September 2020
September 12th, 2020
The 2020-2021 Academic Year is Underway
After nearly six months away from campus, and following many weeks of planning this spring and summer, Austin Prep welcomed students back to campus on Tuesday, September 8th for the first day of classes. Students in Cohort A participated in on campus learning, while classmates in Cohort B joined classrooms remotely. On Thursday, September 10th, students in Cohort B were on campus and Cohort A participated remotely. Cohorts will rotate weekly with a specific cohort on campus three days one week, followed by two days the next week. To view photos from the first week of class, click here.
Austin Prep administrators worked throughout the summer to recreate, reframe, and reimagine life on campus to keep the Austin Prep community as safe as possible during the global pandemic. During this short period of time, every aspect of school operations – from campus arrival and dismissal, to dining hall protocol, and academic schedules – were reevaluated with the health and safety of community members the priority.
Austin Prep Students in Cohort B returned to campus on Thursday.
“Any decision we make for Austin Prep always will rely upon our unwavering commitment to examine challenges through the prism of Austin Prep’s mission, uncompromisingly keep the health and safety of the Austin Prep community paramount, and continue to deliver the singular educational experience for which Austin Prep is known,” Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D. said. “Our reopening plan provides a flexible roadmap for our journey in the days and months ahead. It was specifically crafted to provide Austin Prep with the flexibility to adapt to the changing conditions that the pandemic will require us to meet.”
Preparations made for both on campus and remote learning have been extensive. Campus upgrades in advance of the school year have amounted to an investment of nearly $1,000,000, which has included improvements to technology, advanced disinfecting equipment, additional personnel – including a second school nurse – and campus infrastructure such as new HEPA filters and HVAC upgrades.
Additionally, classrooms have been set up to mitigate the spread of illness and increase social distancing. Each classroom has unique configurations and distancing, and the School has worked closely with Reading’s Department of Public Health in regards to dining hall sanitation, occupancy, and food distribution.
Remote teaching and learning was first introduced by Austin Prep in March after the school closure mandate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and was well regarded across the school community, creating a standard of best practices and an educational model that many schools replicated. With an already existing 1:1 iPad program for students – which provides each student their own iPad – remote learning will be bolstered this year with improved network capabilities and new equipment in each classroom, allowing students and faculty to interact with even greater ease.
"The significant investment that we have made in technology will provide students with the opportunity to engage with their classmates and teachers in real time. This technology includes upgrades in cameras and microphones that will enhance the remote learning experience,” Assistant Head of School and Head of Upper School William Driscoll, Ed.D. said.
Parents, who were invited to participate in a community wide webinar shortly after the release of the reopening plan in August, were excited to have their children return to campus.
“In such an unsettling time, it gives us great comfort to know that our children are able to return to the Austin Prep campus this fall and have a sense of normalcy,” Amy Sperling, P’22, ‘25 said. “It is very clear to us that the School has put a lot of time, effort and resources into a very thorough and safe reopening plan. We are confident that our children are in the hands of caring and capable professionals.”
Students Use Orientation to Reconnect With Classmates and Faculty
Prior to the start of classes, students were on campus for a week of orientation activities from Monday, August 31st through Thursday, September 3rd. Classes received welcomes from Dr. Hickey, Dr. Driscoll, Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School, and others. While on campus, students received instructions on new health standards and precautions, particularly safety procedures in the dining hall. Their days on campus concluded with an opportunity to meet advisors and run through a modified schedule of their classes.
To view more photos from orientation, click here.
Austin Prep Continues to Advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts
Dr. Crystal Kuykendall led professional development sessions with faculty and staff on August 27th.
As a part of Austin Prep's expanding commitment to advance equity and inclusion, various initiatives and professional development opportunities have recently taken place on campus. This coming year, Austin Prep has partnered with Dr. Crystal Kuykendall, the 2020 St. Augustine Lecture Series speaker and an accomplished educator, attorney, author, and recognized expert to assist us with our diversity programming and initiatives. Dr. Kuykendall was on campus during faculty orientation week to conduct training for the faculty and staff to heighten awareness around the damaging impact of implicit bias.
Fr. Patrick Armano, Fr. Jorge Reyes, and Mr. Jaycob Morales will focus their work this year on making Austin Prep a more inclusive and equitable community.
