March 2023
March 4, 2023
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
This March, Austin Prep will honor Women's History Month by recognizing the vital influence and contributions of women on the history of the United States and the world. We also look forward to celebrating the remarkable achievements of women in the Austin Prep community.
Women's History Month Programming Begins with "Alumni Conversations" on Monday
As part of our continued celebration of Black History and Women's History Months, the Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to announce the next event in our series of Alumni Conversations: Celebrating 60 Years of Alumni!
Throughout these months, influential alumni will be returning to campus to speak with students about their Austin Prep experiences and their personal and professional journeys beyond Austin Prep.
On Monday, March 6th we welcome Eliana (Nader) Griffin '02, Immigration Attorney, Magaletta, McCarthy & Nader, PC, Past Chair of AILA New England; Mia Lazarewicz '02, American Ninja Warrior, Author, Personal Trainer; and Taisha (Walker) DeSouza '02, Certified Public Account, Pricewaterhouse Coopers; 2nd Vice President of New York Chapter of National Association of Black Accountants.
Students, please scan the QR Code to reserve a spot and confirm your attendance!
Join us Monday for Parent Association Meeting
The next Austin Prep Parents Association meeting will take place Monday, March 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the Gathering Room. Maryellen Iannibelli P'22, '24, President of the Austin Prep Parents Association, looks forward to welcoming you! All parents are welcome to attend, and Dr. Hickey will provide some school-wide updates. We hope you will join us!
Upcoming College Counseling Events
Spring College Fair for the Class of 2024 and 2025
Over 65 colleges and universities have already registered to attend the Austin Prep College Fair on Tuesday, March 7th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in Meelia Hall (snow date is March 8th). Click here to see the colleges and universities that will be in attendance. All juniors and sophomores are highly encouraged to attend. This is a perfect way to learn about many different kinds of colleges and connect with the college admissions representatives who read the admissions applications for Austin Prep.
Introduction to the College Process for the Class of 2026
There will be a college meeting for the Class of 2026 and their families on Thursday, March 9th at 6:00 pm in the Dining Hall. This is an opportunity to learn about the college timeline and process for the next few years. Please click here to sign up.
Please contact Mrs. Cyndy Pitta, Director of College Counseling, with questions.
Grandparents' Day RSVP Requested by March 10th
We look forward to the return of Grandparents' Day which will be held on Friday, March 24th. That day we will welcome grandparents to campus to celebrate a morning of prayer and community with their Austin Prep grandchildren. The morning will include a continental breakfast, a prayer service and a student-led experience.
Grandparents' Day invitations were mailed earlier this week. Kindly respond using the reply card by March 10th.
Austin Prep Faculty and Staff Participate in Professional Development Over February Break
Austin Prep Delegation Attends National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Annual Conference
Dr. Hickey was among the presenters at the National Association of Independent Schools Annual Conference last week in Las Vegas.
The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) held their annual conference February 22nd - 24th in Las Vegas, Nevada. Among the presenters at the conference was Dr. James Hickey, Head of School. Also attending the conference was AJ Benning, Dean of Students; Stephanie Choate, English Department Chair; Michelle Connor, Interim Assistant Head of School and Head of Upper School; Francesco Donato, Science Faculty; Alison Fish, Math Department Chair; Tyler Fleming, Director of Communications; and Laurie Gillis, Director of Annual Giving.
Meanwhile, Austin Prep Faculty and Staff Attend Augustinian Values Institute (AVI)
Austin Prep sent a delegation of faculty, staff and administration to the 19th Gathering of the Augustinian Values Institute on February 17th-20th hosted by St. Augustine High School in San Diego. The conference is sponsored by the Augustinian Secondary Education Associate. The purpose is to bring together educators from all of the Augustinian Schools in North America to create clarity and develop a deeper understanding of the Augustinian mission. This year schools from Austria and Ireland were also in attendance.
Teachers, faculty, and administrators join together to share their experience and explain how they apply the mission in their respective school and to learn how others apply the core values of the Augustinian Order. The conference includes prayer, reflection, and guest speakers to further support educators in focusing on how they might live their vocations. Upon reflection from the weekend World Languages Faculty Cori Russo shared that “I learned a wealth of information and inspiration relating to Augustinian education over the course of the weekend, and I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to connect on a personal level with the cohort from Austin Prep.”
Those who attended included: Nicole Barletta, Main Office Administrative Assistant; Rebecca Martiniello, World Languages Faculty; Sr. Immaculate Kyampeire, Science Faculty; Sr, Maria Nassali, Director of Campus Ministry; Jon Whalen, History Faculty; Cori Russo, World Languages Faculty; Dr. William Driscoll, Dean of Faculty; Dustin Batista, Theology Department Chair; Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain; and Dr. Hickey, Head of School.
Memorial Scholarships Application to be Available Soon
Last year's class of Memorial Scholarship recipients.
The 2023-2024 Memorial Scholarship Applications will become available via the student portal mid to late March for students in grade 9 - 11. Memorial Scholarships are available to our students due to the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created funds in memory of a loved one. Students and parents will receive a notification via email when the program opens.
Fr. Art Johnson and Fr. Peter Gori Welcomed to Campus for Lenten Mass
Dr. Hickey recognizes Fr. Art's 60 years of priesthood at conclusion of Mass
Fr. Art Johnson, O.S.A. celebrated Mass on Monday. He is joined by Deacon Bill Reidy (left) and Fr. Peter Gori '70 O.S.A. (right).
Austin Prep welcomed Fr. Art Johnson O.S.A. and Fr. Peter Gori '70 O.S.A. to campus Monday for an all-school Lenten Mass. Fr. Art encouraged students during Lent to do what St. Augustine said: "Lord Jesus, let me know myself so I may know You." You can view photos from the Mass here.
Fr. Art recently celebrated 60 years as a priest – his Golden Jubilee. At the end of Mass Dr. Hickey reflected on Fr. Art's impact on the Austin Prep community. "Fr. Art literally opened the doors to Austin Prep when students arrived in September 1963. He has been a consequential part of Austin Prep's restless journey for more than 60 years and no other person in the school's history can match Fr. Art's abiding presence."
Journey of the Heart Returns
For the first time Journey of the Heart is authored by an Austin Prep student, Olivia Ferri '23
We are pleased to provide you with the next edition of Journey of the Heart, our highlight of programs, activities, and initiatives at Austin Prep that exemplify our core values. Journey of the Heart is published on our website, where members of the faculty and staff will share their insights. Archived installments are available on our website, as well.
This edition is unique in that for the first time Journey of the Heart is authored by an Austin Prep student, Olivia Ferri '23. An accomplished dancer, Olivia details her journey to a different playing field through Baseball Operations, a student group established in 2020 to help provide sports management opportunities for students.
The disciplines of arts and athletics may appear to be different on the surface, but in this edition of Journey of the Heart, Olivia reflects on how the experience has broadened perspectives, expanded skill sets, and created an appreciation for the diverse individual strengths and talents of Austin Prep students, on and off the field.
Students Living our Mission
Check this space monthly as we recognize students demonstrating our values on campus.
Emma Little ‘29 and Connor Dunbrack ‘28
Unitas is a key component of what distinguishes an Augustinian education from all others. We continue to look forward to working together to strengthen our community in a way that is reflective of our core values of veritas, unitas, and caritas.
As we do so, the Office of Student Life aims to build students of strong character while recognizing exemplary behavior on campus. Students who best display the values that are distinctive to the Austin Prep experience will be acknowledged monthly here in the Cougar Courier and on social media.
This month, we would like to recognize the work of Emma Little ‘29 and Connor Dunbrack ‘28. Emma has stepped up multiple times this month by staying after class to clean up classrooms, her positive stewardship is greatly appreciated! Connor has done an excellent job sharing his talents with others as he helped classmates understand material. In addition, he offered assistance by lending his calculator to his peer. Their selfless nature is a quality we look for in our students. Great job, Emma and Connor!
AP Language Students Encouraged to Find Their Passion
Avery Davis '24 designed and sewed a dress, while Michael Young '24 built a billiards inspired end table for their passion projects.
This week English Faculty Mrs. Stephanie Choate’s and Mrs. Nicole Putney's AP Language classes wrapped up their six month long pursuit to find their passion. After reading Ken Robinson’s The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything over the summer of 2022, students were tasked with choosing a project to work on throughout the school year. Students set goals, created their own rubrics, and wrote a reflection about the project. This year’s projects ranged from woodworking, to fashion, to cookbooks and even learning another language! Students showcased their work at a Museum during Cougar Block.
Students Present Policies on Free Speech
Mr. Trevor Jones was among a guest panel of faculty who asked questions challenging students' proposed free speech policies.
Students in Mr. Nate Piccini's American Experience classes presented policies on free speech. The students have spent the third quarter investigating the scope and limits to the First Amendment. They were asked to write up a policy from a fictitious university that laid out criteria for accepting and rejecting speakers on campus and how to deal with limiting speech while honoring the views of all members of their communities. Students presented in front of their peers as well as a panel of faculty and staff that included Mr. Jonathan Pollard, Associate Head of School; Dr. William Driscoll, Dean of Faculty; Mr. Colin Kiley, Assistant Dean of Students; Mr. Jack Brady, English Faculty; and Mr. Trevor Jones, History Faculty. Students are now tasked with responding to the points raised by the panel in writing during the coming classes.
Jillian Whitney Inks Commitment to Continue Soccer Career
This past week, Jillian Whitney '23 made her commitment to continue her soccer career at Trinity College, an NCAA Division III, NESCAC member. Congrats, Jillian! Jillian also competed on the girl ski team at Austin Prep.
2023-2024 Academic Calendar Released
Get your planning for the next academic year started now! First released in Dr. Hickey State of the School letter on Wednesday night, we are pleased to pass along the 2023-2024 Important Dates Calendar, which can be found here as well as in the Parent and Student Portals. This calendar contains information pertinent to key dates in the academic calendar as well as holidays and vacations.
Please Note: Despite a first day of class that falls after Labor Day, fall athletic seasons will continue to begin on their traditional August dates. More details about fall preseason schedules will be communicated by the athletics department soon.
March 11, 2023
Tickets Available for Spring Musical Chicago
Austin Prep again takes show on the road for March 25th and 26th performances in Stoneham
The cast and crew is ready for the spring musical Chicago.
Students have been hard at work on final preparations for Austin Prep's spring musical, Chicago. The show will take place Saturday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 26th at 2:00 p.m. at the Greater Boston Stage Company in Stoneham. Tickets for seniors and students are $10, and Adults are $15. You can purchase tickets here. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
Women's History Month Programming Continues with "Alumni Conversations" on Monday, March 13th
As part of our continued celebration of Black History and Women's History Months, the Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to announce the next event in our series of Alumni Conversations: Celebrating 60 Years of Alumni!
Throughout these months, influential alumni will be returning to campus to speak with students about their Austin Prep experiences and their personal and professional journeys beyond Austin Prep.
On Monday, March 13th we welcome Kristen Nuttall Swartz '00, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Urology and Surgical Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. She will be hosted by Mrs. Kim Esakof, Lead Nurse at Austin Prep.
Students, please sign up here to reserve a spot and confirm your attendance!
First Women's History Month "Alumni Conversation" took place Monday
Mia Lazarewicz '02 is joined by Tony Biscardi '88 and Bill Maradei P'11, '12 at Austin Prep on March 6th for Alumni Conversations.
On Monday, March 6th we welcomed Eliana (Nader) Griffin '02, Immigration Attorney, Magaletta, McCarthy & Nader, PC, Past Chair of AILA New England; Mia Lazarewicz '02, American Ninja Warrior, Author, Personal Trainer; and Taisha (Walker) DeSouza '02, Certified Public Account, Pricewaterhouse Coopers; 2nd Vice President of New York Chapter of National Association of Black Accountants. The 2002 alums fielded questions from students in attendance.
International Women's Day March 8th
Wednesday, March 8th was International Women’s Day. We recognized School-Wide Student Government Officers (left to right) Taylor Grohe ’23, Vice President; Sasha Callaway ’23, Secretary; and Jackie Brand ’23, President for their leadership and service to the Austin Prep student community!
Save the Date! March 30th is Austin Prep's Annual Day of Giving
Thursday, March 30th marks Austin Prep’s 5th Annual Day of Giving and the opportunity for our community to come together in support of the Austin Prep student experience.
Last year, Austin Prep’s Day of Giving generated over 400 gifts from parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, alumni and alumni parents, trustees, and friends. This outpouring of support generated an additional $150,000 for the Austin Prep Fund providing resources for curricular and co-curricular programs for students, tuition assistance, and professional development opportunities for our treasured faculty members.
Your gift helps Make Extraordinary Possible at Austin Prep.
Sibling Day is April 12th
Last year, Thano Meimaris '26 brought his younger sister Melina to Sibling Day. Now Melina is a member of the Class of 2029!
The Office of Admissions is excited to announce Sibling Day will be held on Wednesday, April 12th from 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Younger siblings in grades 4 through 9 are invited to experience a day in the shoes of their older brother or sister. The day is a great opportunity for Austin Prep siblings to spend a day shadowing their sibling, following their regular academic schedule, and making new friends! More information to come!
Join us May 22nd for Annual Golf Tournament
The 35th Annual Golf Tournament will take place on May 22, 2023 at Indian Ridge Golf Country Club in Andover, MA. Information about registration and sponsorships can be found here. Sign up for a golf foursome soon. This event will sell out!
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. Proceeds from past golf tournaments have funded numerous campus initiatives, including the renovated David E. Nelson '81 Fitness Center, the Science Wing, the Covid Relief Fund, and expanded parking on campus. This year's event will help support heating and air conditioning upgrades in McLaughlin Hall to provide a comfortable learning environment for students and faculty.
We welcome your participation in the event, either as a golfer or sponsor. If you have questions about golf sponsorships or the event in general, please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head of School for Administration and Special Projects. We hope to see you on the course for another great day with friends in support of Austin Prep.
WBZ / CBS Boston's Steve Burton Speaks to the School Community
Well known Boston sportscaster encourages hard work and embracing struggle
Steve Burton with student panelists Elena Oulton '24, Fiona Cullen '23, Nick Blessing '23, and Thomas Hayes '23.
Austin Prep was honored to welcome Steve Burton of WBZ / CBS News Boston to campus on Tuesday to speak to the school community. Mr. Burton detailed his experiences in athletics, sportscasting, and raising a family, and conveyed to students the importance of hard work while being a person of great faith and character. An important theme within his message was, "Learn how to draw a crowd, then learn how to withdraw from a crowd, when the crowd isn't going to do you any good."
Mr. Burton invited students to take part in a mock live report before concluding the presentation by answering questions from a student panel. Mr. Burton left students with this final tip: "Practice when everyone else is practicing. Then practice when everyone else is sleeping."
You can view photos from the presentation here.
Students Act Out Romeo and Juliet Scenes During Shakespeare Workshop
Romeo details the complexities of love, courtesy of Riley Abbott '23.
On Monday Shakespeare and Company, described as "one of the most extensive arts-in-education programs in the northeast," visited Austin Prep and put on a production of Romeo and Juliet for the freshmen class. Later in the day, the actors led workshops with students in Shakespeare in Film and AP Literature. Students participated in vocal warmups and then were put into small groups to act out short scenes from Romeo and Juliet. View photos from the workshop here.
Class of 2027 Enjoys Capstone Trip to Washington D.C.
The Class of 2027 traveled to Washington, DC this week for their Class Capstone Trip. Students visited a number of monuments and sites celebrating the history and heritage of the United States. While at sites like the Lincoln Memorial and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, students delivered presentations to their classmates about the significance of the site and notable features of the monument. The experience of students learning from each other represents the immersive way in which teachers designed lessons prior to the trip and experiences in the itinerary to provide students with ownership of their learning and contribute their voices to the program. Students also explored a number of Smithsonian Museums and were fortunate to spend time with Dr. Crystal Kuykendall at the National Museum of African American History and Culture where students made connections to research completed in their English classes in February. The Class Trip was a unifying experience for the students with experiences like a class dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and an outing to the National Harbor and the celebration of a Mass for the class at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle. Students returned to campus on Wednesday evening and have been excited to share their stories and memories from the trip with fellow advisees and their families. For a video reel highlighting the students' trip, please click here.
Mr. Patrick Costello Highlighted for Work With Local Non-Profit
Mr. Patrick Costello, Coordinator of Student Activities and Unitas Shop Manager, was recently profiled in the Eagle Tribune for the work he does with Off-Season Hoops, Inc., a non-profit corporation he founded which aims to enhance lives of adolescents through programs designed to develop mind and body and to encourage open discussions about life and leadership both on and off the court. Off-Season Hoops, Inc. gives student-athletes the opportunity to develop their full potential by participating in community-based educational and sports related programs.
The organization recently awarded three, $500 scholarships to female high school basketball players in the Merrimack Valley. Since its inception in 2015, Off-Season Hoops has now awarded $9,500 to nineteen local student-athletes. These awards are possible through the financial support and generosity of local businesses in the community.
To read more about the great work of Mr. Costello and Off-Season Hoops click here.
Math Team Wins League Championship
Austin Prep’s Math Team concluded this year’s competition schedule in the Massachusetts Mathematics League (MML) with a first place finish in a meet hosted by Austin Prep on March 2nd. The competition schedule included six meets, dating back to October 2022. Congratulations to Bernice Yu ’24 (Captain), Hayden Bai ’25 (Captain), Rahul Gupta ’23, Jordan Wang ’23, Doris Du ’24, Chris Ellis ’24, Avi Mishra ’24, Maddy Shih ’24, Olivia Xia ’24, Kai Chari ’25, Fiona Hyland ’25, Nick Kuntz ’25, Dilan Patel ’25, Keira Reid ’25, and Meredith Rhodes ’25 and Coach and Math Faculty Member Zheng (Jason) Sun.
Math Team welcomes anyone at Austin Prep with a special love for math to join us next year!
Robotics Team Advances to State Semi-Finals
The Austin Prep robotics team competed in the Massachusetts FTC State championships last weekend at Andover High School. Of the 94 teams in the state 36 of them qualified to compete in the state competition. One of Austin Prep's teams advanced to states. Team members included Rahul Gupta '23, Avi Mishra '24, Maddy Shih '24, Michael Young '24, and Victor Villarroel '24. With an impressive performance, they advanced all the way to the semi-finals. They had one of the highest-scoring and most consistent autonomous programs.
The team walked away with the Control Award which is given to the team that best masters robot intelligence. The Control Award celebrates a Team that uses sensors and software to increase the robot’s functionality in the field. This award is given to the Team that demonstrates innovative thinking to solve game challenges such as autonomous operation, improving mechanical systems with intelligent control, or using sensors to achieve better results. The control component should work consistently in the field. The team’s engineering portfolio must contain a summary of the software, sensors, and mechanical control, but would not include copies of the code itself.
Ainsley Golini '23 Inks Commitment to Continue Soccer Career
Ainsley Golini '23 and family at Wednesday's signing celebration.
This past week, Ainsley Golini '23 made her commitment to continue her soccer career at Clark University, an NCAA Division III, NEWMAC member. Congrats, Ainsley! Her dog Barkley remains undecided.
Winter Sports Celebrate Senior Days
In recent weeks, we have been honored to celebrate Senior Days for our graduating winter sport student-athletes. Below are photos from those special days!
Girls Basketball.
Boys and Girls Skiing.
Boys and Girls Swimming.
Boys Ice Hockey.
Girls Ice Hockey.
Indoor Track and Field.
Indoor Track and Field.
Mr. Ryan Patrie Named Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach
Ryan Patrie, pictured with Director of Athletics Patrick Driscoll '97 and Head of School Dr. James Hickey, was announced Thursday as Austin Prep's new Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach.
Mr. Ryan Patrie, Austin Prep's Director of Admissions, was named the head boys varsity soccer coach on Thursday. Mr. Patrie coached boys soccer at Lexington Christian Academy – a member of the New England Prep School Athletic Council (NEPSAC) – for 13 years, which included five NEPSAC tournament appearances. He was named Eastern Independent League (EIL) Coach of the Year three times and the National Christian Schools Athletic Association National Coach of the Year. Additionally, he has coached the Massachusetts Youth Soccer District Select Program, reaching the State Finals three times, and capturing the State Championship once.
Mr. Patrie first joined Austin Prep in the fall of 2022 as the School's Director of Admissions. Prior to arriving at Austin Prep, Coach Patrie served as Lexington Christian Academy's Director of Admissions from 2018 to 2022 and as Director of Athletics from 2014 to 2018. He earned his Bachelor's Degree from Liberty University.
Coach Patrie is enthusiastic about the opportunity to lead the Austin Prep Boys Soccer Program. "I am humbled and excited to be Austin Prep's next Boys Varsity soccer coach and greatly appreciate the confidence of Director of Athletics Mr. Patrick Driscoll, Associate Head of School Mr. Jonathan Pollard, and Head of School Dr. James Hickey to provide me with this opportunity. Austin Prep values the entire educational experience that student-athletes have and that commitment falls right in line with my own philosophy around interscholastic athletics," Coach Patrie said.
"As head of the soccer program, I am excited to help lead the charge and continue the transition to NEPSAC. I have great respect for NEPSAC programs and look to help elevate our program. I believe we have all the tools and support to be a top program that produces great players, but more importantly better young men."
Austin Prep enters its second season playing in the NEPSAC in the fall of 2023.
March 18, 2023
Spring Musical Chicago is March 25th and 26th
Austin Prep again takes show on the road for March 25th and 26th performances in Stoneham
Ava Intoppa '24 and Jillian McAuley '24 are ready for Chicago.
Students have been hard at work on final preparations for Austin Prep's spring musical, Chicago. The show will take place Saturday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 26th at 2:00 p.m. at the Greater Boston Stage Company in Stoneham. Tickets for seniors and students are $10, and Adults are $15. You can purchase tickets here. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
Women's History Month Programming Continues with "Alumni Conversations" on Thursday, March 23rd
As part of our continued celebration of Black History and Women's History Months, the Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to announce the next event in our series of Alumni Conversations: Celebrating 60 Years of Alumni!
Throughout these months, influential alumni will be returning to campus to speak with students about their Austin Prep experiences and their personal and professional journeys beyond Austin Prep.
On Thursday, March 23rd, Class of 2003 alumna Britt Denaro, also known as Britt Lightning, is the Lead Guitarist for Vixen and the first-ever Music Director of Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp. This will be an active and engaging conversation about being a female in the male-dominated rock & roll industry.
Students, please sign up here to reserve a spot and confirm your attendance!
Later that evening at 7:00 p.m. Denaro will host and headline an Acoustic Open Mic Night. Students are welcome to perform up to three songs (or 10 minutes total) during the Open Mic Program. Songs must be approved in advance by Mr. Joe Leary, Art and Design Faculty. Students and parents are invited and encouraged to attend the program. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required and can be done here.
Austin Prep hosts nurse practitioner alum for nursing and medicine themed "Alumni Conversation"
On Monday, March 13th we welcomed Kristen Nuttall Swartz '00, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Urology and Surgical Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. She was hosted by Mrs. Kim Esakof, Lead Nurse at Austin Prep.
Ms. Swartz shared insight and experience in the field of nursing and medicine and covered topics ranging from being one of the first female Austin Prep Lifers to graduate, to becoming a nurse practitioner after several rewarding years as a nurse.
The Countdown is on to Austin Prep's 5th Annual Day of Giving
For 60 years, Austin Prep has provided students with a rich, student experience. This milestone is possible thanks to the continued support of the Austin Prep community – the families, friends, and faculty members that our School has relied on year after year.
Austin Prep’s 5th Annual Day of Giving is on March 30th and is an opportunity for our community to come together once again to help provide our 800+ students with an extraordinary and memorable academic experience.
Your gift makes an impact. And this year, making a gift is easier than ever before. To donate using Venmo, scan the QR code below and include “Make Extraordinary Possible” in the payment details. To donate via credit card, ApplePay or PayPal click here.
Gifts made today through March 30th will count toward Austin Prep’s 2023 Day of Giving.
Thank you for your continued support of Austin Prep.
Note: Looking to double or triple your gift? Many companies match their employees charitable donations. Fidelity, State Street, Bank of America, Raytheon, Sanofi, Liberty Mutual just to name a few. Email to see if your company offers a matching gift program.
Faculty and Staff Connect During Professional Development Day
Dr. Ric Vanegas P'21, '24 gave Friday's keynote on his Summer Sabbatical.
On Friday, March 17th faculty and staff took part in a mini Professional Development Conference at Austin Prep. The Conference was designed to provide spiritual formation in the Augustinian tradition during Lent, introduce neurodiversity and offer tools to implement research-based approaches to reach more students in the classroom, structure teacher-led workshops that inspire peer learning and offer models of how to apply strategies at Austin Prep, offer an assortment of choices so teachers can select options for their own development, and provide resources shared by presenters so that teachers can continue to apply key takeaways from the day. Over 20 Austin Prep faculty or staff members led breakout sessions during the conference, including a keynote from Science Faculty Dr. Ric Vanegas P'21, '24 on his Summer Sabbatical. Art and Design Faculty Mr. Joe Leary, who also participated in a Summer Sabbatical experience in Nashville, provided acoustic guitar entertainment during lunch. The Mini Conference Day was an initiative proposed in Austin Prep's Strategic Planning efforts and represented an investment in continuing to cultivate the professional staff.
The Power of Professional Development
During the annual mid-March professional development break, it is always worth noting that during this professional development break in March 2020, Austin Prep faculty were briefed on a variety of topics, including a thorough, robust, and rapid introduction to the topic of Remote Teaching and Learning, including Zoom. Remote classes were introduced to school community the very next day.
Juniors and Seniors Enjoy Campus Ministry Retreat
The Office of Campus Ministry hosted a meaningful off-campus retreat last weekend for juniors and seniors, providing an opportunity for reflection and for connecting with classmates. The retreat took place at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Kennebunkport, Maine. The retreat was conducted by Fr. Michael Senfuma, who is familiar to the Austin Prep community as he celebrated November's All Saints Day Mass. Over 30 students were accompanied on the retreat by Director of Campus Ministry Sr. Maria Nassali, Dean of Faculty Dr. Bill Driscoll, Math and Theology Faculty and Deacon Bill Reidy, Theology Faculty Mr. Raymond Kabunga, Technology Specialist David McPherson, and Theology Faculty Ms. Kayla Greenwood.
"I was so touched by how much the students shared during the retreat, " Sr. Maria said. "There were different activities students engaged in and every student actively participated. Some students said they are going to recruit more students to join next year because they had a great experience."
Black and Women's History Months Celebrated in Math Classes
Taylor Grohe '23 lobbies for a job for Florence Nightingale.
Precalculus CP and Honors students in Math Faculty Ms. Alison Fish, Mr. Adam Zona, Mrs. Natalie Petrillo, and Mr. Jason Sun's classes have been working on a project to celebrate both Black History and Women's History Months. They have researched mathematicians and wrote and presented resumes in the form of a one to two minute video or live presentation to showcase and apply for a job for their mathematician.
Melanson '23 Shares Insight with Middle School Students
A great benefit of the Austin Prep Middle School experience is being able to interact with and learn from Upper School student mentors. Assistant Dean of Students Mr. Colin Kiley's Topics in Technology: Sports Leadership course features a speaker series and last week's speaker was Caroline Melanson '23. Caroline talked about the impact athletics has on her life, her role as a captain in both Ice Hockey and Field Hockey, balancing commitments and academics, and her favorite athletic experiences. Students in the class participated in a Q&A with Caroline to conclude the session. Thank you to Caroline for volunteering her time and for the advice she offered from a student-athlete perspective to the Middle School students!
Forensics Students Visit FBI Training Center
Students in Science Faculty Mr. Dennis Goodwin's Forensics class have continued their co-curricular work in forensics. Last week, students took a field trip to an FBI training center at an undisclosed location and investigated a mock crime scene. Earlier this year, FBI agents visited Austin Prep to describe to students how key terms studied in class are applicable to counter terrorism work.
Get Involved With Parents Association at Athletic Events
Spring sports tryouts started this past week and games will be here before we know it. Parent volunteers are needed to help run the Parent Association concession stand in the Upper Stadium for select games during the spring season. Running the concession stand is a great way to meet other parents and provide refreshments for families and fans. Proceeds support Parent Association events and other community-wide initiatives. The stand cannot open and operate without enough parent volunteers to rotate shifts. So come lend a hand and have some fun. We need you! Interested volunteers should reach out to Parent Association President Mrs. Maryellen Iannibelli P'22, '24.
Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend
Yesterday – and this weekend – we celebrate Saint Patrick, the apostle of Ireland and the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Boston. Saint Patrick, pray for us.
And don't forget, there are no classes on Monday, March 20th. We will see students again on Tuesday, March 21st when it will be a Day 4.
March 25, 2023
Chicago Opens Tonight!
Austin Prep again takes show on the road for shows tonight and tomorrow afternoon
Austin Prep's spring musical, Chicago, opens tonight! Students have been hard at work with final preparations for the show, including two dress rehearsal days this week at the Greater Boston Stage Company in Stoneham. Tonight's show is at 7:00 p.m., and tomorrow's show is at 2:00 p.m., both at the Greater Boston Stage Company. Tickets for seniors and students are $10, and Adults are $15. You can purchase tickets here. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Austin Prep's Day of Giving is Thursday, March 30th
Thursday, March 30th marks Austin Prep’s 5th Annual Day of Giving.
Last year, Austin Prep’s Day of Giving generated over 400 gifts from parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, alumni and alumni parents, trustees, and friends. This outpouring of support generated an additional $150,000 for the Austin Prep Fund providing resources for curricular and co-curricular programs for students, tuition assistance, and professional development opportunities for our treasured faculty members.
Your gift makes an impact. And this year, making a gift is easier than ever before. To donate using Venmo, scan the QR code below and include “Make Extraordinary Possible” in the payment details. To donate via credit card, ApplePay or PayPal click here.
Thank you for your continued support of Austin Prep.
Note: Looking to double or triple your gift? Many companies match their employees charitable donations. Fidelity, State Street, Bank of America, Raytheon, Sanofi, Liberty Mutual just to name a few. Email to see if your company offers a matching gift program.
Austin Prep Welcomes Grandparents to Campus
Austin Prep welcomed guests to campus on Friday, March 24th for Grandparents' Day. Over 250 grandparents arrived to campus for continental breakfast and fellowship, before being joined by their Austin Prep grandchildren for a special prayer service in Richard J. Meelia '67 Hall. The day celebrating the special bond between grandparent and grandchild concluded with a grandchild-led tour of campus. The program for the prayer service can be found here.
Those in attendance at the prayer service gained insight into perhaps the origins of Austin Prep's commitment to the "Unwritten Curriculum" as Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. gave a reflection into his own experience as a highly driven doctoral student. When describing his academic research to his grandmother, Dr. Hickey's grandmother responded, "This is all very nice, but it is boring. Too much work makes you boring. You need to have more fun." The advice changed his perspective and provided him a deeper appreciation for things such as time with family and friends.
Dr. Hickey also acknowledged the impact that grandparents have on the lives of our Austin Prep students. "As grandparents, you are important in the lives of our students. And as a result, you are important to us," Dr. Hickey said.
You can view photos from Grandparents Day here.
First Grandparents, Now Siblings...
These Austin Prep siblings joined us for Sibling Day in 2022. How many are now current Austin Prep students?
The Office of Admissions is excited to announce Sibling Day will be held on Wednesday, April 12th from 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Younger siblings in grades 4 through 9 are invited to experience a day in the shoes of their older brother or sister. The day is a great opportunity for Austin Prep siblings to spend a day shadowing their sibling, following their regular academic schedule, and making new friends! Click here to register.
Memorial Scholarship Applications are Open
A special breakfast for recipients and families will occur on Thursday, May 25th
Bree Anderson '25 was a recipient of the David Nelson '81 Memorial Scholarship last year.
There are a limited number of scholarships for which students in Grades 9-11 may apply for at this time for the 2023-2024 school year. Memorial Scholarships are available to our students due to the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created funds in memory of a loved one.
The Memorial Scholarship Descriptions and Application are now available in the Student and Parent Portals. All application packages must be delivered to the office of Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for Administration and Special Projects on the 4th floor of St. Augustine Hall by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 14th. Early applications are welcomed and appreciated. There will be no extensions and applications will not be accepted via email.
Formal presentations of the Memorial Scholarships will be made at a special breakfast for recipients and families on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:30 a.m. Award recipients will be notified by May 11th.
Please direct all questions via email to Ms. Belanger at
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
Women's History Month Programming Culminates with "Alumni Conversation" on Thursday, March 23rd
Britt Denaro '03 during a warm up session before last Thursday's Open Mic event.
As part of our continued celebration of Black History and Women's History Months, the Office of Alumni Relations has been proud to present our series of Alumni Conversations: Celebrating 60 Years of Alumni!
Throughout these months, influential alumni have returned to campus to speak with students about their Austin Prep experiences and their personal and professional journeys beyond Austin Prep.
On Thursday, March 23rd, Class of 2003 alumna Britt Denaro, also known as Britt Lightning, the Lead Guitarist for Vixen and the first-ever Music Director of Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp was our guest for an active and engaging conversation about being a female in the male-dominated rock & roll industry.
Later that evening, Denaro hosted and headlined an Acoustic Open Mic Night. The program for the event can be found here.
7th Graders Zoom with The Wednesday Wars Author
Austin Prep hosted Author Gary Schmidt virtually on Friday.
Friday, March 24th the 7th grade class was treated to a chat with the author of The Wednesday Wars, Gary Schmidt. Students have been reading this novel as their whole class read for the 3rd quarter.
Professor Schmidt explained to the students that much of his novel developed from small moments in his life. A scene where the main character wins a track meet against older 8th grade students was written in his mind while on a long road trip with his family to New Hampshire. As he mused out the window he pictured his 7th grade hero trailing along at the end of the pack, all along, knowing that he could run faster, but afraid to show up the older 8th grade boys. That is, until his teacher started urging him to run faster! He imagined his protagonist would be much more frightened of the infamous "Mrs. Baker" than he was of the older boys. When he arrived at his destination, professor Schmidt jotted the story seed out on the inside of a Milky Way wrapper for safekeeping.
It was great to acknowledge how in these small moments, stories can be sparked. Many of the students in the audience were likely reminded of when they generated their own story seeds from small moments that played in their own minds that later went on to become their own NaNoWriMo novels. In fact, much of the process was quite similar to their own journeys.
In addition, 7th graders had the opportunity to ask Professor Schmidt for some insight into some of these characters, as well as his writing and publishing process.
Thanks to Dr. Christy Lawrence, English Faculty, for facilitating this conversation with a published author!
Former Suffolk County District Attorney Speaks to Students
Guest speaker Ralph Martin with our student panelists.
Austin Prep welcomed former Suffolk County District Attorney Ralph Martin to campus Tuesday, March 21st to speak to the school community. Mr. Martin – whose career also included time as Northeastern University's general counsel and as managing partner of the Boston law office of Bingham McCutchen – detailed the continuum of experiences that helped shape his life, including the influence of his 3rd grade teacher, his father, mentors in the law enforcement field, and even the Bloody Sunday March in Selma, Alabama in 1965.
“I’ve always tried to take a minimalistic approach to being a lawyer, and enjoyed wrestling with concepts that don’t have precise answers,” Mr. Martin said. “It is important to be comfortable in unclear and ambiguous circumstances, and try to help others understand where the truth is and where our commonality is.”
At the conclusion of his lecture, Mr. Martin fielded questions from a panel of Austin Prep students.
Mandarin Students Visit Peabody Essex Museum
World Language Faculty Dr. Po Chun Wang led a field trip for Mandarin students to the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem on Tuesday, March 21st. Among the exhibits Austin Prep students visited was an Asia exhibit and a 200 year old Chinese house re-erected at the Museum.
Ready to Golf? Only a Few Foursomes are Left...
Golfers get warmed up for the 2022 Austin Open Golf Tournament.
The 35th Annual Golf Tournament will take place on May 22, 2023 at Indian Ridge Golf Country Club in Andover, MA. Information about registration and sponsorships can be found here. Sign up for a golf foursome soon. This event will sell out!
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. Proceeds from past golf tournaments have funded numerous campus initiatives, including the renovated David E. Nelson '81 Fitness Center, the Science Wing, the Covid Relief Fund, and expanded parking on campus. This year's event will help support heating and air conditioning upgrades in McLaughlin Hall to provide a comfortable learning environment for students and faculty.
If you are interested in golfing, we encourage you to sign up soon as the flight will sell out! If you have questions about golfing or the event in general, please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head of School for Administration and Special Projects. We hope to see you on the course for another great day with friends in support of Austin Prep.
Hunter Weldon to Continue Football Career at University of New England
Hunter Weldon '23 and family at Tuesday's signing ceremony.
This past week, Hunter Weldon '23 made his commitment to continue his football career at the University of New England. Congrats, Hunter!