Cougar Courier: The Year in Review Edition 2023-24
We invite you to take a look back at the stories of 2023-24 that helped shape the Austin Prep community.
The 2023-2024 Academic Year Begins
"Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to the integrity that is in me.” Book of Psalms (7:8) adopted as theme for the academic year
Click here for a video recap of September!
But Before the First Day of Class, There was Orientation
Middle School students were on campus for two days of orientation.
Members of the Class of 2027 were on campus for one day of orientation.
Prior to the start of classes, students were on campus for orientation activities. Middle School students, members of the Class of 2027, and new Upper School students were on campus on Tuesday, September 5th and received welcomes from Dr. James Hickey, Head of School and others.
Click the links to view photos and a video from Middle School Orientation. To view photos from the Class of 2027 Orientation, click here.
Austin Prep's Massive Infrastructure Project Chills Hot First Week
Austin Prep classrooms were renovated as part of a $4.2 million building modernization project.
Austin Prep’s patron, St. Augustine, had an exhortation in one of his sermons: “Do not be content with what you are, if you want to become what you are not yet. For where you have grown pleased with yourself, there you will remain…Always add something more, keep moving forward, always make progress.” As a school community, Austin Prep takes St. Augustine’s advice to heart. The school remains in growth mode with the summer of 2023 being another one of sustained progress and transformation.
Shortly after the final bell rang to close the 2022-2023 academic year Austin Prep undertook a massive $4.2 million capital project to replace the school’s heating system, install air conditioning to instructional and administrative space, and modernize instructional space and technology. This initiative was another giant step forward in modernizing the school’s facilities. In upgrading the school’s mechanical systems, Austin Prep also installed HVAC equipment that is more energy efficient, thereby reducing our carbon footprint, and focusing on care for the natural environment.
The project was set in motion after the decision by the Board of Trustees in January 2023 to move forward with the major renovation project. The work spanned 14 summer weeks, an initiative that long time school project and construction management partner Pimentel Construction called “one of our most complex projects we’ve completed for Austin Prep yet, renovating 70,000 square feet across the entire academic building.”
Despite the considerable scope of work, the school year kicked off on time as planned, and in an ironic twist, students enjoyed a cool first week of class during an unseasonably late-summer heat wave that saw temperatures reach into the 90s.
The HVAC and classroom modernization project is an indication of Austin Prep’s bright future and continued growth. As the school closed a year of celebrating its 60th anniversary – Austin Prep first admitted students in 1963 – the project was also a symbolic step forward as the school rises to meet the challenge of the next 60 years and beyond. It is likely that the only time Austin Prep experienced a project of a similar magnitude in its 60 year history was when the cornerstone was laid.
The summer infrastructure project was the next in a line of considerable additions to the campus footprint in recent years, including a completely renovated Dining Hall with all-inclusive dining plan in 2018; a state-of-the-art athletic complex including a baseball stadium with synthetic playing surface, playing space for soccer and field hockey, and a six tennis court facility in 2020; and a new modular and flexible science lab to support teaching and learning in the life, chemical, and physical sciences in both the Upper and Middle Schools, plus renovations to the Chapel of St. Augustine in 2022.
New infrastructure projects of this nature are funded by philanthropy, and in order to expand programming, launch new initiatives, or add infrastructure Austin Prep relies on the generosity of parents and benefactors to support these endeavors, and will need to continue to do so. The school is grateful for those who made gifts to advance the growth of teaching and learning, and to make projects like these a reality.
As a result of the work. it’s unmistakable that Austin Prep’s instructional space has been transformed – it’s bright, modern, and well equipped to begin the school’s next 60 years.
Austin Prep Concludes 60th Anniversary Celebration with Convocation
On Thursday, September 14th, Austin Prep marked the official start of the academic year with the celebration of the annual Convocation Liturgy. Austin Prep welcomed Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, as the principal celebrant and homilist. The celebration, open to parents and livestreamed to the school community, also helped conclude Austin Prep's 60th Anniversary Celebration. You can view photos from the day here.
You can view a video from the day here, and the introduction of the 6th Grade Class of 2030 here.
Complete with the pageantry expected of Convocation – including the procession of students carrying class banners, welcomed by faculty in academic regalia to the sounds of the Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipes and Drums – this year's liturgy continued to include a parade of flags representing the national heritages of those in our school community. Over 80 national flags were included.
Ava Intoppa '24, School-Wide Student Government President, began the ceremony by addressing her classmates. "I am honored to have the opportunity to welcome Cardinal O’Malley to campus today to celebrate this special Mass and bless the school year as we close out our 60th anniversary, and look forward to a new chapter of our story, " Ava said. "I am also honored to address all of you, my teachers, classmates, and friends here today to celebrate our membership in this community and our love for God and one another. I am extremely excited for the year that is to come, and even more excited to be able to experience it with all of you and to see what each member of this student community will do."
Cardinal O'Malley began his remarks by thanking all those who over the past 60 years have helped make Austin Prep the institution that it is, then reflected on the importance of Catholic education.
"In a time of more people living alone, a part of Catholic education is bringing us together to discover our connectedness," Cardinal O'Malley said. "It is our faith that allows us to discover the meaning and value and things. Who we are made in the image and likeness of God. What is our mission? What is our purpose? All of this is so important in Catholic Education."
Head of School, Dr. James Hickey P'22, '23, '24 '27, welcomed those in attendance, thanked Cardinal Seán for his support of Austin Prep over the years, and congratulated him on recently celebrating 20 years as the Archbishop of Boston. Dr. Hickey made note of the attendance of Augustinian Friars Fr. Art Johnson, O.S.A., Fr. Peter Gori '70, and Trustee Fr. Ray Dlugos, O.S.A. and the Augustinians of the Assumption, who joined the Austin Prep community this year.
"60 years is certainly a significant milestone, but when you place those 60 years in the context of St. Augustine's heritage, the milestone is a bit diminished, " Dr. Hickey said. "St. Augustine was born in 354, and for nearly 1700 years his legacy has endured. Our 60 years is only one tiny part of 17 centuries. Our restless Journey in the footsteps of Augustine has kept Austin Prep steady, and determined, and resolute. We have much to celebrate, and much to be proud of."
Dr. Hickey then added, that despite our successes, “St. Augustine told us that 'humility must be with us everywhere. For as soon as we glory in our good works, they are of no further value to our advancement to virtue.'"
Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, with Dr. Hickey and the Daughters of Mary at the conclusion of Convocation.
To mark the occasion, Senior Class Officers Ryan O'Malley '24 and Lauren Neal '24 presented the Class of 2024 banner, which was eventually hoisted to the rafters of Meelia Hall, where it remained until being lowered prior to Baccalaureate Mass in May, 2024. View the raising of the banner here.
Community Dances the Night Away at the Black Tie Gala
Dr. Hickey delivered the opening remarks at the 60th Anniversary Black Tie Gala.
We had an amazing celebration Friday, September 15th as nearly 300 parents, past parents, faculty, alumni, Trustees and friends celebrated Austin Prep's 60th Anniversary at the Burlington Marriott. It was an unforgettable dinner and dancing event, noting the accomplishments of yesterday, embracing the opportunities of today, and imagining the future with pride, confidence, and optimism.
One of the highlights of the evening was the premiere of a video piece documenting our strong history with an eye towards the future. You can view the video by clicking the video icon above. Additionally, you can view some video highlights from the evening here, as well as photos. Cheers to the next 60 years!
Sixth Grade Builds Community with Mini Golf and Ice Cream
Members of the Class of 2030 had the opportunity to get to know one another as they played miniature golf and enjoyed ice cream sundaes at Richardson's Farm. Students were placed in foursomes to play their 18 holes of golf and were prompted to dialogue with each other with conversation starters provided by faculty members at different holes on the course. An ice cream treat capped off the afternoon. This class activity was planned by the Office of Student Life as part of a series of programs designed to build community among students. View photos from the day here.
Austin Prep Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month
Austin Prep students enjoyed Dominican inspired cuisine in the Dining Hall during Hispanic Heritage Month.
Austin Prep continues to prioritize our attention and resources on promoting greater justice and inclusion. We are animated by the life and teaching of St. Augustine and the Augustinians. Our Augustinian values anchor our work in the Office of Mission and Inclusion. Interacting with diverse cultures fosters intellectual and personal growth, develops leadership skills, promotes awareness, and furthers global engagement. Austin Prep condemns bigotry, intolerance, prejudice, and racism in any form and our Catholic faith calls us to action to do all we can to foster greater respect and justice for all.
Austin Prep kicked off the 2023-2024 Academic Year by proudly promoting Hispanic Heritage Month. The programming for Hispanic Heritage Month is based on the mission of Austin Prep to encourage learning; educating the whole person, the service of faith, and the promotion of justice. Throughout the month we provided students with opportunities to embrace and celebrate Hispanic culture.
Dr. Hickey Recognized by Alma Mater
Dr. Hickey at Wagner College's Grand Celebration with wife Cindy and children Madeline '22 and Ryan '23.
Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D., was presented with the Kevin Sheehy ’67 M’70 M’92 H’99 Alumni Leadership Medal at Wagner College's Grand Celebration as a part of Wagner Weekend.
The Wagner College Alumni Association annually recognizes outstanding alumni who have given distinguished service to Wagner College and the community at large. Dr. Hickey, who received his bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History in 1994 and his master’s in Secondary Education in 1997 from the Staten Island, NY, college, held student leadership roles at Wagner and upon graduating contributed to school alumni and development initiatives. Additionally, Dr. Hickey was an Adjunct Professor in the college's Education Department for 15 years.
You can learn more about the award and recipients here.
Austin Prep Community Recognizes First Responders at Blue Mass
Representatives from the Reading Police and Fire Departments, the Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipe and Drums, as well as first responder parents from the Austin Prep community, attended Austin Prep’s 7th Annual Blue Mass for First Responders on Tuesday, October 10th. The Mass is held annually in gratitude for all those who put their lives on the line for others. You can view photos from the day here.
Ava Intoppa '24, School-Wide President, welcomed classmates to the Mass. "This Mass is a very special one for our community as it gives us the opportunity to reflect and show gratitude to those who put our well-being before their own every single day as a part of their own calling."
The Mass was celebrated by Austin Prep alum Fr. Peter Gori '70 O.S.A. who recalled the memory of a traffic violation from when he was 19 years old. "I remember the officer for how he treated me with respect, for he was more concerned with me as a kid to be a safer driver as opposed to wanting to catch or punish me," Fr. Gori said. "Not only was my head touched, in respect to educating, but my heart was touched by the respect with which I was treated."