Austin Prep has also expanded the staff to support the important work of making Austin Prep more inclusive and equitable. Earlier this summer, Jaycob Morales was hired as our new Coordinator of Community and Inclusion. More recently, Austin Prep announced the appointment of Father Jorge Reyes, OSA, an Augustinian Friar, as Director of Mission and Inclusion. Mr. Morales and Father Reyes will team with Father Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, to focus efforts on advancing mission and making Austin Prep a more inclusive and equitable community.
Convocation Mass is September 18th
Members of the Class of 2021 participating in last year's Convocation.
An annual tradition at Austin Prep, Convocation marks the official start of the academic year. This year's Convocation Mass will take place Friday, September 18th at 8:15 a.m. Due to social distancing guidelines, only Seniors in both Cohort A and B, and Cohort B 6th graders, will be in attendance in Meelia Hall. Those students attending the mass should be in chapel dress. All other students and community members will be able to view through a livestream, which will be available next week. In the past, parents have been able to attend the Convocation Mass, but restrictions placed on gatherings will not make that possible this year. The event will conclude with the raising of the Class of 2021 banner, which will remain in Meelia Hall until being lowered during Baccalaureate Mass in May. More information will be forthcoming regarding access to the livestream.
Flu Shot Clinic Upcoming for Students
Nurse Kim Esakof and new school Nurse Bianca Pasciuto, shown helping with the morning check-in process, will help facilitate a Flu Shot Clinic for students on September 29th.
As you may be aware, the Massachusetts state government now requires the influenza vaccine for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. All students must receive the vaccine before December 31st, 2020. If a student is unable to receive the vaccine, there are medical and religious exemptions allowable in the state of Massachusetts.
In our ongoing effort to keep our community safe and healthy, and to provide a necessary convenience, we are pleased to be able to offer you a Flu Vaccination Clinic on campus later this month. On September 29th, from 2-6 pm, Walgreens Pharmacy will provide a Flu Vaccination Clinic for the entire student community. Students may attend the clinic without a parent present, but must have a signed consent form and a copy of their health insurance card. There will be an online signup form in the coming days with 5-minute time slots. More information will be forthcoming.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or need information about vaccine exemptions, please do not hesitate to contact the Health Office at (781) 944-4900, ext 816.
College Counseling to Present Webinars for Seniors
The Office of College Counseling virtually hosted admissions counselors from Tufts University, George Washington University and Washington College this week.
The Office of College Counseling is excited to offer two virtual evening programs for seniors and their families in the upcoming weeks. To help us plan, please RSVP and submit questions for our panelists and presenters by Wednesday, September 16th by clicking here. The events are outlined below:
Thursday, September 17 at 6 p.m. - Senior Family Night
Three college admissions experts will offer advice regarding how to navigate the admission process in these unprecedented times.
My Doan and Cynthia Pitta, Co-Directors of College Counseling
Katie Congdon, Assistant Director at Northeastern University
Jared Rivers, Senior Associate Dean of Admission and Director of Diversity Enrollment at Bates College
Danielle Walsh, Admission Counselor at Stonehill College
To access the Senior Family Night Webinar, please click here.
Wednesday, September 23 at 6 p.m. - Financial Aid Night
Matt Carpenter, Founder and Managing Partner of College Funding Services. Matt and members of his team have helped thousands of families find creative and affordable strategies for paying for college. They have also provided education to families on how to negotiate with colleges once the students have been accepted. Come and learn the ins and outs of the financial aid process, and how to best prepare yourself financially for the next step.
To access the Financial Aid Night Webinar, please click here.
If you have questions or need assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to us Office of College Counseling Co-Directors, My Doan, or Cynthia Pitta. We look forward to you joining us for the webinars!
Austin Prep Community Remembers September 11th
The entire Austin Prep community participated in a September 11th memorial webinar on Friday.
In remembrance of September 11th, members of Student Government led a memorial webinar for the entire Austin Prep community. Cohort B was able to participate with classmates on campus while Cohort A viewed the memorial from home.
School-Wide Student Body President TJ Dysart's '21 provides closing remarks
School-Wide Student Body President TJ Dysart's '21 closing remarks were as follows: "When Flight 11 Crashed into the North world trade center tower at 8:46 am 19 years ago today, the world was forever changed. While the majority of Austin students were not alive for the events, many of our faculty and staff were heavily impacted by the tragedies that took place that day. We are currently going through another period in history in which our world is being changed right before our very eyes. One of the positives that was illustrated on 9/11 was that our country came together more than ever before. Think of the people who ran into buildings to save others and sacrificed their lives, think of the passengers on flight 93 who saved our nation's capital by sacrificing themselves. Through this struggling time we are in right now, it is essential that we come together the same way people did on this tragic day. Have each other’s back, stand up for one another, and always appreciate those in your life."
Student Leaders Host New Students for Meet and Greet Webinar
Brianna Fountain '21, Senior Class Public Relations Officer, spoke to new students Thursday night as part of a "Meet and Greet" webinar.
School-Wide Student Government TJ Dysart '21 moderated a student-led Freshman and New Upper School Student Orientation to help kick off the 2020-2021 school year on Thursday, September 10th. The event began with an introduction from Mr. Steve Silverthorn, Director of Admissions followed by a word from Dr. William Driscoll '89, Head of Upper School and Mr. Jay Tebbens, Dean of Students. Several Head Green Key Ambassadors helped with hosting the virtual zoom session to talk about their personal experiences with different aspects of the Austin Prep Community, such as Academics, Art and Design, and Athletics. The student hosts did an amazing job and provided a great opportunity for classmates to get to know each other early in the school year.
Austin Prep Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Austin Prep looks forward to celebrating diverse cultures, starting with Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 to October 15. During this time, we will recognize the contributions, achievements and influence of Hispanic Americans on the history and culture of the United States. This month is significant as it includes the date of independence for many Hispanic countries.
As a community we are committed to providing Latinx identifying individuals the opportunity to reflect on their cultural roots and help other students who are unfamiliar with the culture to learn more about what Latinx individuals have contributed to our society.
Throughout the month we will provide students with opportunities to embrace and celebrate Hispanic culture. In the coming weeks, students will be able to indulge in different Spanish cuisine at lunch in the dining hall. Meals will include dishes from various Hispanic countries including Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, and Cuba, and fun facts about each country will be found around the dining hall. Additionally, each week we will highlight an individual person who has made an impact within the Hispanic Community.
For more information, contact Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion, and be on the lookout for more information around campus, here in the Cougar Courier and on social media.
Austin Prep Baseball Field Wins Honor
Austin Prep's new baseball field, completed in early summer, was recently honored as the National High School Baseball Coaches Association (NHSBCA) 2020 Region I Field of the Year. The NHSBCA National Field of the Year will be announced later this year. Despite the cancellation of the Spring 2020 season, and postponed start of the Fall 2020 athletics calendar, the new field has hosted several events to date, including a summer league for recent Catholic Central League graduates, and a charity home run derby this weekend.
National Positive Thinking Day is Tomorrow
The emotional health and wellness of our students is a priority, especially in these unique times. How can you celebrate National Positive Thinking Day? Some points to consider are below:
Think positive! If you are having trouble believing that the glass is half full, then have a friend or a loved one reaffirm you.
Take or sit in a positive thinking seminar. Sometimes hearing about the benefits of positive thinking from an uninvested party can help.
Make a conscious decision not to put yourself down every time you do something wrong.
Laugh as much as you can. Laughter can reduce stress and decrease the urge to think negatively. Go out safely to a comedy show or outdoor movie, do a marathon of your favorite comedy TV show or read a comic novel. You will see a marked difference in how you feel after a few laughs. After all, someone wise did once say laughter is the best medicine!
Still feeling a bit low? Turn that pity party into an awesome dance party. Studies have shown that physical exercise can help alleviate mood and promote positive thinking.
Do something nice for yourself, a loved one or a stranger - doing good deeds can help increase levels of optimism.
If parents have questions or concerns about the emotion health of their children, please reach out to School Counselors Ms. Jess Lenci or Mr. Nicholas Reynolds.
Remembering the Class of 2020
As we begin a new year and welcome new students to our community, we can't help but remember the impact of our most recent graduating class, the Class of 2020. In this video, several members of the class speak to what made their Austin Prep experience special to them. #Veritas #Unitas #Caritas #AustinAlways.
September 19th, 2020
Austin Prep Transitions to Remote Teaching and Learning
It was announced this week that Austin Prep will transition to remote teaching and learning effective September 15th through Monday, September 28th. To help students organize their schedule, please read this document which includes the times and rotations of all the classes, extra help times, and advisory from now through September 28. The daily schedule for Remote Teaching and Learning can be found in Austin Prep's Reopening Plan, Appendix C, Page 32.
Through Orientation week, the first week of classes, and this past week of remote teaching and learning, students and advisors have started to make and grow connections, and students are forming relationships with classmates, teachers, and friends. Those relationships are among the hallmarks of the Austin Prep Journey. Should students or families need anything as we await a return to campus, your Advisor is the best place to start.
We are proud of our efforts in the area of remote teaching and learning, dating back to the Spring of 2020, when Austin Prep implemented the program quickly after the school closure mandate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As a result, Austin Prep has emerged as a proactive leader in remote teaching and learning. We appreciate the hard work of our faculty and staff who have allowed Austin Prep to continue to offer quality educational experiences and unique learning opportunities for our students in any circumstances.
Austin Prep School Counselors are Here to Help
“School is stressful, and stress is cumulative. Remember your teenager’s mood on the roughest day he or she had at school before the pandemic began? Now imagine a day like that on top of the emotional wear and tear of living under pandemic conditions for six months or more. It’s probably smart to expect a bumpy ride.”
The 2020 Back to School List for Teens Emotional Well-being by Lisa Damour, PhD
Our Austin Prep Health and Wellness Counselors can be a great resource to students and families as we navigate these challenging times. Now, more than ever, caregivers and educators must be mindful of mental health needs and take the time to notice when our kids might need additional support.
This year, Austin Prep welcomes Mr. Nick Reynolds to campus. Mr. Reynolds will serve as the Upper School counselor after serving in various roles at The Cambridge School of Weston, The Winsor School, and Walnut Hill School for the Arts. Mr. Reynolds earned his B.A. from Colgate University and his M.A. from Lesley University.
If you have any questions or concerns about your student, our counselors are available via email, phone, or a Zoom call. For the Middle School, email Ms. Jessica Lenci, or call at 781.944.4900 ext 944. For Upper School, email Mr. Reynolds, or call at 781.944.4900 ext. 722.
Keeping Austin Prep Safe Video Series
As a reminder, Austin Prep has implemented many new health related standards and procedures to ensure that our community stays safe. We all share responsibility in the well-being of our school community.
To that end, with the help of some of your classmates, we have produced a series of videos to help reinforce some of the ways you can do your part in "Keeping Austin Prep Safe." Please watch the videos carefully so the entire community is aware of the ways we can keep each other healthy and safe.
Keeping Austin Prep Safe: Hand Hygiene
Keeping Austin Prep Safe: Dining Hall Procedures
Keeping Austin Prep Safe: Thermal Check-in
Field Hockey Added as Varsity Sport
When athletics makes its long awaited return to Austin Prep, there will be a new sport offering for the fall. Girls Field Hockey will begin its inaugural season this year, with the first game on October 12th. To date, 34 students have registered for tryouts, which begin September 29th, and it is anticipated that Austin Prep will carry both a varsity and developmental sub-varsity program. Girls Field Hockey was a club sport during the 2019-2020 academic year.
The team will be coached by Ms. Brianna Robbins, a former collegiate field hockey player who also serves as the Executive Assistant and Events Coordinator in the Office of External Affairs. The team has a 10 game schedule with 6 home games scheduled to take place on Father Seymour Field. "What I am most excited for this season is seeing our team grow, and for us to finally play as Austin Prep’s first Varsity Field Hockey team," Patricia Bibeau '22 said. "As our program numbers continue to grow, the more our team comes together."
Reminder About Flu Shot Clinic
As you may be aware, the Massachusetts state government now requires the influenza vaccine for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. All students must receive the vaccine before December 31st, 2020. If a student is unable to receive the vaccine, there are medical and religious exemptions allowable in the state of Massachusetts.
In our ongoing effort to keep our community safe and healthy, and to provide a necessary convenience, we are pleased to be able to offer you a Flu Vaccination Clinic on campus later this month. On September 29th, from 2-6 pm, Walgreens Pharmacy will provide a Flu Vaccination Clinic for the entire student community. Students may attend the clinic without a parent present, but must have a signed consent form and a copy of their health insurance card. There will be an online signup form in the coming days with 5-minute time slots. More information will be forthcoming.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or need information about vaccine exemptions, please do not hesitate to contact the Health Office at (781) 944-4900, ext 816.
Picture Retakes Scheduled for October 13th and 15th
For those who missed school pictures last week, picture retakes have been scheduled for October 13th and 15th from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chapel attire is required. If you had your picture taken last week but were not in chapel attire, you need to attend picture retakes. For picture ordering information, click here.
If you opted to participate in the remote only teaching and learning option this quarter, you will not take your school picture on campus. Please contact Mark Lawrence Photography directly to schedule a time to have your photo taken at their studio.
College Financial Aid Webinar Next Week
Office of College Counseling Co-Directors My Doan and Cynthia Pitta hosted admissions representatives from Bates College, Northeastern University, and Stonehill College on Thursday evening.
The Office of College Counseling is excited to offer another virtual evening program for seniors and their families next week. Event details are below:
Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00 p.m. - Financial Aid Night
Presenter: Matt Carpenter, Founder and Managing Partner of College Funding Services. Matt and members of his team have helped thousands of families find creative and affordable strategies for paying for college. They have also provided education to families on how to negotiate with colleges once the students have been accepted. Come and learn the ins and outs of the financial aid process, and how to best prepare yourself financially for the next step.
To access the Financial Aid Night Webinar, please click here.
If you have questions or need assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to the Office of College Counseling Co-Directors, My Doan, or Cynthia Pitta.
Students Connect Real Life Experiences to Summer Reading Assignment
This past summer, students read Outcasts United by Warren St. John as the Austin Prep summer reading assignment. The non-fiction book, announced in May 2020 by the School as the summer reading assignment, chronicles the journey of Luma Mufleh, an American-educated Jordanian woman who founded a youth soccer team to unify Clarkston, Georgia’s refugee children. The players include refugees from over 24 war-torn countries around the world such as Burma, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba, Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Eritrea.
As has been done in past years with the summer reading project, Austin Prep will revisit this story throughout the year through our academic and community programming. One such exercise is currently taking place within our English department, where students are working with Google Voyager, a technology using Google Earth, that allows students to virtually visit locations around the globe. In class, students took a virtual journey to the many different countries that the refugees came from and the town in Georgia to which they were relocated. To view the map using Google Voyager, click here.
To further supplement the reading assessment, students will create their own voyage. Students will share important settings in their lives and connect their experiences in these settings with those of the refugees featured in Outcasts United. The project will include places where they felt at home, places where they felt “out of place” or unwelcome, and places where they accomplished a goal as a team. Throughout the year the Austin Prep community will continue to revisit the story of Coach Luma and the Fugees (the name of the soccer team) in order to learn more about diverse cultures and become more aware of the plight of refugees throughout the world.
Mr. McLaughlin Participates in Notre Dame Virtual Summit
Head of Middle School, Mr. Michael McLaughlin, was a presenter this past summer for a new series launched by the University of Notre Dame entitled "FACE to FACE: Talking about Critical Issues in Catholic Education." Mr. McLaughlin, who has received graduate degrees from Notre Dame, shared the work completed at Austin Prep to help teachers mitigate the logistical challenges of virtual and/or hybrid learning. During the presentation Mr. McLaughlin highlighted many school accomplishments in recent months, as well as a look into our Augustinian heritage.
Upcoming Virtual Admissions Events
The Office of Admissions had their first training call this week with Head Green Keys Ambassadors for the Austin Prep Student Ambassador Program.
We are approaching the Open House season at Austin Prep, and we are offering two virtual admissions events in the coming weeks. On Monday, September 28th at 9:00 a.m. we will host a Middle School event, and on Tuesday, September 29th at 9:00 a.m. we will host an Upper School event. Some of our best referrals come from current Austin Prep families, so if you know of someone who would benefit from the Austin Prep experience, please refer them to the admissions office at for more information about the events.
September 26th, 2020
Hybrid Learning Resumes Tuesday, September 29th
We look forward to the return of hybrid learning on Tuesday, September 29th. Tuesday will be Day 2 and Cohort A will be on campus both Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday next week, Cohort B will be on campus. See you then!
Flu Shot Clinic for Students on September 29th
With cold and flu season approaching, hand washing and sanitizing will be as important as ever. Austin Prep will host a flu vaccination clinic for students on September 29th.
As a final reminder, Austin Prep will be hosting a Flu Vaccination Clinic for the student community on campus, September 29th, from 2-6 pm, provided by Walgreens Pharmacy. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts now requires the influenza vaccine for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. All students must receive the vaccine before December 31st, 2020. If a student is unable to receive the vaccine, there are medical and religious exemptions allowable in the state of Massachusetts. If your child falls into one of these categories, please contact the Health Office.
The event will be held outside under a tent on the tennis courts. In the case of inclement weather, the clinic will be held in the fitness center. Students may attend the clinic without a parent present, but must have a signed consent form and a copy of their health insurance card. To access the consent form, please click here.
Please click the button below to access the sign up sheet to secure your child’s spot. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, September 27th. Once all of the requests have been collected, we will be in touch with the specific time.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or need information about vaccine exemptions, please do not hesitate to contact the Health Office at (781) 944-4900, ext. 816 or 716.
Also September 29th...Athletics Tryouts Begin!
Mr. Patrick Driscoll '97 (right) and members of the Athletic Department staff wrapping up preparations for the return of athletics at Austin Prep.
We are excited for the return of athletics to Austin Prep! The Fall Athletic season will officially begin on September 29th. If you have yet to do so, please review the return to play guidelines and the updated tryout and "out of season" training schedules.
Updated Tryout Dates: CLICK HERE
Out of Season Dates: CLICK HERE
Austin Prep Athletics Return to Play Guidelines: CLICK HERE
We thank you in advance for your patience, flexibility, and positivity as it relates to what will certainly be a new and different year for athletics.
Please reach out to Athletic Director Mr. Patrick Driscoll '97 at with any questions. We will see everyone for tryouts starting September 29th!
Austin Prep Hosts Virtual Back-to-School Night
Mrs. Leann Blais hosted Middle School parents during Thursday's Back-to-School.
On Thursday evening Austin Prep hosted its annual Back-to-School Night, with this year's event held virtually due to social gathering guidelines. Despite those restrictions, the night provided faculty and parents a brief opportunity to review course curriculum and goals for the class. The night was made possible in part due to Austin Prep's technology capabilities. At the busiest point of the night, we hosted 65 class meetings simultaneously, with over 4,000 individual Zoom meeting parent log-ins over the course of the evening. Thank you to all of the parents who participated, and to our faculty and staff for making the event a success.
SAT School Day Being Offered to Austin Prep Seniors
The Office of College Counseling will be offering the SAT School Day for seniors on Wednesday, October 14th. This is completely optional, but you must register in advance to reserve a seat. Please complete the student registration and payment form by Wednesday, September 30th. To register, please click the button below.
More details of testing day procedures will follow. In the meantime, please do contact Office of College Counseling Co-Directors Ms. My Doan or Mrs. Cynthia Pitta with any questions.
College Counseling Offering Virtual Junior Family Night
We are offering an evening program for our juniors and their families on how to best navigate the college search process in the midst of a pandemic. To help us plan, please RSVP and submit questions for our panelists and presenters by Wednesday, September 30th by clicking here. The event is detailed below:
Thursday, October 1st at 6:00 p.m. - Junior Family Night
Three college admissions experts will offer advice regarding how to navigate the admission process in these unprecedented times.
My Doan and Cynthia Pitta, Co-Directors of College Counseling
Zoe Carter, Senior Assistant Director of Admission at Boston University
Jonathan Hurt, Enrollment Services Manager - New England at University of Pittsburg
Amy Tiberio, Vice President for Enrollment Management at Roger Williams University
To access the Junior Family Information Night Webinar, please click the button below. The passcode is 388597.
Junior Family Information Night
New Middle School Art and Design Electives
Victoria Valgueiro's '26 presentation focused on her favorite athlete, Serena Williams.
With the Tokyo Olympic Games on hold until 2021, Middle School students are exploring the world of international sport with Mr. Jon Whalen and Mr. Colin Kiley this fall. The elective offering in the Department of Art and Design approaches the topic through the lens of technology. Students are working on their presentation skills by creating and delivering Google Slide presentations on their favorite sports, athletes, and venues of the Olympic Games. The presentations have also provided an avenue for students to introduce themselves and highlight their interests. Maggie Cassavoy '25 zeroed in on gymnastics and talked about the athleticism of the competitors to Team USA stars like Simone Biles and Aly Raisman. Maggie also took the opportunity to share her own personal connection to the sport.
Mr. Kiley and students enjoying Victoria's presentation.
