October 2023
October 7, 2023
Blue Mass is Tuesday
Football Home Opener is Later Today
Joe McClain '24 scored a touchdown last week vs. Kingswood Oxford School.
The football team's much anticipated home opener is today at 3:30 p.m. against Worcester Academy on Fr. Seymour Field. It is also the Department of Athletics' designated Game of the Week. Come out and support the team! Can't make it out? Did you know that home athletic contests on Fr. Seymour Field, in Richard J. Meelia '67 Hall, and select games on the Lower Fields Athletic Complex are livestreamed? Visit here for the livestream schedule.
Austin Prep Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month
Nareg Minassian '26, Cecilia Goldsmith '26, Noah Rivera '26, and Sophia Fanuele '26 ( left to right) served as lectors at Wednesday's Spanish Mass.
Austin Prep will continue to prioritize our attention and resources on promoting justice and inclusion in the classroom and beyond. Our work in the Office of Mission and Inclusion is animated by the life and teaching of St. Augustine and the Augustinians. We draw upon our Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas to promote Hispanic Heritage Month at Austin Prep for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
In Señora Rebecca Martiniello's Spanish class Mark Henry and Daniel Holmes '25 researched and presented on a popular Venezuelan dish that is also featured in La Qchara Restaurant's menu.
Austin Prep is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in an array of activities across multiple disciplines. Our efforts to inspire students to broaden their understanding of cultures is enmeshed in our academic mission to graduate students who are global citizens. This week History classes examined the life of Dominican friar Bartolome de las Casas who worked from 1502-1547 as a missionary in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Peru. Las Casas was a voice of the Church for justice and evangelization during a time of great violence. His life serves as a model for living one’s core values. Spanish classes worked on projects that researched a popular Venezuelan dish recetas venezolanas that is also featured in La Qchara Restaurant's menu (our guests to campus last Friday.)
"En el Nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo. Amen."
Fr. Agustín Anda of St. Theresa's North Reading celebrated Mass in Spanish.
On Wednesday, we welcomed to campus Fr. Agustín Anda of St. Theresa's North Reading to celebrate Mass in Spanish for Spanish classes during E Block, which allowed students to be able to put their learning into the practice of speaking the language. Spanish student lectors also participated in the Mass. At the conclusion of Mass Fr. Anda encouraged students to keep working hard to develop their Spanish speaking skills.
Fall Spirit Week Begins October 16th
Schoolwide Student Government President Ava Intoppa '24 and Sarah Potter of St. Jude Children's Hospital.
Our first Spirit Week of the year is approaching! Fall Spirit Week takes place Monday, October 16th through Thursday, October 19th! (As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, October 20th as faculty will be engaged in professional development activities). The week will consist of themed dress down days, competitions between faculty and students and lots of school spirit! In the spirit of caritas, we will be collecting donations for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Students who make a donation of $20 to St. Jude will be allowed to participate in the themed dress days during Spirit Week. Advisors will be collecting donations next week. Unlike years past, students must make their donation before Spirit Week begins in order to participate in the themed dress days. Sarah Potter, from St. Jude, was in attendance at this week's community meeting and spoke to students about the important work St. Jude does to advance cures for childhood diseases. Last year Austin Prep raised over $40,000 for St. Jude. We are hopeful we can raise even more to support this great cause.
Fall Admissions Open House is October 22nd
The Office of Admissions is hosting the annual Fall Open House two weeks from tomorrow on Sunday, October 22nd from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for future students interested in grades 6 - 11. Guests should pre-register for the open house on the Austin Prep Admissions page.
Open House visitors will have the opportunity to meet Middle and Upper School faculty, school leaders, coaches, and take tours of our campus with Green Key Student Ambassadors.
Some of our best referrals come from current Austin Prep parents. We would be most grateful if you spread the word to those in your community about the Open House event and your own Austin Prep experience. Additionally, we are looking for Parent Volunteers to staff our registration tables and to help welcome prospective families. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Lisa Simmons, Assistant Director of Admissions.