“First responders deserve our respect for not only what they do for us directly, in our own experiences, but also indirectly, for what they do for society as a whole, each and every day,” Fr. Gori added.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. recalled a recent speaking engagement at the U.S. Naval Academy by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, in which the Cardinal referenced St. Augustine in his address to the Midshipmen. "Gratitude is what I want to speak about this evening," Cardinal Dolan said. "St. Augustine, perhaps the most towering intellectual of Western civilization, observed that gratitude is the first of all the virtues, the door to duty, character and faith; and that a lack of gratitude is the opening to vice, shallowness, selfishness, and a life without God, friends, or meaning."
“On behalf of the Austin Prep community, I extend our gratitude to all the first responders, those present here today, and those who are present in our thoughts, who exemplify the unseen, but the most genuine realities that manifests itself in the life of service," Dr. Hickey said.
After Mass, Fr. Gori blessed the emergency vehicles in the school parking lot and gave a special blessing to the first responders. Following the Mass, first responders enjoyed brunch in the Heritage Room with Austin Prep faculty and staff.
The Mass also featured the debut of the 6th grade choir, which was added to the middle school art and design curriculum this year. The Class of 2030 Choir performed "America the Beautiful" for the entire school community. You can listen to their performance here.
Merrimack Engineering Professor Spends Time with Students and Robotics Club
Rickey Caldwell, Ph.D. with Spot and a Topics in Technology class.
Rickey Caldwell, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Merrimack College, visited the Topics in Technology Middle School class to discuss the all school summer read The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. As the class explored the themes of inventing and renewable energy, Dr. Caldwell explained how he applies engineering to contribute to special projects for the military, automotive industry, and commercial development. He explained that he found the most joy as a teacher, especially through the service work he does with disadvantaged elementary school students in the summer. The Topics in Technology students generated intriguing questions about innovation and design while Dr. Caldwell encouraged students to pursue math and science by believing in themselves, getting out of their comfort zones, and recognizing that failure is part of the learning process.
Dr. Caldwell then spent time with members of the Robotics Club and highly competitive Robotics Team to push their learning. They discussed the importance of circuits, power sources, sensors, computer programming, and applied mathematics. The highlight of the visit was when students, faculty, staff, and school leadership were introduced to Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot that is featured in Dr. Caldwell’s Robotics class at Merrimack. Students took turns “driving” Spot as he walked, trotted, danced, and hopped through the halls. Spot even managed to climb the stairs. Spot did not just ignite the wonder of our students, but everyone seemed to want a turn with Spot. Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali. Director of Campus Ministry, members of the facilities team, and Sage Dining staff all were seen taking a turn making Spot go. Reagan, Special Assistant to Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. also met this robot dog, but she did not seem too willing to give up her place as Austin Prep’s favorite canine.
Austin Prep Welcomes Auggie and New Cougar Mascot Logo
Aside from being one of the most spirited and enthusiastic Spirit Weeks in recent memory, the first Pep Rally of the year also marked a turning point in Austin Prep's history. You can view photos from the Pep Rally here.
As we know, Austin Prep celebrated its 60th anniversary and our Cougar mascot Cubby was there every step of the way. As our journey together continues, Cubby is now full grown, inspired, and committed to our students and the growth of Austin Prep for our next 60 years and beyond. At the Pep Rally, we introduced Austin Prep’s new Cougar mascot, Auggie!
As we follow in the footsteps of St. Augustine, our new Cougar’s name, Auggie, is a shortened version of the name of our patron saint. We look forward to Auggie continuing to help connect us to our Augustinian heritage. The reimagined Cougar mascot also provides Austin Prep the opportunity to embraced our Cougar identity, which has an additional twist: Augustinian schools all initially had cat based mascots to coincide with the Villanova University Wildcats.
We also introduced a new Cougar logo to help welcome Auggie to the school community. The logo was designed by Art and Design Faculty member Nicolle Renick. Auggie also came with gifts, as all students left with a rally towel featuring the new logo.
The rest of the Pep Rally featured a performance from the competitive cheer team, and customary skits performed to music by fall sport athletic teams. The event was kicked off by Hunter Soep '24, who performed a Hendrix-like rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on guitar.
Welcome, Auggie!
Also During Fall Spirit Week...
The Fall Spirit Week consisted of themed dress down days, a volleyball match between faculty and students, the aforementioned Pep Rally, and lots of school spirit! In the spirit of caritas, we collected donations for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and continued to do so during subsequent Spirit Weeks. This student-driven initiative promoted unitas and caritas by generating a strong sense of community and directed our efforts to benefit children and families in need, and we are very proud of our students for supporting this great organization. Keep scrolling to see how much we collect to benefit St. Jude.
Holocaust Survivor Kati Preston Returned to Campus
Kati Preston made a return trip to Austin Prep.
Austin Prep was honored to welcome Holocaust survivor Kati Preston back to campus. Her powerful message to staff, middle school students, Research Methods students, last year’s Holocaust Examined students, and students participating in the Remembrance Journey (see more on this trip below) addressing loss, resilience, and tolerance resonated across the entire school community, and helped to ensure that the atrocities of the Holocaust are not forgotten. Preston, who came from an interfaith family, detailed her Holocaust experiences, including hiding in a barn for months so she would not be found, and losing the entire Jewish side of her family, including her father. "I am often asked what my religion is now," Preston said. "And I answer that my religion is love." This was Preston's third visit to Austin Prep in recent years.
Austin Prep Recognizes Native American Heritage Month
Austin Prep celebrated Native American Heritage Month November 1st - 30th. Throughout the Month we highlighted individuals or tribes who have made a dramatic impact within Native American History. Austin Prep is committed to supporting and embracing Native American Tribes and people, while preserving their sacred heritage, culture, and beliefs for future generations.
Thank You for a Tremendous Open House
Head Green Key Ambassadors played a huge role in the success of Open House. Thank you to all our students who played a role in the important event!
Thank you to everyone in the Austin Prep community who helped make this year's Fall Open House a huge success. Nearly 300 families and an estimated 800 people visited campus to learn more about the Austin Prep journey. Visit us on Instagram or Facebook for a video recap of Open House!
Students Place Order for Reading Projects at "Starbooks"
Ms. Alex Dell'Anno with 8th grade English Students.
The excitement and enthusiasm that eighth-grade students displayed during the "Starbooks" book talk experience was a fun way to close out the first quarter. Inspired by the ambiance of Starbucks, this event provided readers with an opportunity to showcase their independent reading projects in a creative and engaging way. You can view photos here.
Students arrived at class equipped with detailed one-pagers about their selected books. They used these prompts to convey essential details about the theme, plot, and characters to their classmates. The aroma of hot cocoa and delicious fall-themed bakery treats created a warm and inviting atmosphere, making the exchange of ideas and stories all the more delightful.
One of the highlights of "Starbooks" was the gallery walk. Students had the chance to delve deeper into their peers' posters. This activity allowed them to explore a wide array of books, sparking their curiosity and helping them make informed decisions about their next independent reading selections.
"Starbooks" not only celebrated students' interest in reading and exploring new stories but also reinforced our value of unitas, in the sharing of knowledge and experiences with one another.
A special thank you to the creativity of Ms. Alexandra Dell'Anno, '12, and Mrs. Kate Cavanaugh, P'28, '30, for all their work on bringing this event to life.
Math Team Competes at WPI Invitational
The Austin Prep Math Team attended the 2023 33rd annual WPI Invitational Mathematics Meet on October 20th at WPI. The team included Hayden Bai ’25 (Captain), Isabella Eisenhauer ’25 (Captain), Dilan Patel ’25, Celina Hwang ’26, and Math Faculty Mr. Sun as the team advisor. After two rounds (individual and team) of competitions with around 30 schools, they received 12th place. Well done! Hayden, as the top scorer on the team, earned a $1,000 scholarship to WPI! Congratulations to the team!
Austin Prep Faculty Attend Augustinian Values Institute
Austin Prep was represented at the Augustinian Values Institute by (standing left to right): Trevor Jones, Humanities; Carly Cavanagh, Science; Cassandra Thompson, English; Eric Smith, Theology; Trustee Anthony Zizza P'26, '29; and Chris Capone, Science. Seated left to right is: Sr. Immaculate Kyampeire, Science and Dr. Bill Driscoll, Dean of Faculty.
Austin Prep sent a delegation to the 20th gathering of the Augustinian Values Institute on October 19th-23rd hosted by Austin Catholic High School in Detroit, Michigan. The Augustinian Secondary Education Association sponsors the conference with the purpose of bringing together educators from all of the Augustinian Schools in North America. The conference creates clarity and fosters a deeper understanding of the Augustinian mission for its educators so they can return back to their schools energized and with their “hearts on fire." This year schools from Austria and England were also in attendance.
Teachers, faculty, and administrators join together to share their experiences and explain how they apply the mission in their respective schools and to learn how others apply the core values of the Augustinian Order. The conference includes prayer, liturgy, lecture, breakout sessions, reflection, and guest speakers to develop educators in focusing on how they might live their vocations in an Augustinian way. Upon reflection from the weekend, English Faculty Cassandra Thompson shared “I am thankful for an amazing weekend and sharing in a faith-filled experience with the Austin Prep delegation. I feel so blessed to work at such a compassionate school with a supportive community of people.” Humanities teacher Trevor Jones added, “I learned so much that will shape how I go about teaching and knowing that I am connected to a greater purpose.”
The host school Austin Catholic, founded in 2011, is the youngest school in the network and demonstrates that the message of Augustinian education continues to resonate with educators, students, and parents around the country. The school is located in a suburb outside of Detroit and the Austin Prep delegation was treated to a visit to a car museum filled with antique vehicles as pictured above.
Local Rabbi Visits with Austin Prep Students
Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal of Temple Beth Shalom of Melrose spoke to students.
Austin Prep hosted Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal of Temple Beth Shalom of Melrose to discuss the history of the Jewish people and their religion. During Rabbi Jessica’s visit with Mr. Raymond Kabunga and Mrs. Stephanie Choate’s Literature and Religion classes and Mrs. Jess Swindell’s Research Methods/Holocaust Examined classes, she held question and answer sessions with over 100 students.
Rabbi Jessica was ordained at Hebrew College in Newton and worked at the Anti-Defamation League in Boston as the Assistant Regional Director. She has been influential in advocating for legislation that will help all of our communities live in a safer and more equitable world. She is widely considered a leading educator on Jewish services and Torah study. She has been trained in multiple Holocaust curricula, such as Facing History and Ourselves and Echoes and Reflections.
Rabbi Jessica’s session with students deepened their understanding of their studies, Jewish literature, and the roots of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Students were fascinated by discussions of the synagogue, Torah, the Talmud, and understanding how scrolls are written. They were intrigued by the history of migration to Israel that occurred during the 18th Century.
This opportunity to engage with a leading scholar is a component of our ongoing mission to inspire students with hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.
Entire Community Comes Together for the Rosary
The Rosary was led by students in the Campus Ministry Club.