These presentations will provide Mr. Whalen and Mr. Kiley with a host of topics that students are interested in exploring further throughout the semester. Likewise, students' technical skills will grow as students use other applications to create more detailed presentations in building up to the capstone project of researching and pitching a bid for a future host city.
To read more about this course and other new Middle School electives in the Department of Art and Design, check out the latest entry of the Middle School Blog here.
Senior Demonstrates Caritas in Action
Liam Prigmore '21, Austin Prep's School-Wide Student Government Secretary and Eagle Scout Candidate, was recently highlighted in the Wilmington Apple for his charitable work in support of a memorial honoring fallen soldiers from the Town of Wilmington.
“Liam is a good kid who thought of this project on his own,” Wilmington Veteran Services Director Lou Cimaglia told the paper. “He’s going to see it through. I’m really proud of him. I can’t say enough good things about this young man. The way the world is today — Wilmington is going to be erecting a monument. It speaks volumes of this man’s character and I’m proud to play a small part in this project.”
To read more about Liam's efforts, click here.
Hispanic Heritage Month Continues
“Preservation of one’s culture does not require contempt or disrespect for others culture” - César Chávez
We are excited to continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Austin Prep, as it provides the opportunity to embrace and highlight individual aspects of different cultures, and in particular, the significant role of Hispanic culture within American history.
This week we highlight well-known Hispanic saint, St. Martin de Porres (1579 – 1639). Martin was born in Lima, Peru, to a Spanish nobleman and freed daughter of slaves from Panama, during a time when those of mixed race were unaccepted by society. This was especially of note in religious circles, as it was unusual for someone of mixed race to be received into the religious order. Despite this, Martin spent long hours in prayer as a young man and eventually entered the Dominican clergy in 1601. He was known for his vegetarian lifestyle, work on social justice issues, unique healing powers, and for founding a residence in Lima for orphans and abandoned children. In part to overcoming the challenges that his mixed African-Hispanic heritage caused, Martin was praised for his unconditional care of all people, regardless of race or wealth, and as a result, St. Martin de Porres is now the patron saint of mixed races, among other patronages.
Community Spotlight: Conor Long
Conor Long '21, right, in rehearsals for last fall's drama production.
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Like many of us, Conor Long '21 was not himself this summer. In fact, the seventeen-year-old senior from Woburn was featured as The Monster in Young Frankenstein, and as Edgar in King Lear in online productions. While the challenges of performing to a Zoom audience can be significant, Conor’s experience inspired him. “I’d say the most valuable piece was finding a new format of expression. It was eye-opening and gave me hope for the future of performance throughout this pandemic and beyond,” Conor reflects.
Conor’s preparation also reshaped his perspective as a writer and a performer. “What I like to call “Coronacation” changed who I was as an artist. It taught me that you cannot be idle as a creator. I write and act because I love it. I love it enough to fight for it when I’m told it can’t be done. I found as many outlets as I could throughout Coronacation. I wrote a short film called The Irreplaceables which begins production this fall. I was involved in a Star Wars Fan Project called The Battle on Mustafar which is being released this fall. I have become so independent as a creator that I can confidently look to my future and know that I’ll still create no matter what’s thrown at me.”
While Conor’s Austin achievements are numerous (including various lead roles in productions over his past four years, and notably Jesus in Stations of the Cross) Beyond Austin Prep, Conor plans to attend Emerson College and major in screenwriting, while continuing to perform in his spare time. “I want to dabble in straight plays, musicals, and films,” he projects. “Eventually I want to find a balance of acting and writing, because I love both equally.”
Though a future in the arts has always been a challenge, the pandemic has furthered the uncertainty. Yet Conor meets it with his characteristic determination and genuine love for his craft. “While this is possibly the most unstable career I could’ve chosen, I love it more than anything,” he says. We look forward to applauding Conor, in person or on Zoom, in the future.
Student Government Leaders Connect with International Students
Mr. Patrick Costello, Coordinator of Student Activities, and the School-Wide Student Government officers hosted Austin Prep International Students on a Zoom call this past week. Austin Prep currently has 13 students who are learning remotely from their home country of China. The meeting was held to discuss with students how campus has changed in the COVID-19 era, to help make the learning experience easier despite the 12-hour time difference, and the importance of feeling included within our school community despite living on the other side of the globe. We look forward to when our international students can join us again on campus.
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