sustain and strengthen the growth of the Middle School: a distinctive academic experience centered on scholarship and character; a student life experience that builds confidence and community; faculty professional development that promotes a comprehensive approach to teaching the whole child; marketing and communication activities that define the uniqueness of the Middle School Journey; and enrollment management strategies that sustain stable patterns of growth. In addition, the plan will ensure attention to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice programs that are inextricably intertwined into the course of study.
The Committee looks forward to keeping the entire community informed of their work, and will communicate updates throughout the process.
Students Perform in Virtual Theatre Contest
Jillian McAuley '24 Caroline Brabeck '25
Jillian McAuley '24 and Caroline Brabeck '25 were named "Top 8 in the State" at the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild's first statewide virtual contest day. Jillian performed the role of Nora from Brighton Beach Memoirs, and Caroline performed the role of Sally from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Both girls selected their own pieces, rehearsed, and recorded remotely. Congratulations on wonderful performances!
Austin Prep Alum Assists With Super Bowl Party Menu
On February 2nd at 7:00 p.m., Todd Moriarty, Director of Dining Services for SAGE Dining at Austin Prep will host Class of 1996 alum Chef Peter Agostinelli of New Hampshire's LaBelle Winery. Together in Austin Prep's Dining Hall Pizza Kitchen, Chef Peter and Mr. Moriarty will prepare a Super Bowl party menu that the whole family will enjoy!
The webinar will be made available on the Austin Prep YouTube Channel on February 2nd at 6:55 p.m. and through our social media outlets.
Click here now to get the recipes so that you can follow along with Chef Peter and Todd!
Middle School Students "Dive In" to the Shark Tank
Last semester, Mr. Patrick Costello, Coordinator of Student Activities, developed a new Art and Design elective on business management, the latest course in the popular Topics in Technology strand. Students' final projects involved creating a portfolio for their own fictitious business. A number of projects went into the portfolio such as building a website highlighting products and services, creating a video commercial, and researching the value of a business plan while incorporating short and long-term strategies/goals.
Bree Anderson '25 created a website for her business True Barrier Protective Masks
Along the way, students considered leveraging technology to make their business successful. The class brainstormed strategies on how to compete against existing businesses, reviewed components of effective marketing and branding strategies, and discussed the importance of location. Bree Anderson '25 developed a website for her business True Barrier Protective Masks. "I really loved taking Topics in Technology with Mr. Costello because it was a very hands on class. It helped me to get a better understanding of technology today and technology from a while back. It also has helped me learn what it takes to make a company, and the skills needed so that one day in life I will be able to create my own company if that is what I desire. I will definitely miss this class," Bree said.
Francesca Maitino '25 scripted and filmed a commercial for her subscription box business Seasons Greetings. “Topics in Technology helped me attain business skills in a stimulating environment. I enjoyed the project-based nature of the class, and Mr. Costello made learning about the evolution of technology interesting," Franscesca said.
Mr. Costello will lead the course again this semester for another group of future entrepreneurs who are already crafting their plans to "dive in" to the Shark Tank later this spring.
Fall/Winter 2020 Journey Magazine is Available
We share news among our community and beyond through our alumni and student publication, Journey magazine. The magazine includes updates from our alumni, students, faculty and parents. Produced by the Office of External Affairs, it is available in print and digital format. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the life of our alumni and students.
Alumni are encouraged to e-mail your news, including family additions, relocations, career changes, recent travel and any other updates for the Austin Prep community to Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, at jennifer.hodgdon@austinprep.org.
Austin Prep Highlighted in Notre Dame Program Feature
Austin Prep was recently featured in a news story by The University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), highlighting how Austin Prep's mission has guided the School's successful navigation of the pandemic. The ACE program helps develop Catholic School educators and sustains and strengthens under-resourced Catholic schools through leadership formation, research and professional service to ensure that all children, especially those from low-income families, have the opportunity to experience the gift of an excellent Catholic education.
Admissions Acceptance Emails and Boxes Sent this Week
Admissions decision emails were sent to admitted students on Monday, and accepted students boxes were sent in the mail on Thursday. The week marked an important milestone in what has been a successful admissions cycle for Austin Prep. We thank all those who have been involved in the process, including our Green Key Ambassadors who helped assemble the boxes this week!
Community Spotlight: Ms. Anya Huston
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Milbridge, Maine
Education/Degrees: BA in Psychology, minor Philosophy - Bates College; MFA in Creative Writing (concentration in Children’s Literature) - Lesley University.
Years at Austin Prep: First Year.
Years working in Education: 15 years. I have worked in college admissions at Bentley University and Emmanuel College, worked as an independent college counselor and was Director of College Counseling at a Boston independent school prior to coming to Austin Prep.
Department/Area of Subject: College Counseling.
Do you have a motto you teach by? Or an expression you try to instill in your classroom? Be open minded in the college process. Explore your interests, be open to learning about new colleges that you may have never heard of, and you will find the right place for you!
What’s the most insightful thing a student has ever said to you? “You were right, Ms. Huston, the college process can be fun!”
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have? Children’s book author or indoor cycling (spin) instructor.
Favorite Quote: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” - Dr Seuss
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know):
- I ran track and field at Bates College and held the Bates Outdoor Track school record in high jump for ten years
- In high school, I wrote a letter to Stephen King and he donated $30,000 to my high school track team for uniforms and equipment.
Any other information you would like to share: I live in West Newton with my husband and 2 daughters. In our free time, we love to spend time outdoors (skiing, hiking, etc.), exploring new places and experiencing new adventures.