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The Office of Campus Ministry prepared an all school Rosary for the entire Austin Prep community. The Rosary was led by students in the Campus Ministry Club.
Austin Prep Ushers In Remembrance Month with All Saints' Day Mass
Trustee Fr. Ray Dlugos O.S.A. with Mark Palumbo '28 at All Saints' Day Mass.
Austin Prep began the November Month of Remembrance with a school-wide All Saints’ Day Mass celebrated by Trustee and Merrimack College Vice President for Mission and Ministry Fr. Ray Dlugos. "You are in the process of becoming a person that is ready for eternal life," Fr. Ray told students. "Pay attention to the type of persons we are becoming, because that is what matters. That is what lasts forever."
World Language Department Celebrates French Week
French students help promote learning of the language by playing BINGO with Grade 7 Latin students.
The American Association of Teachers of French sponsored the twenty-first annual National French Week from November 1st - 8th, and Austin Prep took part. This week-long celebration of all things French is an opportunity to promote French culture and heritage as well as demonstrate all the reasons to learn French. Did you know Austin Prep students trace their heritage to at least five different Francophone countries? Flags of those countries were displayed during French week in the the Dining Hall.
Middle School Faculty Attend Annual Conference
Head of Middle School Mr. Michael McLaughlin and English faculty Mrs. Leeann Blais and Ms. Alexandra Dell’Anno, represented Austin Prep at the 50th anniversary of the Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE) conference in Washington DC. Mr. McLaughlin was a presenter at the conference with his session "3 5-minute activities to Jumpstart Class."
Auggie Delivers T-Shirt Prizes to Students
Logan Elliott '27 was a lucky winner of a new Cougar logo t-shirt.
At the Fall Sports Pep Rally which included the introduction of Auggie (see above), we introduced a social media challenge, and the response was incredible! Thank you to all those who tagged friends on Instagram or reposted on “X”. We had nearly 200 responses! Auggie randomly picked the winners and personally delivered new Cougar logo t-shirts to ten lucky students.
Austin Prep Celebrates Veterans Day Through Hall of Heroes
Students in the eighth-grade class of 2028 contributed to an installation called "The Hallway of Heroes" in the middle school wing just before Veterans Day. As part of their civics class, students interviewed family members or researched local community members, and compiled tributes that recognized and commemorated the service of these veterans. This project was both a meaningful homage to veterans and an opportunity for students to practice research skills. A special thanks to Mr. Jack Brady, History Faculty, for coordinating this year's installation.
Student-Athletes Ink Commitments on National Signing Day
Left to right: David VanderZouwen '24, Jake Harring '24 , Jordan Barthel '24, and Jake Zawatsky '24 on National Signing Day.
National Signing Day is an important day in the lives of student-athletes as they make their commitments to take their talents to the collegiate level. On National Signing Day – Wednesday, November 8th – four Austin Prep Baseball players signed their National Letters of Intent (NLI) in front of family, staff, and classmates. Congratualtions to Jake Zawatsky '24 (UMass Lowell), David VanderZouwen '24 (Bentley University), Jake Harring '24 (Hofstra University) and Jordan Barthel '24 (Utah Valley University).
Nine additional Austin Prep Baseball seniors made intercollegiate athletic commitments later in the year: Byron Woodman '24 (Salve Regina), Jack Sweeney '24 (Brandeis University), Matt Doherty '24 (Trinity College), Jay Voica '24 (Hobart and William Smith Colleges), Roberts Galvis '24 (Clark University), Lukasz Rondeau '24 (Dayton University), Evan Ventura '24 (Army West Point), Cameron Flaherty '24 (Gordon College), and Will Cacciatore '24 (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University).
You can read more about the impact of the Austin Prep Baseball Class of 2024 here.
Thank You for your Day of Giving Support
On behalf of the Austin Prep community, we are so grateful for all the support during our Annual Day of Giving. It was truly inspirational to have a community rally behind us in raising funds to provide resources for our students, faculty, and staff upholding our mission of inspiring hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.
Austin Prep is a special place. The opportunities here are boundless. Our patron, St. Augustine, embarked on a journey of truth. At our core is an institution on the same journey, committed to exemplary teaching and learning. We celebrated St. Augustine’s birthday with an investment in his teachings –and with an investment in the hearts and minds of all our students. 
In sincere appreciation, we thank you for contributing to this year’s Day of Giving!
Disney Rain Can't Stop the Class of 2024
Mrs. Natalie Petrillo and Ms. Doreen Fuller were joined by their senior math students on Hollywood Studio’s Tower of Terror — an annual tradition with senior math students.
The Class of 2024 made the annual Senior Class trip to Walt Disney World on November 13th - 17th. Austin Prep Senior Classes always remark that the Disney trip was a highlight of their Austin Prep experience. The Class of 2024 will likely be no different! Despite a week that saw a lack of sunshine and at times unrelenting rainfall, the trip provided the opportunity to celebrate friendships that have formed during their Austin Prep Journey. In some ways, the less than ideal weather made this senior class trip one of the more memorable Austin Prep Senior Class trips, showcasing the communal spirit of the Class of 2024. Thank you to School leadership and faculty for accompanying the Class on the trip, and extra credits goes to those who decided to #PackAPoncho.
Enjoy these Disney photos and video.
Students Attend Race Amity Conference
Austin Prep Race Amity Conference Delegates from left to right: Aidan O’Neill '26, Jay Voica '24, Amelia Amadin '26, Grace Ditchfield '26, Jack Sweeney '24, and George Mamakos '24.
Austin Prep sent a delegation of students to the National Center for Race Amity Conference in Atlanta, Georgia during Veterans Day weekend. NCRA is an organization dedicated to promoting racial unity and friendships to move the public discourse on race from the “blame/grievance/rejection” cycle to one of “amity/collaboration/access and equity.” Convention organizers invited Austin Prep because students have dedicated hours of service throughout the past few years.
The conference featured leaders of industry, education, athletics, art, and business who are renowned for their impact on our communities. Our students engaged with University of Kentucky Men's Basketball Coach John Calipari, best-selling author Debby Irving, Dr. Bob Johnson, best known for his consultative work with Wegmans, and philanthropist and entrepreneur Steve Sarowitz, the founder of Paylocity. These keynote speakers and presenters provided outstanding examples of how our students can make a difference and move from theory to action. George Mamakos '26 explained that he enjoyed a reenactment of Frederick Douglass because “it was so real that it gave me chills.” Amelia Amadin '26 reported that she appreciated “the opportunity for an experience I will never forget.”
A tour of Atlanta provided students with the opportunity to visit the childhood home of Martin Luther King Jr., the famous Ebenezer Baptist Church where he preached, the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and the historic Atlanta Fire Department Building No. 6 that housed the first integrated fire company in the city. Our delegation was also amazed to see the Nobel Peace Prize 1964 at the King Center. The delegation ended their visit solemnly at the resting place of Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King, Jr.
School Community Demonstrates Caritas This Holiday Season
Austin Prep students delivered 80 Thanksgiving baskets to St. Mary the Assumption Parish in Lawrence.
This Thanksgiving season Austin Prep students and staff assembled and donated over 80 Thanksgiving baskets to families from St. Mary the Assumption Parish in Lawrence, a parish with deep ties to the Augustinian Friars who founded Austin Prep in 1961. Students delivered the baskets two days before Thanksgiving, a gesture that reminded us to be thankful for all that we have while also helping those less fortunate. Thank you to everyone who helped support the effort.
The Class of 2023 Returns for Thanksgiving Eve Breakfast
The Class of 2023 at their Thanksgiving Eve Breakfast.
Austin Prep continued the tradition of welcoming back the past year's graduating class for an alumni breakfast the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. On Wednesday November 23rd, members of the Class of 2023 gathered in the Dining Hall to connect with classmates, faculty and staff as a kick-off to the holiday weekend. Thank you to all who returned back to campus!
Hockey Locker Rooms Unveiled at Home Rink Ristuccia Arena
The Austin Prep Girls Ice Hockey Locker Room at Ristuccia Arena.
On the eve of their season openers, the new Austin Prep Boys and Girls Ice Hockey locker and training room facilities at their home facility Ristuccia Arena in Wilmington were unveiled to the teams. It was a great way to start the year! Take a look at the new Austin Prep Boys and Girls Ice Hockey locker room facilities here, with some comments from team captains Kylie McDonald ‘24 and Derek Daley ‘24! Click here to take another look at the new Austin Prep Boys and Girls Ice Hockey locker, with some comments from Head Coaches Patrick Driscoll '97 and Kerry Brennan.
Austin Prep Choir Performs at Reading Tree Lighting Event
The Austin Prep choir at the Reading Tree Lighting Event.
Thank you to all those who stopped by to say hello at the Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce Tree Lighting on the Common celebration. Austin Prep served as the signature sponsor of the event and is always supportive of town based initiatives in our home community. The Austin Prep choir sang carols to get everyone in the Christmas spirit and Auggie made an appearance!
Community Gathers for Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
This Christmas season the community embraced the festive spirit as Austin Prep inaugurated a new school tradition – the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Led by prayers read by Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, and Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali, Director of Campus Ministry, and a welcome from Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D., the community gathered in front of the Dining Hall Patio to witness the magic unfold as we illuminated our magnificent tree. Following the lighting we continued the celebration with hot cocoa and Christmas cookies in the Dining Hall, and an appearance from Santa Claus. It was a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season together in a spirit of unity and joy. Be sure to join this December! You can view photos from the event here, and a video of the installation of the tree here.
Ms. Dell'Anno '12, Mrs. Colannino Receive Lumen Awards
Claudia Colannino and Alexandra Dell'Anno were the 2023 recipients of the St. Augustine Lumen Award.
The annual St. Augustine Lumen Award recognizes exemplary faculty and staff who embody the mission of Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey was joined by Mr. Thomas Flynn ‘83, Board Vice Chair, and members of the Board of Trustees as they presented the 2023 St. Augustine Lumen Award to English faculty member Ms. Alexandra Dell'Anno '12. New this year, Austin Prep also presented a St. Augustine Lumen Award to a member of the administrative staff. This year’s recipient was registrar Mrs. Claudia Colannino. Congratulations to Ms. Dell’Anno and Mrs. Colannino, and thank you for all that you do for our students and school community.
Immaculate Conception Mass Celebrated
Student readers and altar servers for the Immaculate Conception Mass.
Austin Prep welcomed Fr. Daniel Madden, O.S.A. to campus to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a feast celebrating Mary's conception without sin. You can view photos from the Mass here.
The Daughters of Mary, with guests The Daughters of Mary of Nazareth.
The Daughters of Mary, with guests The Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, participated in the Mass with the singing of “Immaculate Mary," "Ee Mfumue ee yamba," and "Tulabira Wa Kristu Omusumbra Waffe." Austin Prep's Daughters of Mary and the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth are connected in that they both come under the patronage of Mary.
Families Learn Why it Really is a Wonderful Life at Austin Prep
What better way to welcome prospective 6th grade students than with Christmas carols performed by the current 6th grade choir.
Austin Prep welcomed prospective 6th grade families to Austin Prep to learn more about the Austin Prep community and engage with faculty, school leadership, and students. Prospective parents experienced an Adeodatus reflection, met with faculty, and participated in a panel with current students and parents. Prospective students experienced a sample class and decorated Christmas cookies.
Students Take Part in Exchange With Malvern Prep
Mark-Henry Novas ’26, Derek Langenau ’26, Shane Miller ’26, and Colin Walsh ’25 with Malvern Prep Students.
As a member of the Augustinian Secondary Educational Association (ASEA), Austin Prep shares a common heritage with nine other schools in North America. Four of our students, Derek Langenau ’26, Shane Miller ’26, Mark-Henry Novas ’26, and Colin Walsh ’25, visited Malvern Prep, our fellow school located in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and spent time attending classes with host students. The visit was from December 5th-9th and featured several opportunities to learn from one another.
The purpose of student exchange was to deepen Augustinian connections. As an all-boys school, Malvern Prep emphasizes the bonds of brotherhood and relies heavily on the prevailing message of St. Augustine's teachings that education is about relationships. The bonds that were forged throughout this week solidified and amplified our commitment to the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas.
The delegation began with a tour of the campus of Villanova University where they cheered the Women’s Basketball team on to a victory over the University of Pennsylvania. The students completed a few days' worth of classes, shadowing their host students and engaging with the 600 students who make Malvern their home. Our students were warmly welcomed and embraced by the student body and teachers alike who were hungry to learn about the Boston area and Austin Prep. The students also worked on a service project by visiting an early childhood center for preschool children who are underserved.
On Friday, December 8th students joined together as an entire community to share in worship and to express our Catholic heritage in the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Before it began, Mark-Henry Novas shared an Adeodatus reflection. The Mass was celebrated by the Head of School Emeritus Fr. Donald Reilly, O.S.A. His homily focused on the year's theme set by Malvern Prep: "Become What You Are Not Yet." His poignant remarks focused on the challenge inherent in that quote from Augustine because it calls upon us to live our ideals and move ever closer to fulfilling our promise as children of God.
As the week ended, our students were revered as celebrities by the Middle School students. A class of 8th graders passed by our group as they were doing a final tour and shouted out "Hey it is the Austin Prep kids!" It was an amazing week that we will replicate when we host Malvern Prep students in April.
We concluded the visit with a Boys Basketball game on the campus of West Chester University. A raucous Malvern crowd cheered the team onto a convincing 20-point victory. Our ambassadors led the first exchange in our Augustinian network and we hope that this week will become a framework for our other affiliates to engage in promoting our values through the friendships that form during student exchanges. We are deeply grateful for their service to the school and for proudly representing our community.
Austin Prep Christmas Traditions Continue with The Nutcracker
Maggie O'Brien '26 and Emerson Byrne '26 fulfilled roles of both Clara and the Snow Queen in the two nights of The Nutcracker.
Austin Prep continued its 30 year Christmas tradition of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, with performances at the Collins Center at Andover High School. Over 150 students participated in the shows, which were both exceptional. You can view photos from the Monday night performance here and a video highlight here. A special thank you to all those across our school community who help make the shows a reality!
Lessons and Carols Gets Community in the Christmas Spirit
Lily Fix '25 singing "Oh Holy Night" at Lessons and Carols.
The Austin Prep community gathered for two shows of the annual Christmas tradition of Lessons and Carols, first with a performance for students during community meeting, followed by a performance for parents of performers in the Chapel of St. Augustine. The shows included traditional Christmas hymns and carols by the Austin Prep Choir, the Austin Prep 6th Grade Choir, and the Austin Prep Band, as well as scripture readings and short passages about the true meaning of the season. Photos from the evening show can be viewed here, as well as a video of Mark Tokarev '28 playing the piano.
Austin Prep Families Demonstrate Caritas This Christmas
In the spirit of our mission, we lived out our Augustinian value of caritas by embracing others and sharing our blessings this past Christmas season. As is tradition, student advisory groups assembled gift packages which were delivered to St. Mary of the Assumption parish in Lawrence. Thank you to everyone who helped support the gift drive!
Head of School Christmas Open House
Austin Prep Seniors were welcomed to Head of School Dr. James Hickey's office for the annual Head's Christmas Open House. They shared Christmas cheer, complete with breakfast bites, refreshments, pastries, cookies, and more. How about those Christmas sweaters? View photos here.
Santa Comes Early for Burkinshaw '27 Family
Dr. Hickey phones Jennifer Burkinshaw P'27 with the good news.
Congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer Burkinshaw P'27, who was the winner of this year's Tuition Raffle! The winner was drawn and announced to the community via video livestream, which was followed by a phone call from Dr. Hickey to Mrs. Burkinshaw. The raffle prize is a credit for up to the full tuition cost for one student for the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic year. Thank you to our entire parent community for your continued support of Austin Prep, and to those who joined us on the webinar announcement.
Door Decorating Once Again Brightens Campus Spirits
Ms. Donnelly's Advisory won for the best Middle School Decorated Door.
Advisories once again decked the halls by designing imaginative door decorations for campus. The doors are a fun collaboration and enhance the festive feeling of campus. Oh, there are winners, too. This year's victors for best decorated doors were Ms. Kristen Donnelly (Middle School) and Mrs. Cyndy Pitta (Upper School).
Austin Prep Introduces the Scientist Seminar Series
The inaugural lecture in the Scientist Seminar Series occurred on Thursday, January 11th.
Austin Prep was proud to introduce the Scientist Seminar Series this year. The goal of the program was to build connections between students’ classroom learning and real-world applications by showcasing how scientists from various fields are applying content and skills to explore and understand our world. This series aims to provide students with a broader perspective on the practical implications of their academic studies and inspire them to see the relevance and impact of scientific research.
This academic initiative has been developed over the past year to enhance the student experience in the sciences. We are grateful to the many scientists at esteemed universities and research facilities who contributed their time and expertise in guiding Austin Prep in creating this experience for our students.
The inaugural lecture in the Scientist Seminar Series took place on Thursday, January 11th. We were pleased to welcome Dr. Conor Evans, associate professor at the Harvard Medical School and head of the laboratory for the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Evans is a world-recognized leader in "smart” wearable sensing technologies for wound healing and drug delivery. His lab research is focused on the development and clinical translation of microscopy.
Dr. Evans spoke with our sophomore Chemistry and Advanced Placement Chemistry students about his research and the applicability of students’ classroom lessons to the medical research that he leads at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Austin Prep Offers Afterschool Ski Program
This year we were excited to introduce an after school Ski School program. The program was open to all students in grades 6-12, and was designed for beginner to advanced skiers. The program consisted of six afterschool excursions to the beautiful Nashoba Valley Ski area.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Honored in Classrooms
Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Inclusion and Community Engagement, visited History, Theology, and English classrooms to offer reflections on the historic work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to share how the Office of Mission and Inclusion honors his legacy of love and nonviolence. Mr. Morales not only shared his life experience, but he also focused on how Dr. King emphasized peaceful protests and operating in love to promote equity and equal rights. "At Austin Prep it is essential that we demonstrate caritas in the classroom so everyone can feel a sense of comfort and belonging," Mr. Morales said.
Sophomore students enrolled in our Speeches class analyzed the rhetorical influences on and the oratorical devices used by Dr. King in his groundbreaking "I Have A Dream" speech that was delivered at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. Students worked on a culminating project designed to examine and reflect on the issues expressed by Dr. King and "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry. Students considered present day issues and concerns regarding racism and how we use language to construct our viewpoints of race and social status.
Meet the "Humans of Austin Prep"
Students in Art and Design Faculty Ms. Nicolle Renick’s Digital Photography classes presented their “Humans of Austin Prep” project, based on New York City photographer Brandon Stanton’s famed "Humans of New York" project. Students were to photograph three subjects, including at least one adult. They used a set of interview questions to spark thoughtful responses from their subjects. The focus was on using correct aperture and interesting poses and backgrounds to create a meaningful and well-composed portrait.
In referencing his Humans of New York project, Stanton said, "Humans of New York" began as a photography project in 2010. The initial goal was to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers on the street, and create an exhaustive catalogue of the city’s inhabitants. Somewhere along the way, I began to interview my subjects in addition to photographing them. And alongside their portraits, I would include quotes and short stories from their lives.”
Taken together, these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, with over twenty million followers on social media, providing a worldwide audience with daily glimpses into the lives of strangers on the streets of New York City.
NEASC Accreditation Executive Summary | Strategic Planning
During the previous academic year, Austin Prep successfully completed the accreditation process of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). At the conclusion of the accreditation visit, the accreditation committee unanimously supported Austin Prep’s continued accreditation without any stipulations, the best possible outcome. In the spring of 2023, NEASC’s Commission on Independent Schools voted unanimously to grant continued accreditation for Austin Prep through 2032. We would like to share with you the executive summary of the NEASC Accreditation Report.
Austin Prep is well-positioned to bring our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan to a close and engage in some strategic thinking to craft our next five-year strategic plan (2024-2029). The final accreditation report will be a springboard as we craft our next strategic plan, which will serve as a roadmap that keeps Austin Prep moving in the right direction – growing and thriving through unanticipated and ever-changing aspects of 21st century independent education. Predictably, Austin Prep continues to flourish as the institution we always imagined it would be – one that rises to meet the challenge of our times.
Austin Prep Celebrates Catholic Schools Week
Austin Prep once again celebrated National Catholic Schools Week (CSW), an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Entering its 50th anniversary year, CSW has traditionally been held the last week in January. Austin Prep kicked off the week with a Community Mass in the Chapel of St. Augustine and we spoke to Austin Prep parents, faculty, and alums about why Catholic education is important to them. Hear what those members of our community said by clicking below:
A special thank you to everyone who helped put together the Catholic School Week programming!
Austin Prep Celebrates Black History Month
Austin Prep celebrated Black History Month in February with a series of educational, extracurricular, and schoolwide events. Programming for Black History Month underscored the core value of caritas as it has been expressed throughout the lives of scholars, artists, inventors, politicians, and religious faithful spread throughout the African diaspora. Although we highlight the events planned for Black History Month, our commitment is continuous and not confined to a single month. Rather, our approach is infused with our strategic efforts to augment the core values of veritas, unitas and caritas as expressed by an Augustinian school.