Won't be able to participate at Open House but want everyone in your hometown to know you are a part of the Austin Prep community? Help us advertise the Austin Prep Open House by proudly displaying a yard sign at your home. Students are welcome to pick up a yard sign in the Admissions Office from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. any day next week. Signs are available with or without a stake. We appreciate your support!
Trunk or Treat Returns October 27th
Bring your whole family in Halloween costumes and trick or treat from festively decorated cars throughout the designated Trunk or Treat parking area on the Austin Prep campus. The event takes place Friday, October 27th from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., and is hosted by the Austin Prep Office of Student Life. The event will include prizes for the best trunk decorations. For more information please contact Coordinator of Student Activities, Mr. Patrick Costello. If you'd like to reserve one of the limited, 25 parking spaces for your vehicle, fill out the reservation form here.
Entire Community Comes Together for the Rosary
The Rosary was led by students in the Campus Ministry Club.
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to a certain devotion. The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The Office of Campus Ministry prepared an all school Rosary for the entire Austin Prep community on Monday. The Rosary was led by students in the Campus Ministry Club.
Class of 2026 Visits Boundless Adventures
Grace Ditchfield '26 and Sydney Thuo '26 were geared up for Boundless Adventures.
The Class of 2026 had a terrific class trip Thursday to Boundless Adventures! It was a great day for sophomores to spend time together and create memories with friends and classmates. The Office of Student Life looks forward to planning more class based trips as the year progresses.
Merrimack Engineering Professor Spends Time with Students and Robotics Club
Rickey Caldwell, Ph.D. with Spot and a Topics in Technology class.
Rickey Caldwell, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Merrimack College, visited the Topics in Technology Middle School class to discuss the all school summer read The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. As the class explored the themes of inventing and renewable energy, Dr. Caldwell explained how he applies engineering to contribute to special projects for the military, automotive industry, and commercial development. He explained that he found the most joy as a teacher, especially through the service work he does with disadvantaged elementary school students in the summer. The Topics in Technology students generated intriguing questions about innovation and design while Dr. Caldwell encouraged students to pursue math and science by believing in themselves, getting out of their comfort zones, and recognizing that failure is part of the learning process.
Dr. Caldwell then spent time with members of the Robotics Club and highly competitive Robotics Team to push their learning. They discussed the importance of circuits, power sources, sensors, computer programming, and applied mathematics. The highlight of the visit was when students, faculty, staff, and school leadership were introduced to Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot that is featured in Dr. Caldwell’s Robotics class at Merrimack. Students took turns “driving” Spot as he walked, trotted, danced, and hopped through the halls. Spot even managed to climb the stairs. Spot did not just ignite the wonder of our students, but everyone seemed to want a turn with Spot. Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali. Director of Campus Ministry, members of the facilities team, and Sage Dining staff all were seen talking a turn making Spot go. Reagan, Special Assistant to Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. also met this robot dog, but she did not seem too willing to give up her place as Austin Prep’s favorite canine.
Being Good Neighbors | Living Unitas
We have come a long way in our 60 years, and that includes student drop off and pick up – many of these cars aren't even facing in the correct direction!
We hope that everyone has had a great start to the 2023-2024 academic year. Now that families have settled in to a routine, we wanted to remind you of school drop off and pick up procedures. In the morning, it is best to allow for extra time as sometimes traffic can be slow. Traffic is busiest around 7:45 a.m., but campus opens for students at 7:00 a.m. In the afternoon, it is busiest between 2:15 - 2:45 p.m., and we encourage students to stay after school to unwind by spending time with friends or meeting with teachers for extra help, which can alleviate traffic.
When on campus, please adhere to the speed limit of 10 miles per hour. Traffic is one way at all times, so please do not make U-turns on campus, and follow the direction provided by Campus Safety Officers. When dropping off or picking up on campus, please adhere to the designated spots behind McLaughlin Hall (Door #3) or in front of Richard J. Meelia '67 Hall. There is no drop off in the driveway or in front of the main entrance.
Perhaps most important to note, we value our relationship with residents of Willow Street and beyond. In the spirit of unitas and in being a good neighbor – and to help with traffic flow – please do not pick up or drop off students on Willow Street or adjacent streets as it unnecessarily backs up traffic for residents and Austin Prep families alike. Furthermore, if walking to campus, please refrain from walking through residential property and always be respectful of all those you may encounter along the way. Thank you for your partnership as we look to ensure the most positive experience possible for our community members and those around us.
Austin Prep Closed Monday
In accordance with the school calendar, Austin Prep will be closed on Monday, October 10th. We look forward to welcoming everyone back when we reopen on Tuesday, October 11th, when we will celebrate Blue Mass. Enjoy the long weekend!
October 14, 2023
Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School
Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D., will be hosting Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School on Wednesday, October 25th at 8:15 a.m. This is an informal gathering and a great opportunity to have high level discussions and open dialogue with Dr. Hickey, while learning more about Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey looks forward to discussing the outlook for the rest of the fall, as well as other initiatives for the 2023-24 academic year and beyond.
The coffee and conversation with Dr. Hickey will run about 45 minutes, and will be conducted in a small group setting to help facilitate conversation. RSVP is required. If you'd like to participate, kindly RSVP to Mrs. Kathleen Mann, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at kathleen.mann@austinprep.org. Once confirmed, Mrs. Mann will email you with a meeting location. Dr. Hickey looks forward to hosting you!
Austin Prep Community Recognizes First Responders at Blue Mass
Representatives from the Reading Police and Fire Departments, the Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipe and Drums, as well as first responder parents from the Austin Prep community, attended Austin Prep’s 7th Annual Blue Mass for First Responders on Tuesday, October 10th. The Mass is held annually in gratitude for all those who put their lives on the line for others. You can view photos from the day here.
Ava Intoppa '24, School-Wide President, welcomed classmates to the Mass. "This Mass is a very special one for our community as it gives us the opportunity to reflect and show gratitude to those who put our well-being before their own every single day as a part of their own calling."
The Mass was celebrated by Austin Prep alum Fr. Peter Gori '70 O.S.A. who recalled the memory of a traffic violation from when he was 19 years old. "I remember the officer for how he treated me with respect, for he was more concerned with me as a kid to be a safer driver as opposed to wanting to catch or punish me," Fr. Gori said. "Not only was my head touched, in respect to educating, but my heart was touched by the respect with which I was treated."
“First responders deserve our respect for not only what they do for us directly, in our own experiences, but also indirectly, for what they do for society as a whole, each and every day,” Fr. Gori added.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. recalled a recent speaking engagement at the U.S. Naval Academy by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, in which the Cardinal referenced St. Augustine in his address to the Midshipmen. "Gratitude is what I want to speak about this evening," Cardinal Dolan said. "St. Augustine, perhaps the most towering intellectual of Western civilization, observed that gratitude is the first of all the virtues, the door to duty, character and faith; and that a lack of gratitude is the opening to vice, shallowness, selfishness, and a life without God, friends, or meaning."
“On behalf of the Austin Prep community, I extend our gratitude to all the first responders, those present here today, and those who are present in our thoughts, who exemplify the unseen, but the most genuine realities that manifests itself in the life of service," Dr. Hickey said.
After Mass, Fr. Gori blessed the emergency vehicles in the school parking lot and gave a special blessing to the first responders. Following the Mass, first responders enjoyed brunch in the Heritage Room with Austin Prep faculty and staff.
The Mass also featured the debut of the 6th grade choir, which was added to the middle school art and design curriculum this fall. The Class of 2030 Choir performed "America the Beautiful" for the entire school community. You can listen to their performance here.
Austin Prep Concludes Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Austin Prep will continue to prioritize our attention and resources on promoting justice and inclusion in the classroom and beyond. Our work in the Office of Mission and Inclusion is animated by the life and teaching of St. Augustine and the Augustinians. We draw upon our Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas to promote Hispanic Heritage Month at Austin Prep for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
During Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th to October 15th, we recognized the contributions, achievements and influence of Hispanic Americans on the history and culture of the United States. We are grateful for all the students, faculty and staff in our community who helped recognize the occasion, and look forward to continuing to celebrate diverse cultures throughout this year. On Friday, which was the final school day of Hispanic Heritage Month, Ella Gould '25, Bianca Renzullo '25 and Hailey Grohe '26 recited the morning prayer in Spanish. Watch the video of the prayer above!
Fall Spirit Week Begins Monday
Our first Spirit Week of the year begins Monday! Fall Spirit Week takes place Monday, October 16th through Thursday, October 19th! (As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, October 20th as faculty will be engaged in professional development activities). The week will consist of themed dress down days, competitions between faculty and students and lots of school spirit! In the spirit of caritas, we collected donations last week for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Students who made a donation of $20 to St. Jude will be allowed to participate in the themed dress days during Spirit Week. Additionally, be on the lookout for some fun announcements to close the Spirit Week at the Pep Rally!
Open House is a Week From Tomorrow
The Office of Admissions is hosting the annual Fall Open House one week from tomorrow on Sunday, October 22nd from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for future students interested in grades 6 - 11. Guests should pre-register for the open house on the Austin Prep Admissions page.
Open House visitors will have the opportunity to meet Middle and Upper School faculty, school leaders, coaches, and take tours of our campus with Green Key Student Ambassadors.
In addition to the traditional lawn signs promoting our Open House, which can be picked up in the Admissions Office, we are also continuing our digital approach. If you currently have a personal social media account (Facebook, X, Instagram) and are willing to assist us, we are asking that you consider changing your profile picture to the graphic we've attached above until Sunday, October 22nd. Some of our best referrals come from current Austin Prep parents. We would be most grateful if you spread the word to those in your community about the Open House event and your own Austin Prep experience!
Trunk or Treat Returns October 27th
Bring your whole family in Halloween costumes and trick or treat from festively decorated cars throughout the designated Trunk or Treat parking area on the Austin Prep campus. The event takes place Friday, October 27th from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., and is hosted by the Austin Prep Office of Student Life. The event will include prizes for the best trunk decorations. For more information please contact Coordinator of Student Activities, Mr. Patrick Costello. If you'd like to reserve one of the limited, 25 parking spaces for your vehicle, fill out the reservation form here.
Next Community Mass is October 29th
Our next monthly Sunday Community Mass will take place on Sunday, October 29th at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine. We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Dining Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on September 24th as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
Our 6th Annual Day of Giving is One Month Away
In honor of St. Augustine's 1,669th birthday, we will be celebrating with our 6th Annual Day of Giving on November 13th and 14th! Our Annual Day of Giving is an opportunity for our community to come together as one and show our pride in Austin Prep and our students’ education with a gift. Your participation matters! All gifts support the Austin Prep Fund, which provides resources for professional development for our treasured faculty members, curricular and co-curricular programs for students and tuition assistance. More details to come...
Kerry Brennan Named Girls Hockey Coach
Kerry Brennan, pictured with Director of Athletics Patrick Driscoll '97 and Associate Head of School Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97, was announced Tuesday as Austin Prep's new Head Varsity Girls Ice Hockey Coach.
Austin Prep announced Tuesday the appointment of Kerry Brennan as Austin Prep’s next Head Varsity Girls Hockey Coach. Coach Brennan takes the helm of the program after achieving considerable playing and coaching success, and administrative experience in age-based hockey.
"As with any coaching position at Austin Prep, the best candidate will have the right experience, exceptional gifts, and be mission-aligned. We are fortunate to add an individual who brings a unique balance of these attributes. Coach Brennan's experience, appreciation of our School's mission, and passion for developing the student-athlete makes her an excellent choice to lead our Girls Ice Hockey Program," Director of Athletics Patrick Driscoll '97 said.
A Charlestown native, Coach Brennan comes to Austin Prep from the North Shore Vipers Hockey Program, where she serves as the Program Director focusing on player development and the college placement of her athletes. Additionally, she serves as the Director of the Wilmington Youth Lacrosse Girls program.
Before her time at the North Shore Vipers Program, Coach Brennan held the position of Assistant Director and Youth Counselor for the Gavin Foundation: Speakers of Hope Program.
Prior to beginning her coaching career, Coach Brennan played ice hockey collegiately at Southern Maine and UMass Boston after a stellar high school career at Boston Latin School, where she earned Boston Globe and Boston Herald All-Scholastic Honors, in addition to the Boston Globe Female Ice Hockey Player of the Year and Samuel Morse Leadership Awards.
In addition to her coaching duties, Coach Brennan will also serve as the Administrative Assistant in the Office of College Counseling at Austin Prep.
Coach Brennan is enthusiastic about the opportunity to lead the Austin Prep Girls Ice Hockey Program. "I’m honored and excited for the opportunity to lead this program, as we continue to our journey in the NEPSAC. I would like to thank the leadership at Austin Prep, including Head of School Dr. James Hickey, Associate Head of School Mr. Jonathan Pollard and Director of Athletics Mr. Patrick Driscoll," Coach Brennan said. "I’m extremely passionate about developing young women and cannot wait to get to work and help our student -athletes achieve success on and off the ice."
Grade 6 and 7 Students Participate in Campus Ministry Retreats
Grade 6 and 7 students had an opportunity to connect with classmates at the Campus Ministry retreat on Wednesday.
This past week, the Campus Ministry Office provided middle school students in grades 6 and 7 with an opportunity for deeper reflection and for connecting with classmates through an on-campus retreat. Throughout the activities of the day, students had the opportunity to reflect on our core values of veritas, unitas and caritas and reflect on Christ’s love for us.
Meanwhile, Grade 8 Students Experience the Upper School
Grade 8 students were provided with a glimpse of Upper School life on Wednesday. Members of the Class of 2028 had the opportunity to hear from School Leadership, Upper School Administrators, and experience mini-class sessions with Upper School faculty. We are excited for our 8th graders to continue their journey at Austin Prep and to experience the wonderful opportunities that await in grade 9 and beyond.
Community Spotlight: Eric Smith
Note: Our vibrant campus comes to life as a result of the talented students and faculty who make up the Austin Prep community. We look forward to periodically highlighting those individuals here in the Cougar Courier.
Hometown: Westford, Massachusetts
Education/Degrees: B.S. in Criminal Justice from the University of Massachusetts and anticipated M.A. in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary.
Years at Austin Prep: First year!
Years working in Education: Three years.
Department/Area of Subject: Middle School Theology - I am currently teaching Living as Disciples of Christ and Living as Members of the Church.
Describe a teacher who inspired you growing up: I am blessed to have had so many impactful teachers in my life. My formative years were definitely shaped by my faith and my parents. I remember many individuals who contributed to who I have become, but one of the most influential came from a priest who taught courses in philosophy and faith and revelation. Father Brian Mullday O.P. was my first professor I studied under for theology. It was not his lessons or lectures that captivated me but rather the manner in which he prioritized all things. His very life was ordered in a real way by a hierarchy of priority and his pursuit of truth resonated with me. Another teacher just as inspiring as Father Mullady is Father Tom Macdonald, a priest teaching at Saint John’s Seminary who also holds the office of Vice Rector. Father Tom is a great man, teacher, and friend. He guided me in my own discernment, but ultimately inspired me to take action - in large part because of his own conviction and determination.
Do you have a motto you teach by?: Or an expression you try to instill in your classroom? My students would probably laugh and say that I frequently say, “I have faith in you.” In a real sense I think of myself as an adopted ‘Augustinian.’ I first taught at Saint Augustine’s in Andover, but prior to that the first text I read while considering Seminary was Confessions by Saint Augustine. On the walls of Austin Prep we find his inspirational words: ‘Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.’ This was the way Christ and His mother lived their lives. Who are better teachers?
If you weren’t a teacher, what career would you have?: My wife might say that I could be a professional talker. I have always been drawn to working with people so I think if I could not teach I would work in social work.
Favorite Quote?: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
Fun fact (about you or your past; something colleagues & students might not ordinarily know): I am a proud father! My son was born on April Fool’s Day last year. He is my little buddy. I am also an avid football fan and a fantasy football failure.
Favorite Saint?: My favorite saint and hero is Our Lady of Guadelupe! ‘Listen and understand, my littlest son, let nothing frighten and afflict you or trouble your heart … Am I not here[...]’ Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Any other information you would like to share?: Austin Prep is an incredible school and I am proud and excited to be a part of the faculty.
October 21, 2023
Annual Fall Admissions Open House is Tomorrow
The Office of Admissions staff, including Assistant Director Lisa Simmons P'24, '25, '27, '30, Director of Admissions Ryan Patrie, and Admissions Assistant Brianna Driscoll, among others, look forward to welcoming guests to campus tomorrow.
Our Fall Admissions Open House is tomorrow, Sunday, October 22nd from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The Open House is for future students interested in grades 6 - 11. Open House visitors will have the opportunity to meet Middle and Upper School faculty, school leaders, coaches, and take tours of our campus with Green Key Student Ambassadors. Some of our best referrals come from current Austin Prep parents. We would be most grateful if you spread the word to those in your community about the Open House event and your own Austin Prep experience.
Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School is Wednesday
As a reminder, Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D., will be hosting Coffee and Conversation with the Head of School on Wednesday, October 25th at 8:15 a.m. This is an informal gathering and a great opportunity to have high level discussions and open dialogue with Dr. Hickey, while learning more about Austin Prep. Dr. Hickey looks forward to discussing the outlook for the rest of the fall, as well as other initiatives for the 2023-24 academic year and beyond.
The coffee and conversation with Dr. Hickey will run about 45 minutes, and will be conducted in a small group setting to help facilitate conversation. RSVP is required. If you'd like to participate, kindly RSVP to Mrs. Kathleen Mann, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at kathleen.mann@austinprep.org. Once confirmed, Mrs. Mann will email you with a meeting location. Dr. Hickey looks forward to hosting you!
Austin Prep Welcomes Auggie and New Cougar Mascot Logo
Aside from being one of the most spirited and enthusiastic Spirit Weeks in recent memory, Thursday’s Pep Rally also marked a turning point in Austin Prep's history. You can view photos from the Pep Rally here.
As we know, Austin Prep just celebrated its 60th anniversary and our Cougar mascot Cubby was there every step of the way. As our journey together continues, Cubby is now full grown, inspired, and committed to our students and the growth of Austin Prep for our next 60 years and beyond. At the Pep Rally, we introduced Austin Prep’s new Cougar mascot, Auggie!
As we follow in the footsteps of St. Augustine, our new Cougar’s name, Auggie, is a shortened version of the name of our patron saint. We look forward to Auggie continuing to help connect us to our Augustinian heritage. The reimagined Cougar mascot also provides Austin Prep the opportunity to embraced our Cougar identity, which has an additional twist: Augustinian schools all initially had cat based mascots to coincide with the Villanova University Wildcats.
We also introduced a new Cougar logo to help welcome Auggie to the school community. The logo was designed by Art and Design Faculty member Nicolle Renick. Auggie also came with gifts, as all students left with a rally towel featuring the new logo.
The rest of the Pep Rally featured a performance from the competitive cheer team, and customary skits performed to music by fall sport athletic teams, of which special recognition is due to the football team for their tumbling abilities and routine. The event was kicked off by Hunter Soep '24, who performed a Hendrix-like rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on guitar.
Don't forget, repost this post on "X" or tag two Austin Prep friends in the comments of this Instagram post by Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. to be entered into a contest to win t-shirt prizes featuring the new logo.
Welcome, Auggie, and thank you Austin Prep for a great day!
Students Have a Blast During Fall Spirit Week
Students enjoyed a great first Spirit Week of the year this past week, which consisted of themed dress down days, a volleyball match between faculty and students, the aforementioned Pep Rally, and lots of school spirit! In the spirit of caritas, we collected donations for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and will continue to do so in future Spirit Weeks. This student-driven initiative promoted unitas and caritas by generating a strong sense of community and directed our efforts to benefit children and families in need, and we are very proud of our students for supporting this great organization. Thank you to all those who participated!
Holocaust Survivor Kati Preston Returns to Campus
Kati Preston made a return trip to Austin Prep on Tuesday.
Austin Prep was honored on Tuesday to welcome Holocaust survivor Kati Preston to campus. Her powerful message to staff, middle school students, and Research Methods students, last year’s Holocaust Examined students, and students participating in the Remembrance Journey (see below) addressing loss, resilience, and tolerance resonated across the entire school community, and helped to ensure that the atrocities of the Holocaust are not forgotten. Preston, who came from an interfaith family, detailed her Holocaust experiences, including hiding in a barn for months so she would not be found, and losing the entire Jewish side of her family, including her father. "I am often asked what my religion is now," Preston said. "And I answer that my religion is love." This was Preston's third visit to Austin Prep in recent years.
Preston's visit to campus was a part of Austin Prep's continued effort to offer students new perspectives on the global world. Over the 2024 April Break, Austin Prep will facilitate a week-long trip to Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Travelers will explore sites around Berlin, Prague, and Krakow, including the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau, as they confront the evils of the Holocaust and the theme of remembrance.
Sale on School Rings Begins Monday
Our class rings vendor, Balfour, is offering a three week class ring sale, beginning Monday, October 23rd.
Above you will find a flyer with all of the necessary information to purchase your official class ring. You may scan the QR Code on the flyer which will bring you right to Austin Prep's website on Balfour.com. Prices are reflected on the website. Place your order during the weeks designated on the Flyer to receive this exclusive offer. If you have any questions at all regarding ordering your class rings please call the local Balfour sales office at (401) 467-7018.
Trunk or Treat Returns October 27th
Bring your whole family in Halloween costumes and trick or treat from festively decorated cars throughout the designated Trunk or Treat parking area on the Austin Prep campus. The event takes place Friday, October 27th from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., and is hosted by the Austin Prep Office of Student Life. The event will include prizes for the best trunk decorations. For more information please contact Coordinator of Student Activities, Mr. Patrick Costello. If you'd like to reserve one of the limited, 25 parking spaces for your vehicle, fill out the reservation form here.
Next Community Mass is October 29th
Our next monthly Sunday Community Mass will take place on Sunday, October 29th at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine. We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Gathering Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on October 29th as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
School Picture Day Retakes are October 30th
Miss picture day or need a retake? October 30th is picture retake day, although this one looks like a keeper!
If you missed picture day, or need a retake, you can have your picture taken on October 30th. Mark Lawrence Photography continues to be our professional photographers and we are including a link to their website should you be interested in purchasing your child's photo.. As always, Chapel Dress is required for Picture Day.
Corbin Martin '24 Participates with USA Lacrosse U18 Select Team
Last weekend, Corbin Martin '24 participated on the U18 USA Select Lacrosse Team as they played in the USA Lacrosse Fall Classic at the USA Lacrosse Headquarters in Sparks, MD. One of 22 players on the team, Corbin was selected after an extensive regional tryout process with the National Team Development Program. Team USA came away victorious in the tournament which also featured the Canadian National team and the Haudenosaunee National team. To top it off, Corbin was featured prominently in this social media highlight.
Addison Slye '29 Emerges Victorious at Pennsylvania Horse Show
Addison Slye '29 and her horse Conrido.
Addison Slye '29 and her horse Conrido recently competed in the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg, PA. They took home first place in the Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy 15 & Under O/F Division.
Established in 1946, the Pennsylvania National Horse Show hosts many of the world's top riders over 11 days of competition. Addison's participation alone is an honor and winning a division in remarkable. Congrats Addison and Conrido!
Boston College Educator and Leader Speaks to Austin Prep Faculty
Dr. Melodie Wyttenback, Executive Director of the Roche Center at Boston College.
Dr. Melodie Wyttenback, Executive Director of the Roche Center at Boston College, was on campus Friday as the keynote speaker during Austin Prep's professional development day. Dr. Wyttenback shared her research on Catholic education and Hispanic culture. As the largest emerging population, Hispanics are redefining the Catholic experience in the United States. Her presentation encouraged faculty to think about how our Catholic identity as an Augustinian School helps position us to extend our outreach to our Hispanic brothers and sisters living in our community.
Prior to coming to Boston College, Melodie served as an assistant professor and academic director at Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) at the University of Notre Dame. She also served as president of Nativity Jesuit Academy in Milwaukee, WI and the director of mission effectiveness for the Nativity Miguel Network of Schools in Washington, DC.
During the professional development day, faculty also had the opportunity to connect with colleagues via departmental meetings, as well as prepare for tomorrow's Open House.
Austin Prep Hosts World Renowned Sculptor
World-renowned sculptor Pablo Eduardo, who was on campus Wednesday, called the Boston Marathon Bombing Memorial, above, his most challenging project.
Austin Prep hosted the world-renowned sculptor Pablo Eduardo on Wednesday. A guiding principle of our Art & Design program is to encourage students to think creatively by analyzing, studying, and expressing themselves through the visual arts. Our program is unfolding in new and innovative ways as Mr. Eduaro visited with Art and Design Faculty Member Br. Blair Nuyda's Art 101 students to discuss his journey in the arts. He explained that his favorite sculptures are of saints because of the inspiration he draws from learning about their lives and the challenge of trying to express their spirit in a bronze figure. His pieces typically take two to three years to build which fascinated the 7th and 8th grade students he spoke to. His style is classical, but he also attempts to capture his times. Students asked him what his most challenging project was and he informed them that it was the Boston Marathon Memorial because of the pain and anguish people expressed to him during the design process. Other notable works include St. Thomas More and St. Ignatius of Loyola on the campus of Boston College, Kevin White in the City of Boston, Henri A. Termeer Square in the City of Cambridge, Archangel St. Micahel for the City of Paris, and Iglesia de Nuestro Señor de la Exaltación in the City of La Paz, Bolivia.
October 28, 2023
Community Mass is Tomorrow
Join School Chaplain Fr. Patrick Armano for Community Mass Tomorrow.
Our next monthly Sunday Community Mass will take place tomorrow, October 29th at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine. We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Gathering Room after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
School Picture Day Retakes are October 30th
Picture retakes are Monday, although this one looks like a keeper!
If you missed picture day, or need a retake, you can have your picture taken on October 30th. Mark Lawrence Photography continues to be our professional photographers and we are including a link to their website should you be interested in purchasing your child's photo. It is also important to note that this will be the last opportunity for seniors to have a head shot taken for use in the yearbook. As always, Chapel Dress is required for Picture Day.
Willow Street Closure to Impact Austin Prep Traffic Patterns
Between October 30th and November 3rd, any access to Austin Prep between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. will be from the West Street end of Willow Street. This will impact afterschool pick up.
The construction of a water line connection by the Town of Reading at the wetlands project adjacent to the railroad tracks on Willow Street will require that the street be shut down to traffic next week. Starting on Monday, October 30th and continuing until Friday, November 3rd, work will occur each day during the hours of 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. During these hours Willow Street will be completely closed to traffic at the railroad track crossing. Willow Street will be open to local residents only from either side (West and Lowell Street entrances) but with no traffic allowed across the railroad tracks. The complexity and proximity of the project to the railroad tracks requires that the work occur during the day.
Given the morning construction start time of 8:30 a.m., morning drop off for the 8:00 a.m. start of the Austin Prep school day will not be impacted. