April 2023
April 1, 2023
Austin Prep's 5th Annual Day of Giving a Success
Thank you for helping Make Extraordinary Possible!
Thank you! On Thursday, March 30 Austin Prep held its 5th Annual Day of Giving. It was a tremendous day in support of Austin Prep and the gifts are still rolling in. This incredible accomplishment would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the Austin Prep Community. Your generosity helps support the academics and extracurricular experiences that make an Austin Prep education so enriching for students. We are especially grateful to our parents and alumni that initiated challenges to their peers to bolster participation. Thanks to you we are on pace to set a participation record for the Day of Giving and continue to receive gifts that will be attributable toward the Day of Giving. You can continue to participate by giving here.
Next Community Mass is Sunday, April 30th
We look forward to hosting our next monthly Sunday Community Mass on Sunday, April 30th at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine.
We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Dining Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
Mass Intentions to be Offered in the Chapel of St. Augustine
As a reminder, the Office of Campus Ministry invites members of our community to contact them regarding Mass Intentions. Each day Mass will be offered for a particular intention when requested. The suggested offering is $25.00 per intention.
In addition, Austin Prep community members are welcome to have the Sanctuary Lamp lit in memory of a loved one. The suggested donation for a two week candle is $25.00. Please use this link to request a Mass intention or to donate a Sanctuary Lamp. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali.
Each day of the academic year Mass is celebrated in the Chapel of St. Augustine. Mass is celebrated at 7:20 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, Mass is celebrated with rotating Theology Classes at 10:00 a.m.
Chicago Concludes with Two Shows
Austin Prep's spring musical, Chicago, hit the road for two performances at the Greater Boston Stage Company on March 25th and 26th. It was another display for the singing, acting, and dancing talents of our Art and Design students. Photos from the show can be viewed here. Thank you to everyone who came to a show, and everyone who played a role in the production!
Spring Seasons Kick Off with Team Mass and Blessing
Varsity Girls Lacrosse Team after the Spring Sports Mass.
On Sunday, March 26th our spring sports varsity student-athletes and families gathered for mass and breakfast. It was an important opportunity to come together as a community of faith as we advance into the spring season.
Charlie Scott '28 and Gavin Griffith '28 after the sub-varsity sports blessing.
On Tuesday, March 28th our spring sports sub-varsity student-athletes received a blessing and St. Michael medals as they journey towards their competitive seasons. "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle."
Best of luck this spring to all our student-athletes!
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
This March, Austin Prep celebrated Women's History Month by recognizing the vital influence and contributions of women on the history of the United States and the world. We have also celebrated the remarkable achievements of women in the Austin Prep community. We spoke to Austin Prep students about the women in the Austin Prep community who have inspired them. Watch the video above to learn more!
Former State Politician and Life Science Advocate Speaks to Students
On Wednesday, March 29th, Austin Prep welcomed former Massachusetts State Representative, and current real estate and life sciences executive Robert Coughlin to campus to speak to the school community. The theme of Mr. Coughlin’s lecture was the “State of Possibility” which focused on his efforts to attract companies in the life sciences and biotechnology to establish their headquarters in Massachusetts. He related his efforts to the student community by challenging students to imagine new possibilities.
Mr. Coughlin's life work was framed by the impact of his unborn son being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. While a three-term State Representative to the 11th Norfolk district, Mr. Coughlin used that news to pivot to a life of advocacy to find a cure for the disease. It led Mr. Coughlin to become involved in the efforts of Boston Children’s Hospital to find a cure for cystic fibrosis, as well as a career in life science related legislation.
Mr. Coughlin served as President and CEO of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, the leading trade association and policy advocacy group in New England. Before joining MassBio, he served as the Undersecretary of Economic Development within Governor Deval Patrick's administration, where he prioritized both healthcare and economic development issues and was a strong advocate for the life sciences industry in Massachusetts.
He is currently the Managing Director of the JLL’s Life Sciences industry practice. The firm works closely with Biotech companies as a partner who identify opportunities in real estate assets so they can focus on research, development and solving unmet medical needs for patients.
At the conclusion of his lecture, Mr. Coughlin fielded questions from a panel of Austin Prep students.
Students Attend Seminarian Dinner with Cardinal Sean
Students attending the Seminarian dinner with Cardinal Sean included, left to right, Aiden Becker '24, Matthew Palumbo '24, Cardinal Seán O'Malley, Joe McClain '24, Brendan Morin '24, Jared Hickey '24, and Nicholas Tauro '24. Also attending were Mr. Dustin Batista and Mr. Cori Russo.
Members of the Austin Prep community traveled to St John's Seminary for a night of prayer and reflection. Students joined the seminarians in adoration and evening prayer, had dinner, took part in discussions with seminarians about their journey towards the priesthood, and received a tour of the seminary. The night also included a reflection from Cardinal Seán O'Malley, who also answered questions from students. Our prayers are with all the seminarians preparing for the priesthood and the communities they will be shepherding.
Caroline Melanson '23 to Continue Ice Hockey Career at Worcester State
Caroline Melanson '23 and her family at Wednesday's signing ceremony.
This past week, Caroline Melanson '23 made her commitment to continue her ice hockey career at the Worcester State. Congrats, Caroline!
Holy Week Schedule
With Palm Sunday tomorrow, Holy Week is upon us. Austin Prep will be closed April 6th, April 7th, and April 10th for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday, respectively. The Cougar Courier will return on Saturday, April 15th. Have a blessed Easter with family and friends!
April 15, 2023
Spirit Week Connects Easter, April Breaks
The Faculty let the ball do the work for them as they emerged victorious in Thursday's game against students.
Austin Prep celebrated Spirit Week April 11th-14th in a week that included fun events and charitable efforts in support of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The week was highlighted by the Students vs. Faculty Basketball game on Thursday, in which the faculty showed a wide range of skills leading to a 39-17 victory. The week was capped off with Friday's Pep Rally. We hope everyone had a great week!
Next Community Mass is Sunday, April 30th
We look forward to hosting our next monthly Sunday Community Mass on Sunday, April 30th at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine.
We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Dining Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
Mass Intentions to be Offered in the Chapel of St. Augustine
As a reminder, the Office of Campus Ministry invites members of our community to contact them regarding Mass Intentions. Each day Mass will be offered for a particular intention when requested. The suggested offering is $25.00 per intention.
In addition, Austin Prep community members are welcome to have the Sanctuary Lamp lit in memory of a loved one. The suggested donation for a two week candle is $25.00. Please use this link to request a Mass intention or to donate a Sanctuary Lamp. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali.
Each day of the academic year Mass is celebrated in the Chapel of St. Augustine. Mass is celebrated at 7:20 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, Mass is celebrated with rotating Theology Classes at 10:00 a.m.
Seniors Shine in Spring Dance Show
Our student dancers stole the show at the Spring Dance Show which took place Wednesday, April 13th at the Collins Center in Andover. A special congratulations goes out to the dancers from the Class of 2023 who performed in their final spring show. Thank you for all that you have done for the Austin Prep dance program! That group includes (pictured left to right above), Emily Schena '23, Marissa Gallozzi '23, Kate Beckel '23, Olivia Ferri '23, Alyssa Joseph '23, Sammy Smith '23. The full program for the show can be viewed here.
Austin Prep Welcomes Siblings to Campus
Wednesday was a special day on campus as we celebrated Sibling Day! Austin Prep families help form some of the special bonds within our school community. Over 80 Austin Prep siblings enjoyed a day in the life of an Austin Prep student, including class, Cougar Block, lunch with classmates, and more! Check out photos from the day here and here.
Austin Prep Represented in 127th Boston Marathon
Austin Prep will once again be represented in this year's Boston Marathon, taking place Monday. Mr. Tyler Fleming P'28, Director of Communications, and Mrs. Lisa Simmons P'24, '25, Assistant Director of Admissions, are both slated to make the 26.2 mile journey from Hopkinton, MA to the finish line on Boylston Street in Boston. It will be the fifth Boston Marathon for Mr. Fleming and the fourth for Mrs. Simmons. Want to follow along? Mr. Fleming (Bib #6641) starts at 10:00 a.m.; Mrs. Simmons (Bib #30083) begins at 11:15 a.m.
World Languages Department Inducts Honor Society Students
Mandarin Honor Society Students.
Spanish Honor Society Students.
Latin Honor Society Students.
French Honor Society Students.
On Tuesday, April 4th, the World Languages department hosted an induction ceremony and reception for those students inducted into their respective world language honor societies. Austin Prep is proud of these students' accomplishments in learning world languages and gaining a greater appreciation of the varied cultures of the world. The full program from the evening can be found here.
Katherine Millet '24 delivered the Latin address, noting that in Latin "we break down Latin passages and stories and look to not only understand the words, but to comprehend the context of those words. As the courses progress, the translations get more complex and six years of practicing Latin translations has taught me how to take something foreign, translate it, and then look beyond the words into the deeper meaning behind them. In other words, studying Latin has opened a window in my brain, so that whenever I look at anything – writing, world events, or even complex math problems – I find myself asking: Why?"
"To be inducted into Austin Prep’s Chapter of the language society is no easy task," World Languages Department Chair Linda Sherry P'24, '27 noted. "It is one to be truly celebrated. To be considered for induction, a student must have earned an A- or higher for three consecutive semesters, actively participate in their respective language peer tutoring program, intend to study at the highest level possible – for most of the students that will be the fourth year of the chosen language – and most importantly they must receive the recommendation of their current teacher with regard to character."
Become a Golf Tournament Sponsor
We are grateful for the continued support of Pimentel Construction and Quirk Construction Corp. as Major Sponsors of the Annual Austin Prep Golf Tournament. There are sponsorship opportunities for you, as well!
We are excited to note that the flight of golfers is full for the 35th Annual Austin Prep Open Golf Tournament! That said, there is still time to support the event with a company or family sponsorship or donation. Information about supporting the event can be found here.
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. This year, your participation supports heating system upgrades and the addition of air conditioning in McLaughlin Hall to provide a comfortable learning environment in the classroom for our students and faculty.
Please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for Administration and Special Projects with any questions about the event.
Head of School Class of 2023 Senior Parent and Senior Reception
Senior Parents don't forget to RSVP to the Head of School Reception for the Class of 2023 on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023. We hope you and your senior will be able to join Dr. Hickey and members of the faculty and staff for a buffet of fine cuisine in the Austin Prep Dining Hall. Please register by clicking here.
Tenreiro '23 to Continue Soccer Career at Wentworth Institute of Technology
Isabella Tenreiro '23 and family at her celebratory signing.
Just before the Easter Break, Isabella Tenreiro '23 made her commitment to continue her soccer career at the Wentworth Institute of Technology. Congrats, Isabella!
Have a Great Break!
Whatever your plans may be, we want to wish our students, families, and faculty a very happy, healthy, and safe April vacation. Classes will resume on Monday, April 24th, and the Cougar Courier will return on Saturday, April 29th. Have a great break!
April 29, 2023
Join us for Community Mass Tomorrow
Fr. Patrick Armano and the Daughters of Mary look forward to welcoming you to tomorrow's Community Mass.
We look forward to hosting our next monthly Sunday Community Mass tomorrow, April 30th at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine.
We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Dining Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
Mass Intentions to be Offered in the Chapel of St. Augustine
As a reminder, the Office of Campus Ministry invites members of our community to contact them regarding Mass Intentions. Each day Mass will be offered for a particular intention when requested. The suggested offering is $25.00 per intention.
In addition, Austin Prep community members are welcome to have the Sanctuary Lamp lit in memory of a loved one. The suggested donation for a two week candle is $25.00. Please use this link to request a Mass intention or to donate a Sanctuary Lamp. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali.
Each day of the academic year Mass is celebrated in the Chapel of St. Augustine. Mass is celebrated at 7:20 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, Mass is celebrated with rotating Theology Classes at 10:00 a.m.
Golf Sponsors and Auction Items Needed for Annual Golf Open
We are excited to note that the flight of golfers is full for the 35th Annual Austin Prep Open Golf Tournament! That said, there is still time to support the event with a company or family sponsorship or auction item donation. Information about supporting the event can be found here.
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. This year, your participation supports heating system upgrades and the addition of air conditioning in McLaughlin Hall to provide a comfortable learning environment in the classroom for our students and faculty.
Please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for Administration and Special Projects with any questions about the event.
Academic Year Culminates with Over $40k to St. Jude
At Monday's Community Meeting – the final one for seniors (!) – members of Austin Prep Student Government and James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School, presented a check to Sarah Potter of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The mission of St. Jude is to advance cures, prevention, research and treatment for pediatric catastrophic diseases, and the Hospital has been the beneficiary of Austin Prep's charitable efforts in recent years. Collectively, this year Austin Prep raised over $40,000 for St. Jude! We appreciate the generosity of our families, and thank St. Jude for their continued efforts in treating the toughest childhood diseases.
Students Host Augustinian School Fair
Want to Journey to the Aloha State? Lauren Vigneaux '26 and Amelia Amadin '26 represented Pearl City School in Hawaii.
This past week students in Ms. Cheryl Amari’s P'25 Journeying with St. Augustine classes hosted a “school fair” where they showcased fictitious Augustinian schools they created. Faculty and staff were invited to visit the fair, view the student-created school websites, ask students questions about their school, and vote for their favorite school. Augustinian themes discussed in the class, as well as experiences as Austin Prep students, were woven into the mission and philosophy of each school.
Students Reflect Upon Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Anthony Barasmian, far left, was joined at the event by Father Steven Balijan St. Gregory’s Church in North Andover.
A group of students invited Mr. Anthony Barasmian to school this week to reflect upon the Remembrance Day of the Armenian Genocide which is commemorated on April 24th. These students worked in partnership with Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion, to bring a speaker to the school to highlight their interest in their heritage. Attorney Barasmian addressed 9th graders who studied the events leading up to World War I in their history classes. They were also joined by juniors and seniors who are enrolled in our Holocaust Examined class.
As an active member of the Armenian community in the US, Attorney Barasmian has served on the Board of the Armenian Assembly of America since 2002 and first Armenian-American President of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, the oldest Christian organization in the US, founded in 1903. In these roles, Attorney Barasmian advocates for Armenian issues at the federal level. His message to students was to learn more deeply about history and connect their learning to real world advocacy. He encouraged them to recognize the power of their voices and the importance of getting involved in clubs, such as the Model UN. The presentation provided a glimpse into how the history of Armenia and the current struggles the Armenian people face can impact the United States. He also pointed out how Pope Francis’ visit to Armenia in 2016 served as a powerful example of how faith can offer hope to the world.
“The children of Artsakh shouldn't be hearing guns, tanks, and bombs everyday and living in constant fear," George Chapian '24 said in a speech to classmates at the event. "If nothing is done, then another genocide of the Armenian people will occur again. Please stand with the people of Armenia.”
Third Quarter Honor Roll Announced
The list of students who earned honors in the third quarter of Austin Prep's 2022-2023 academic year has been released. Congratulations to the students who earned this prestigious recognition in their pursuit of truth. #Veritas
Austin Prep Runners Complete 127th Boston Marathon
Mr. Fleming and Mrs. Simmons on Boylston Street after the Marathon.
The running community gathered on Patriots Day for the 127th edition of the Boston Marathon. Among the finishers were Austin Prep's Director of Communications Mr. Tyler Fleming P'28, and Assistant Director of Admissions Lisa Simmons P'24, '25. Mr. Fleming checked in with a time of 3:03 and Mrs. Simmons ran a huge personal best of 4:21! Additionally, the Austin Prep runners were greeted by members of the Austin Prep community throughout their 26.2 mile journey from Hopkinton to Boylston Street, a great showing of communal support. Congrats to all the runners!
Miller '23 to Continue Track and Field Career at Holy Cross
Tristan Miller '23 with parents Ari and Michaela Miller and brother Shane '26.
On Tuesday, Tristan Miller '23 made his commitment to continue his track and field career at the The College of Holy Cross. Congrats, Tristan!
Lacrosse Teammates Celebrate with Signing
Poulin '23 and Abbott '23 take part in combined lacrosse signing ceremony.
Lee Poulin '23 with parents Richard and Jennifer Poulin.
On Wednesday, Lee Poulin '23 made his commitment to continue his lacrosse career at Pace University. Congrats, Lee!
Riley Abbott '23 with parents Jim and Suzi Abbott and brother Nolan '28.
Also on Tuesday, Riley Abbott '23 made his commitment to continue his lacrosse career at Wentworth Institute of Technology. Congrats, Riley!
Students Living our Mission
Check this space monthly as we recognize students demonstrating our values on campus.
Amber Boardman ‘25 and David Gardner ‘27.
Unitas is a key component of what distinguishes an Augustinian education from all others. We continue to look forward to working together to strengthen our community in a way that is reflective of our core values of veritas, unitas, and caritas.
As we do so, the Office of Student Life aims to build students of strong character while recognizing exemplary behavior on campus. Students who best display the values that are distinctive to the Austin Prep experience will be acknowledged monthly here in the Cougar Courier and on social media.
This month, we would like to recognize the work of Amber Boardman ‘25 and David Gardner ‘27. Amber has stepped up in the lacrosse program, offering to help out student-athletes on the sub varsity teams, while also helping faculty members move classroom supplies without being asked. David has received multiple merits for cleaning Dining Hall tables and for his behavior on the 8th Grade trip to Washington D.C. Their selfless nature and attitudes are qualities we look for in our students. Great job, Amber and David!
More Prom to Come!
We had a great time celebrating Prom Thursday evening, both at the promenade on campus before the event as well as with dinner and dancing at the Andover Country Club. All the photos from the event will be available next week...stay tuned!