We highlight our ongoing commitment to fostering respect for all people in our celebration of Black History Month. Led by Dr. Bill Driscoll, Dean of Faculty, and Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Inclusion and Community Engagement, Austin Prep planned numerous activities, guest speakers, and presentations for staff and students throughout the month of February to honor the achievements of Black Americans and their contributions to our country and world. In addition to the special activities planned for Black History Month, we look forward to highlighting in various outlets the many year-round components of our curriculum which guide us towards the overarching objective to form graduates who are lifelong learners, passionate global citizens, curious collaborative scholars, and compassionate servants.
English Department Celebrates Black History Month
Chris Tauro '28 presents to classmates on Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
In celebration of Black History Month, 8th grade students researched figures from American history and their impact on the worlds of politics, music, athletics, and science. Students first read teacher-supplied biographies and answered text-dependent questions, then completed additional elements of the project before bringing the research together in an infographic highlighting the importance of their particular individual. The project culminated with presentations to classmates.
Meet Austin Prep's Executive Chef Bill Carter
As Austin Prep celebrated Black History Month we introduced Bill Carter, Sage Dining Services Executive Chef at Austin Prep to the school community. Mr. Carter joined the Sage Dining team at Austin Prep prior to the start of this academic year. In honor of Black History Month, students enjoyed a meal inspired by Chef Carter. Click here to learn more about the meal, how Chef Carter got involved in the culinary arts, and his role here at Austin Prep.
Middle Schoolers Inducted Into National Junior Honor Society
The newly inducted members of the National Junior Honor Society.
Austin Prep inducted new members into the National Junior Honor Society on Monday, January 29th. During the ceremony, Mark Palumbo '28, Aanya Metpelly '28, Neel Gomes '28, Zachary Oliver '28, Lucia Gracillieri '28 and Alexandra Martinelli '28 offered remarks and reflected on the pillars of NJHS - Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, and Character. Congratulations to all the new inductees!
You can view photos from the night here and a program from the event can be found here.
Unitas Leadership Academy Welcomes Navy Seal Alum
Mr. Eric Donahue '00 returned to campus to speak to our Unitas Leadership Academy. Mr. Donahue is a Navy Seal and currently serves as the Vice President of Advanced Training in Military Operations for the U.S. Navy. By sharing stories from his intensive specialized training and crucial missions, Mr. Donahue relayed the leadership traits and implied tasks that have proven successful for him, the importance of setting individual goals, and having a team mindset to our student leaders. The session ended with students working in groups to solve a variety of seal-like simulations. Mr. Donahue credits his Austin Prep journey with playing a critical role in the person he is today.
Annual NaNoWriMo Writers Celebrated
Meghan Agassounon '29, Aiden Richard '29, Amanda Theisen '29, Christian Salibian '29 and Arame Minassian '29 (left to right) were recognized for their excellent NaNoWriMo work.
The NaNoWriMo Project is a capstone experience in seventh grade English. During the month of November, students are challenged to compose a minimum 10,000-word novel. Students are supported in this endeavor with an extensive planning period in the fall and incentives throughout November. In February, English teacher Mrs. Leeann Blais joined Head of Middle School Mr. Michael McLaughlin to celebrate the students' work as descriptions of each novel were read for the class. Well done, seventh grade! And thank you to Mrs. Blais, for her work on this annual initiative. We have no doubt you'll be finding many Austin Prep authors' work on the shelves of a bookstore near you in the future!
Lawson '27 Sings National Anthem at New Hampshire State Capitol
Rep. Katelyn Kuttab presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Tasha Lawson '27 from the House of Representatives of New Hampshire after singing the National Anthem.
Tasha Lawson '27 had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the New Hampshire House of Representatives Committee meeting at the state capitol in Concord. You can view Tasha's performance here (it begins at the 13:15 minute mark). Great job, Tasha!
Baseball Earns Preseason Recognition
In February, Perfect Game USA released its annual top high school baseball team in each state list, and Austin Prep Baseball once again topped the list for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Read more here.
More on baseball below...
Lunar New Year Celebrated
International Students celebrated the Lunar New Year with traditional games and candies.
In February, we wished a Happy Lunar New Year to all those who celebrate. Mandarin and international students were prepared for the occasion, emphasizing food, stories, and traditions. Activities included the preparing of dumplings in the dining hall, the creation of posters introducing the Lunar New Year, fan painting with Mandarin calligraphy, and trivia cards on tables in the Dining Hall, among other activities. A special thank you goes to World Language Faculty Mrs. Daisy Tian and Dr. Fei Wang for helping guide our students during the celebrations. View photos from the celebration here.
First Students to Enroll for 2024-2025
Kimberly Tauro '28 (Upper School) and Julian Blais '31 (Middle School) were the first to enroll for the 2024-2025 academic year. Welcome Kimberly and Julian, we can’t wait for you to start your #AustinPrepJourney!
Additionally, Nolan Abbott '28 and Addison Slye '29 were the first Austin Prep students to re-enroll for the Upper and Middle School, respectively. Welcome back, Nolan and Addison!
We were overwhelmed by the response from those families who enrolled in just the week after admissions decisions were released. We are grateful for those in our community and beyond who believe in and support our mission on a daily basis, and we can't wait to welcome our newly enrolled students in person at the end of this month.
Eighth Annual Sixth Grade Egyptian Museum a "Pharaohcious" Success
Karlee Cambray '30, Klara Masterpol '30, and Sofia Kiaer '30 show off the pyramid they built for the Egyptian Museum.
The Class of 2030 welcomed family and friends to the Eighth Annual Sixth Grade Egyptian Museum. Sixth grade scholars worked towards this annual interdisciplinary and experiential capstone in their English and History courses. This year’s scholarly symposium was an opportunity for sixth graders to showcase their work and that of their peers. The Egyptian Museum is an important mile marker on the Austin Prep Middle School Journey. The night even included a performance by the 6th grade choir.
View photos from the Museum here.
Benefactors and Students Recognized at Memorial Scholarship Ceremony
We were honored to announce Memorial Scholarship recipients for the 2024-2025 academic year at a special breakfast and ceremony. A program for the event can be found here. Students in Grades 9-11 were eligible to apply for the awards and recipients demonstrated significant academic achievement and service contributions to the Austin Prep community, among other qualities. Memorial Scholarships are available to our students due to the generosity of Austin Prep families and friends who have created funds in memory of a loved one. Students were presented with certificates by James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School, and Jonathan Pollard, Associate Head of School. We are proud of our students and grateful for the support of those who make these scholarships possible. #Caritas
View photos from the ceremony here.
Ash Wednesday Celebrated with Schoolwide Mass
Fr. Chi Ai, A.A. delivers ashes at Wednesday's Mass.
Austin Prep was blessed to welcome Fr. Chi Ai, A.A. to campus to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. In his homily, Fr. Ai drew connections between Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday. "Today we celebrate love, change, and commitment," Fr. Ai said. "It is the beginning of our Lenten journey. It is the beginning of our love story with God." You can view photos from the Mass here.
School Community Shows Love on Valentine's Day
"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." - St. Augustine
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the Office of Admissions and APS Media Club collaborated to find out what our school community loves about Austin Prep. Click here to find out what members of our community had to say. What do YOU love about Austin Prep? 💘
Austin Prep Welcomes Hip Hop Dance Crew
Students received lessons on how to do The Robot with Boston-based hip hop crew, The Floor Lords.
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing students with guest speakers who are leaders in their respective fields, dance students had the opportunity to learn new styles from an award winning Boston-based dance crew, The Floor Lords. This organization seeks to use the positive aspect of hip hop dance to reach and empower youth worldwide, and share our perspective that education can cultivate global citizenship. The focal point of their visit was to share the history of hip hop dance and how dance can have a positive impact on the community. The Floor Lords taught Middle and Upper School students the elements of hip-hop through a blend of performance, a tutorial in how to do the robot, and an introduction to breakdancing. See photos of The Floor Lords with our students here.
Model UN Newsletter Summarizes Weekend Experience
The Model UN Team and Model UN Seniors during the Harvard Model UN event.
The Austin Prep Model United Nations team participated in the 71st session of Harvard's Model United Nations. Our students were joined by over 4,000 high school delegates and their faculty advisors with a staff of over 230 Harvard University undergraduates to learn about diplomacy, to connect with friends from around the world, and to offer solutions to some of the most pressing issues faced by our world today. Now, perhaps more than ever, the value of Model United Nations has never been clearer.
Model UN advisor and History Department Chair Mr. Jon Whalen put together this great e-newsletter summarizing the events of that weekend. You can learn more about the Model UN experience here.
Big Weekend for Softball Alums Frelick '20, Sablone '20
On February 24th, two members of the Austin Prep 2019 MIAA State Championship Softball Team did something remarkable, as Frankie Frelick ‘20 and Lauren Sablone ‘20 both hit grand slam home runs in NCAA Division I softball games. Frankie, of Lexington, is a senior at Duke University, while Lauren, of North Reading, is a junior at Princeton University. Frankie and Lauren are among the most decorated student-athletes to represent Austin Prep in recent years, and both members of the memorable Class of 2020. #AustinAlways.
Austin Prep Celebrates Women's History Month
This March, Austin Prep celebrated Women’s History Month by recognizing the vital influence and contributions of women on the history of the United States and the world. We also celebrated the remarkable leaders and achievements of women in the Austin Prep community.
Class of 2028 Enjoys Capstone Trip to Washington, D.C.
The Class of 2028 in front of The White House.
The Class of 2028 traveled to Washington, D.C. for their Class Capstone Trip. Students visited a number of monuments and sites celebrating the history and heritage of the United States. While at sites like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, students delivered presentations to their classmates about the significance of the site and notable features of the monument. The experience of students learning from each other represents the immersive way in which teachers designed lessons prior to the trip and experiences in the itinerary to provide students with ownership of their learning and contribute their voices to the program. Students also explored a number of Smithsonian Museums, had a tour of the U.S. Capitol, and experienced the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. The Class Trip was a unifying experience for the students with experiences like a class dinner at the Hard Rock Café, the celebration of Mass for the class at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle, and a dinner and dance for students at the hotel to close the trip. Students were excited to share their stories and memories from the trip with fellow advisees and their families upon their return to campus. You can view photos of students in the chaperone groups here, you can hear from students about their favorite experiences here, and you can view a video recap of the trip here and here.
A special thank you goes out to the following trip chaperones for guiding students during the journey to Washington D.C.: Head of Middle School Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Assistant Dean of Students Ms. Alicia Varraso, Director of Communications Mr. Tyler Fleming, Nurse Ms. Diana Carlson, History Faculty Ms. Kristen Donnelly, History Faculty Mr. Jack Brady, History Faculty Mr. Trevor Jones, English Faculty Ms. Alex Dell’Anno, Sr. Justine Babirye, Sr. Mary Namutebi, Science Faculty Mrs. Carly Cavanagh, English Faculty Mrs. Kate Cavanaugh, and Math Faculty Mr. Ian Williamson.
Celebrate our Woman Student Leaders
Friday, March 8th was International Women’s Day. and recognized School-Wide Student Government Officers (left to right, above) Jaya Gupta ’24, Lauren Neal ’24, Lily Caron ‘24, and Ava Intoppa ’24 for their leadership and service to the Austin Prep student community!
Annual College Fair a Great Success
Meelia Hall played host to the annual College Fair.
The Office of College Counseling welcomed over 90 colleges and universities to Austin Prep's annual College Fair in Meelia Hall. Over 300 Austin Prep juniors, sophomores and parents were in attendance. This was a great opportunity for our students to learn about many different kinds of colleges and connect with the college admissions representatives who read the admissions applications for Austin Prep all in one night.
Austin Prep Enjoys Cardinal's Holiday
His Eminence Seán Cardinal O’Malley announcing the Cardinal's Holiday at Convocation Mass.
At the conclusion of September's Convocation Liturgy, His Eminence Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, exercised his prerogative as the Archbishop of Boston and granted Austin Prep students and staff a school holiday -- at the discretion of the Head of School. James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School, exercised the discretion the Cardinal gave him and designated Friday, March 15th as the Cardinal’s Holiday for Austin Prep. Thank you, Cardinal Seán!
Student Dancers Deliver Stations of the Cross Performance
Austin Prep continued our annual Holy Week tradition with a performance of Stations of the Cross. This year's Stations of the Cross included the following performers: Alice Barry '30, Jordan Barthel '24, Molly Blaney '30, Taylor Boutwell '30, Haylee Brewer '30, Lindsay Connor '28, Margaux Fleming '30, Sofia Freni '30, Ally Gallant '28, Avery Gill '30, Luci Gracilieri '28, Gabriella Imbriano '30, Sofia Kiaer '30, Sydney Klein '28, Clare McCusker '28, Lexi Modestino '30, Maeve Oostman '28, Olivia Pearson '30, Hailey Rebelo '29, Gia Severino '30, Addison Slye '29 and Emily Theriault '30.
Click here for a full video of the performance.
National Honor Society Students Inducted
Austin Prep's newly inducted National Honor Society members.
On March 25th, 74 students were inducted into Austin Prep’s Chapter of the National Honor Society. Inductees were joined by family in the Chapel of St. Augustine. National Honor Society member Jaya Gupta ‘24 welcomed fellow members Cayla Baroud ‘24, Victor Villarroel ‘24, Madeline Shih ’24 and James Holmes ‘24, who reflected on the four pillars of NHS: character, leadership, scholarship, and service. The evening closed with remarks from R. Kathryn McHugh, Ph.D. ’99. Dr. McHugh is an Austin Prep Trustee and Director of the Stress, Anxiety and Substance Use Lab and the Chief of Psychology at McLean Hospital, and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. View photos from the evening here.
Spring Musical Grease Sells Out Three Times Over
Austin Prep's spring musical Grease was performed March 22nd-24th for three sold out audiences at the Greater Boston Stage Company. You can view photos from opening night here, and a video recap from the Sunday show here. A special thank you goes out to Art and Design Chair Ms. Marla Pascucci-Byrne P'26, '30 and Math Faculty Mr. Stephen Williams for their direction of the show, as well as to the student cast and crew for the outstanding performance. The program for the show can be found here. Bravo!
Intoppa '24 Receives Augustinian Scholarship at Villanova
Ava Intoppa '24 was the recipient of the Augustinian High School Scholarship at Villanova.
As an Augustinian school, Austin Prep is part of a much wider Catholic education community, and we work every day in common purpose with our sister Augustinian schools to shape Augustinian hearts that enter the world. Austin Prep is a member of the Augustinian Secondary Education Association (ASEA), which is a commission of the Federation of Augustinians of North America.
The ASEA was founded “to foster unity, efficiency, and continued development within the Augustinian ministry of secondary education.” Each academic year, Austin Prep sends students to participate in the Student Augustinian Values Institute (SAVI) and faculty and staff to participate in the Augustinian Values Institute (AVI). Through these institutes, students and staff deepen their understanding of Augustinian spirituality, Augustinian education, and the heritage of St. Augustine
Austin Prep is one of the ten member schools of ASEA. In addition to the ten Augustinian secondary schools in North America, there are also two Augustinian institutions of higher education: Merrimack College and Villanova University. Both Merrimack College and Villanova University are interested in recruiting students who exemplify the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas and have scholarships available to advance that effort.
Austin Prep was notified this year that Villanova University has extended to Austin Prep the opportunity to annually select one student in the top 5% of the graduating class to receive the Augustinian High School Scholarship – a full academic scholarship renewable for 4 years. The tuition for Villanova University for the 2024-2025 is $66,838.
Following a careful review by a committee of Austin Prep faculty and school leadership, the committee recommended Ava Intoppa ’24 to Dr. Hickey who nominated her for the Augustinian High School Scholarship. We are pleased to announce that the President of Villanova University, Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D., approved Dr. Hickey’s nomination of Ava. Congratulations to Ava for this outstanding recognition and for exemplifying the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas during her seven years as an Austin Prep Lifer.
Spirit Weeks Raise Over $45K for St. Jude
Austin Prep Student Government Officers and Dr. Hickey presented a check to Sarah Potter of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
At the April 5th Spring Pep Rally it was announced that collectively Austin Prep raised $45,124 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital during the three Spirit Weeks this academic year. At an April Community Meeting, members of Austin Prep Student Government and James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School, presented a check to Sarah Potter of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The mission of St. Jude is to advance cures, prevention, research and treatment for pediatric catastrophic diseases, and the Hospital has been the beneficiary of Austin Prep's charitable efforts in recent years. Collectively, this year Austin Prep raised over $45,000 for St. Jude! We appreciate the generosity of our families, and thank St. Jude for their continued efforts in treating the toughest childhood diseases.
Mr. Williamson Receives Promising Practitioner Award
Mr. Ian Williamson, Math Faculty, with Mr. Michael McLaughlin at the NELMS Conference.
The New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS) held their 43rd annual conference in Springfield, MA, and Austin Prep was well represented. Mr. Cori Russo, World Language Faculty, presented on World Language teaching strategies, Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School led a workshop on AI in Education, and Ms. Aprille Hibbard, Science Faculty Ms. Alicia Varraso, Assistant Dean of Students, and Mr. McLaughlin facilitated a session on Advisory.
The conference was highlighted by Mr. Ian Williamson, Math Faculty, being honored as a recipient of the Promising Practitioner Award recognizing his work and trajectory as a Middle School Educator. Congrats, Mr. Williamson!
Austin Prep Siblings Welcomed to Campus
Sibling Day at Austin Prep is always one of the best days of the year! Austin Prep families help form some of the special bonds within our school community, and over 100 Austin Prep siblings enjoyed a day in the life of an Austin Prep student, including class, Cougar Block, lunch with classmates, and more! Thank you to all those who attended! Check out photos here.
Math Team Advances to Regional Final
The Austin Prep Upper School math team competed in the Massachusetts Association of Mathematics Leagues (MAML) state final on April 4th at Winchester High, and received the 2nd place in our division. As a result, the team qualified for the New England Association of Mathematics Leagues (NEAML) regional final on April 26th. Those participating include Hayden Bai, Nick Kuntz, Matthew O’Malley, Dilan Patel, Celina Hwang, Arushi Gangwani, and Isabella Eisenhauer. Congratulations!
Singing and Dancing Talent on Display at Spring Show
Our student dancers stole the show at the Spring Dance Show which took place Wednesday, April 10th at the Collins Center in Andover. A special congratulations goes out to the dancers and performers from the Class of 2024 who performed in their final spring show. Thank you for all that you have done for the Austin Prep dance program! That group includes (pictured left to right above), Ava Intoppa '24, Morgan O'Donnell '24, Jillian McAuley '24, and Emma Losolfo '24. The full program for the show can be viewed here. View photos from the evening here.
"Media Nun" Welcomed as 10th St. Augustine Lecturer
Sister Tracey with student panelists after the St. Augustine Lecture.
Austin Prep hosted its annual St. Augustine Lecture and welcomed Sister Tracey Matthia Dugas, F.S.P. to campus for this community event. You can view photos from the event here, and her entire lecture here.
The Lecture Series began in 2015 and is considered one of the signature events to enrich the intellectual life of Austin Prep by introducing students to accomplished individuals who share their lived experiences and life lessons.
Known as a “media nun,” Sister Tracey is a Daughter of St. Paul, an international community of women religious who preach the Gospel through all forms of media.
Through this year's school theme, Sister Tracey focused her remarks and advice on the inseparable connection of integrity to veritas, unitas, and caritas. Ultimately, personifying Augustinian virtues of truth, unity, and love in our lives is about integrity.
SAVI Students Make Trip to Philadelphia
Before the April break, an Austin Prep delegation spent a weekend at Malvern Prep outside Philadelphia for the Student Augustinian Values Institute (SAVI). While there, students examined our core values with students from other Augustinian schools. Our students returned home with an even greater understanding of our shared Augustinian values and a stronger appreciation of our school’s mission.
Michael Brosnan ‘26, Gianna Buscemi ‘26, Emerson Byrne ‘26, Cecilia Goldsmith ‘26, Nareg Minassian ‘26, Arianna Serrano ‘26, and Aiden Titcomb ’26 made the trip with Mr. Dustin Batista, Theology Department Chair, and Ms. Alicia Varraso, Assistant Dean of Students.
Students and Staff Participate in Remembrance Journey
Over the April school break, 55 Austin Prep students, faculty, and staff traveled to Europe to participate in a Remembrance Journey focusing on the Holocaust. The trip grew out of the Holocaust Examined course, a semester-long elective in the Upper School History Department, and an interest among students to honor the victims and survivors of the Holocaust by bearing witness to their stories.
The trip followed the arc of the Holocaust in World War II.
The group started in Berlin where the political and social machinery was put in place to facilitate this crime. This included a visit to the Berlin Museum of Jewish History which celebrated the life and cultural contributions of the Jewish people prior to World War II. The group visited Berlin's Jewish Quarter and learned about the November Pogroms and then had a guided visit of the Topography of Terror Museum. On the way out from Berlin, the group stopped at the House of the Wannsee Conference - the lakeside villa where the "Final Solution" was agreed upon by Nazi officials over a breakfast.
The group then continued to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic where students explored the ghettoization of the Jewish people and the transit camp of Terezin.
The group concluded their time by visiting Poland, the site of so many of the concentration and extermination camps. The students had the opportunity to walk on the outskirts of the former Jewish ghetto, stand on the Umschlagplatz, the plaza from which the Jewish people were deported, and follow the path that Jewish people who labored in the Schindler Factory would have taken. The group then had a guided tour of the Oskar Schindler Factory and the Museum telling the story of Poland's occupation in World War II and the fate of the Jewish community of Krakow. On Saturday, the final day of the tour, the group visited perhaps the most infamous site associated with the Holocaust, the sprawling labor and extermination camp of Auschwitz.
The day began at Auschwitz I, the original camp (formerly Polish military barracks). Students learned about how people arrived at the camp, what life was like for those who were selected to work, and what happened to those who were selected to be instantly murdered. Students and staff were extremely moved by the photos on the walls and the display cases of shoes, suitcases, pots & pans, and human hair. The morning walk also included Block 11, the cell where St. Maximilian Kolbe was imprisoned - and the group later attended Mass at the site where he labored. The second part of the visit to this site was the much larger camp of Birkenau (Auschwitz II). Here, students walked the path alongside the train tracks to the memorial at the rear of the camp which is situated between two of the bombed-out crematoria. The images of the arbeit macht frei sign over the gate of Auschwitz I and the gatehouse with the train track running through it at Auschwitz II-Birkenau were haunting reminders of the terror inflicted there.
In addition to exploring the Holocaust throughout the week, students also took in the sites and tastes of the three countries that they visited. Highlights included: trekking behind an energetic tour guide named Bernd across Berlin; taking photos at the Brandenburg Gate; viewing the astronomical clock in Prague while eating delicious chimney cakes filled with ice cream; celebrating Mass at the Church of Our Lady Victorious and the Infant of Prague; enjoying authentic Czech cuisine in Prague and Olomouc; walking through the castle complex in Krakow and eating Polish pierogi; descending the depths of the Wieliczka salt mine; and a Polish cultural evening that included costumed singers and folk dancing!
Austin Prep (Lefty) Pitchers Past and Present Bookend Week
On Friday, April 19th, Lukasz Rondeau '24 started off a notable week for Austin Prep lefthanded pitchers, past and present. Lukasz threw a perfect game, leading Austin Prep to a 5-0 win over Belmont Hill. The 71 pitch, 8 strikeout effort improved his record to 3-0, and upped the baseball team’s win streak to 20.
Following that, Austin Prep alum Evan Blanco ’22 was the starting pitcher in the University of Virginia’s series opener against Boston College at iconic Fenway Park. A native of Woburn, MA, Blanco returned to his hometown ballpark in front of family and friends for Boston College’s 12th Annual ALS Awareness Game. Virginia fell to BC, but despite the loss, Blanco was left with fond memories of his Fenway experience. You can hear his post-game interview here.
Austin Prep Celebrates Vocations Mass
Fr. Jeremy Hiers, O.S.A. with Siena Fantozzi '28 at the Vocations Mass.
Austin Prep celebrated an all school Mass for Augustinian Vocations on Tuesday, April 30th with Fr. Joe Narog, O.S.A. Although not his first visit to campus, Fr. Joe introduced Fr. Jeremy Hiers, O.S.A., who is assuming the role of Director of Vocations for the Augustinian Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, a role formerly held by Fr. Joe. “Remember what you believe in. You believe in Jesus,” Fr. Jeremy noted in his homily. “He is bigger than us, and if we have struggles, he will help us succeed next time. He will help us work it out.”
“Start praying today about what God calls you to do. All of us will discover who God is calling us to be,” Fr. Jeremy added.
To top off the day, Fr. Art Johnson, O.S.A. was on campus for the Mass. Fr. Art has been a part of Austin Prep since its founding. It is always a great day when Fr. Art visits Austin Prep. You can view photos from the day here.
Record Attendance for Grandparents Days
Students offered prayers and reflections during the two Grandparents Days.
Austin Prep welcomed over 400 grandparents to campus for two days of the ever popular Grandparents Day. Grandparents arrived for continental breakfast and fellowship, before being joined by their Austin Prep grandchildren for a special prayer service in Richard J. Meelia '67 Hall. The days celebrating the special bond between grandparent and grandchild concluded with a grandchild-led tour of campus.
During the prayer services Dr. Hickey acknowledged the impact that grandparents have on the lives of our Austin Prep students. "As grandparents, you are important in the lives of our students. And as a result, you are important to us."
You can view photos from Day One here. You can view photos from Day Two here.
You can view the Day One Prayer Service here. You can view the Day Two prayer Service here.
Relive Your Prom Memories With Photos From the Evening Celebration
Prom Photos!
Promenade Photos!
We had a great time celebrating the Austin Prep prom April 25th, both at the promenade on campus before the event as well as with dinner and dancing at the Andover Country Club. Check out the promenade photos and the prom photos!
Class of 2024 Enjoyed Fun Filled Senior Week
These seniors were so moved by the theme for this school year that they worked it into their decorated parking space.
Senior Week for the Class of 2024 was a blast! Seniors tie-dyed shirts, decorated parking spots, held a Super Soaker battle, and enjoyed class favorites from Sage Dining. It was a great week that provided seniors time to enjoy friends, classmates, and faculty members who walked with them on their journey.
You can view photos from their last day here.
Austin Prep Expands Offering for Afterschool, Summer Programming
Noah Polanski '30 and John Byrne '30 (front) at an Esports competition.
Austin Prep launched an Elite gaming program, open to all students in grades 6th-8th, and designed for beginner to advanced gamers. The program allowed students the opportunity to practice good gamer health, engage in digital citizenship, encourage social and emotional learning while being engaged with their peers. Through our Esports team, students are guided by strategic thinking, teamwork, collaboration, and goal setting, as well as managing success and failure just as in traditional team sports.
In the inaugural season two of our student participants thrived. Noah Polanski '30 was ranked in the top 20 among NEPSAC schools on the Elite Gaming Live platform for Super Smash Bros. John Byrne '30 was ranked in the top 25 for Rocket League amongst NEPSAC schools on the Elite Gaming Live platform. Rival schools include Brooks, Nobles, Phillips Andover, New Hampton, St. Lukes, Exeter, Tabor, Thayer, Dexter Southfield, and more.
Seniors Presented With Appointments to U.S. Service Academies
Clay, Villarroel, Neal to Navy; Ventura to Army
Emily Clay ’24, Lauren Neal ‘24, and Victor Villarroel ’24 are heading to the United States Naval Academy.
Austin Prep’s Class of 2024 were admitted to many of the finest colleges and universities in the United States and beyond. Of particular note, four students were commissioned at U.S. service academies, including Emily Clay ’24, Victor Villarroel ’24 and Lauren Neal ‘24, who were presented with appointments to the United States Naval Academy during special ceremonies in the Chapel of St. Augustine in front of classmates and faculty. Evan Ventura ’24 was the fourth student to matriculate to a service academy: Evan is at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Ascension Thursday Marks Last All-School Mass for 2023-2024
Austin Prep came together for the final all-school Mass of the 2023-2024 academic year, which was the Ascension Thursday Mass, celebrated by Fr. Dennis M. Gallagher, A.A., Vicar Provincial of the Assumptionist North American Province and VP for Mission at Assumption University in Worcester, MA.
Ascension Thursday commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven, or as Fr. Gallagher described it, “mission accomplished.”
Thank You Green Key Ambassadors
Green Key Ambassadors are an invaluable connection between our admissions office & prospective families, interacting with families at events, serving as tour guides, & hosting students for shadow days. Thank you, 2023-2024, Green Keys for a great year!
Class of 2028 Middle School Journey Concludes with Final Assembly
Class of 2028 members (l to r) Gideon Barnes, Zachary Oliver, David Robertson, Ella Gill, Elijah Janco, Sydney Klein, Henry Seabury, Alexandra Martinelli, and Patrick Prideaux were among the speakers at Tuesday's 8th Grade Final Assembly.
Austin Prep eighth graders celebrated the conclusion of their Middle School Journey with the Class of 2028 Final Middle School Assembly. Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D. and Head of Middle School Mr. Michael McLaughlin offered remarks, and those in attendance had an opportunity to enjoy the musical talents of Mark Tokarev '28 on piano, view a reflective slideshow created by Griffin Betts '28, Angela Barletta '28, and Nolan Pitta '28, and hear reflections on our core values of veritas, unitas, and caritas.
Theo Goldsmith '28, whose Middle School journey began this year as an 8th grader, offered appreciation for parents as he transitions from one phase of education to the next. "People don't often think of the middle as a very good place to be. Life in The Middle Ages was tough in many ways. Nobody wants to be in the middle seat on a long flight. And according to books and movies, middle school is stressful and unpleasant," Theo said. "But I'm here today, as someone with one older sister and one younger brother, to tell you that in reality, the middle can be great. Anyone who knows the Middle School at Austin Prep would have to agree, and a big reason for that is our supportive parents and families."
A full program from the ceremony can be found here, and photos can be viewed here.
Seventh Graders Welcome Guests to Campus for May Tea
Morgan Greene '29 at the May Crowning Prayer Service.
Austin Prep seventh graders participated in the May Crowning Prayer Service and May Tea. This annual event is an opportunity for students to invite one special guest - a mother, grandmother, aunt, or neighbor - to join them in the Chapel of Saint Augustine for prayers followed by a small reception in the Dining Hall to celebrate Mary and motherhood in all its forms. Students and their guest are invited to bring flowers or a small plant to place around the Statue of Mary as a part of the celebration. Photos from the event can be viewed here.
Latest Group of Lifers Complete Their Journey
The Class of 2024 Lifers.
Being an Austin Prep "Lifer" is a special recognition within our School community. Lifers are individuals who have been students at Austin Prep from 6th through 12th grade. We would like to recognize the 37 students from the Class of 2024 who are part of this unique group. #AustinAlways
Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement for the Class of 2024
Austin Prep celebrated the Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement for the Class of 2024 today, Friday, May 17th on Father Seymour Field. Friends, family, faculty, staff, Austin Prep Board of Trustees and 151 graduates came together for Mass and the conferring of diplomas for members of the Class of 2024. A full program for the Baccalaureate Liturgy can be found here. Full coverage of the day can be found here.
Celebrant Most Rev. Mark O'Connell, J.C.D., Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Boston, emphasized to graduates the distinct changes that have occurred in the world since their arrival at Austin Prep.
Celebrant Most Rev. Mark O'Connell, J.C.D., Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Boston
"These four years have been significant years in the history of the whole world. It is a different place now," Bishop Mark said. "COVID, politics, war, and technology has changed us. Colleges are reeling in the suddenness of the changes. Some changes are needed, but some changes are leading us astray from basic truths, and from God. You graduates are needed to bring sanity back to institutions of higher learning."
Bishop Mark is no stranger to big days at Austin Prep. In recent years, Bishop Mark has served as the celebrant at our First Responder Blue Mass, Convocation and Baccalaureate Masses, and perhaps most notably, Austin Prep's Baccalaureate Liturgy for the Class of 2020, which was our first opportunity to come together as a community after the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools across the Commonwealth in March 2020. "You have had the strangest Senior Year of any class at Austin Prep in its history," Bishop Mark told the Class of 2020.
Michael Young, Class of 2024 Salutatorian and Austin Prep Lifer, noted that while life may be unpredictable, what is most important is being involved when your opportunity comes. "Now, here we are going on to the next chapter of our lives; we will be presented with many opportunities, I encourage you, take them," Michael said. "Pursue that which makes you nervous. If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Take a second and think, what can I do to live a life of fulfillment and of accomplishment? It was Teddy Roosevelt who said. 'It is not the critic who counts, but the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.' How will you be the man or woman in the arena and ignore the critic on the sideline?"
Class of 2024 Valedictorian and Austin Prep Lifer, Anna Ferranti, reflected on how her seven year Austin Prep Journey shaped her. "In considering what Austin Prep has meant to me, it is hard to accurately quantify. I could talk about the high level of academics and the accomplishments of our students within the classroom. I could talk about our athletic programs and their multitudinous successes. I could talk about the compelling artistic pursuits that take the stage each year. I could talk about the vast array of clubs initiated and run by students to follow the soaring trajectories of their passions," Anna said.
"But the truth is, these aren’t the things that really mattered to me. What mattered was all of the little things in between. Because what was truly special about Austin Prep isn’t what it made us, it’s who it made us," Anna added.
While addressing the graduates, James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, ’23, ’24, '27, took the opportunity to share some final bits of Augustinian wisdom about the restless journey they will encounter ahead.
"You will encounter storms, sometimes they’ll be actual weather patterns like the soaker that was the Senior class trip to Disney. I remember watching a weather report while we were in Florida that it rained more than double the average rainfall in those 4 days that it does in the entire month of November, but you adapted and found a way to stay on course and make lasting memories," Dr. Hickey said. "When you hit personal storms, look inward for advice. It’s the Augustinian things to do. With a foundation of veritas, unitas, and caritas, your hearts will be the compass to get you back on the right course."
"Through your Augustinian heart, God will remind you that the measure of love is that love has no measure," Dr. Hickey added.
Board of Trustees Chair, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, P’10, ’14, ’15
The event included remarks from Board of Trustees Chair, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, P’10, ’14, ’15, who noted that graduates are ready to enter college, infused with the values of veritas, unitas, and caritas. "The inspired teaching and learning environment at Austin Prep is palpable. If our seniors take anything away from these ceremonies, I hope they have internalized the exhilaration for more learning. Today is just the beginning. It is where you go from here that matters," Mr. Bouchard said. "But wherever you go, cultivate the Augustinian moral sensibility and exhibit the character to apply it."
36th Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament a Success
Michael McCarthy '25 and Tyler Killilea '25 supported the annual Austin Open at the Varsity Shot Hole.
We were blessed with a beautiful day for the 36th Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament, held at Indian Ridge Country Club. The event was a great success with a full-flight of golfers! You can view photos from the day here.
The Annual Golf Tournament is vital in our efforts to continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for all our students. A special thank you to alumni families for their 2024 Title Sponsorships: Pimentel Construction and Quirk Construction Corp. The proceeds from the Austin Prep Open have always helped ensure that Austin Prep students are provided an extraordinary experience rich in academics, extra-curricular activities, community and faith. This year, your support will continue to support the Austin Prep Fund, the cornerstone of fundraising at Austin Prep, providing annual, flexible dollars for key programs and priorities. Your participation and support makes extraordinary possible at Austin Prep.
View all our Title, Lunch, Breakfast, Player Gift and Cart Sponsors here.
Book Award Recipients Recognized
Each spring, members of the junior class are awarded books and prizes for their scholastic, extracurricular, and community efforts. These awards are sponsored by college and university local alumni chapters, offices of admissions, faculty, and community members. Book Award winners were recognized during a brief ceremony during Cougar Block. Congratulations to all those who received an award!
Austin Prep Freshmen Participate in Model UN Conference
Jack Daggett '27 represented Russia in Austin Prep's Model UN Conference.
The Class of 2027 simulated debates on contemporary global issues during Austin Prep's third annual Model UN conference. Led by History Faculty Members Mr. Jon Whalen, Mr. Trevor Jones, Mr. Ed MacKenzie, and Mr. Garrett White, this event was planned to engage students in several weeks of extensive research and analysis of global issues. Students were tasked with consensus building through drafting, lobbying, and debating to pass a suitable ‘resolution’. Students were engrossed in playing the roles of delegates, speakers, and chairs, representing different countries and working together to reach a solution for the committee they were assigned. This year students participated in nine committees, focusing on current events, including the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, the exploration of space, sustainable energy, and more. This year also introduced both a futuristic and historical committee where some students recreated the First Hague Convention of 1899, while others explored the governance of colonizing Mars in the year 2074. Overall, student-led debates were lively and the students worked hard to represent the perspective of their assigned nation and gained valuable global perspectives. You can view photos from the sessions here.
As Baseball Finishes 19-0, Coach Pollard Provides Insight into Success
The Austin Prep Baseball Team closed out the 2024 campaign with a perfect 19-0 record following victories over Phillips Andover and Buckingham Browne & Nichols. This year’s unblemished record brings the current unbeaten streak to 31 games dating back to the 2023 season. In 2024, the baseball team outscored opponents 182-32, with a team batting average of .515 and a team ERA of 1.48.
For this year’s senior class, it was an amazing run of success, with a four-year career record of 82-6, back-to-back (2023 and 2024) Massachusetts preseason #1 rankings, a #24 national ranking in 2022, and perhaps most notably, the 26-0 2022 season which culminated with the capturing of the 2022 MIAA Division 3 State Championship.
Congratulations to all those involved in the Austin Prep Baseball program for a tremendous year, and a special thank you to the Class of 2024.
Associate Head of School and Head Baseball Coach, Jonathan Pollard '97.
Associate Head of School and Head Baseball Coach, Jonathan Pollard '97, was a guest on New England Baseball Journal podcast, "The Base Path," with Dan Guttenplan. During the podcast, Coach Pollard gives great insight into what has helped lead to the success of the baseball program. You can view the podcast here.
Year of Performing Arts Events Comes to a Close
Austin Prep hosted the annual, year-end Band and Choir Concert in Richard J. Meelia '67 Hall. With it came to an end another amazing year for Austin Prep's Performing Arts. From the Nutcracker, to Lessons to Carols, to Grease, to the Spring Dance Show and finally the Band and Choir Concert, our students always put on a great show.
You can view photos from the Band and Choir concert here.
4x400 Relay Team, Doetsch '25, Take Home NEPSAC Track Titles
Cailin Fennessy '24, Ava Sherry '27, Eliza Martin '25, and Isabella Tomic '24 took home the NEPSAC 4x400 meter relay title.
Austin Prep Track and Field claimed a pair of NEPSAC Division II titles. August Doetsch '25 developed into one of the region's top middle distance runners this year, as evident with his win in the 800 meters in a time of 1:57.88. Austin Prep's girls 4x400 meter relay team brought home the title in a time of 4:02.28. The quartet included Cailin Fennessy '24, Ava Sherry '27, Eliza Martin '25, and Isabella Tomic '24. Both winning times were Austin Prep school records.
Class of 2024 | A Final Farewell
During Senior Week, the Senior Class gathered for a class photo, shown above with seniors in sweatshirts representing their college or university of choice. We wish them the best of luck as their Journey continues. #AustinAlways.
Newly Enrolled Students and Parents Welcomed at BBQs
Newly enrolled Middle School Students at their welcome BBQ.
Before the academic year even ended, we hosted BBQs with carnival style games and great food for newly enrolled Austin Prep Middle School students and parents, as well as for new and returning members of the Class of 2028. It was a great opportunity to meet new classmates and families before we broke for summer. Photos from the Middle School BBQ can be viewed here.
2024-2025 School-Wide Student Government Officers Announced
Austin Prep held an election for 2024-2025 School-Wide Student Government Officers. All Middle School and Upper School Students were eligible to vote in the School-Wide Student Government Election. Your 2024-2025 School-Wide Student Government Officers are noted above. We look forward to a great year next year under their leadership!
Office of College Counseling Joins Select Network
Mrs. Cyndy Pitta P'28, '30 and colleagues in the Office of College Counseling will have new networking and professional development opportunities with BISCCA affiliation.
The Office of College Counseling was pleased to announce their acceptance into the Boston Independent School College Counselors Association (BISCCA). A select network of 40 private schools in the area, benefits of BISCCA include participation in a members only college fair and college counselor professional development and networking opportunities with other independent high schools, colleges, and universities. BISCCA member schools include: Austin Prep, Bancroft School, Beaver Country Day School, Belmont Hill School, Boston Trinity Academy, Boston University Academy, Brimmer & May School, Brooks School, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School, Cambridge School of Weston, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School, Commonwealth School, Concord Academy, Cushing Academy, Dana Hall School, Dexter Southfield School, GANN Academy, German International School, The Governor’s Academy, Groton School, International School Of Boston, Lawrence Academy, Maimonides School, Middlesex School, Milton Academy, Montrose School, Newman School, Newton Country Day School, Noble & Greenough School, Pingree School, Rivers School, Roxbury Latin School, St. Mark’s School, St. Sebastian’s School, Tabor Academy, Thayer Academy, Ursuline Academy, Walnut Hill School, Winsor School and Worcester Academy.
The 2023-2024 Academic Year Comes to a Close with Field Day
Sixth graders no more! These guys are now ready for the 7th Grade.
Austin Prep celebrated the last day of the academic calendar on Tuesday with a special field day for Austin Prep Middle School students. At the end of the day, students wished Mr. Joe Leary well, as he is retiring from teaching. Thank you, Mr. Leary, for your guidance of our band and music programs. View photos here.
Track and Field Team Travels to Eugene for Nike Outdoor Nationals
Ava Sherry '27 at Nike Outdoor Nationals at the University of Oregon.
Members of the Austin Prep Track and Field Team qualified for the Nike Outdoor National meet and travelled to the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. Often referred to as "Track Town USA," Eugene is considered the center of track and field in the United States. Even more notably, our student-athletes competed at historic Hayward Field, which played host to the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials just a week after their competition. Prior to the meet, the 15 member delegation had the opportunity to tour the Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.
McCafferty '26 Represents Massachusetts on ESPN+
Bradley McCafferty ‘26 of Austin Prep Baseball represented Team Massachusetts at the High School Baseball National Championship Series from Omaha, NE, home of the College World Series. Games were available to watch on ESPN+. Congratulations to Bradley, and great job representing Austin Prep and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Enjoy the Rest of Summer!
We hope you enjoyed a look back at the 2023-2024 academic year, and we look forward to connecting with you again in the fall. Have a great summer!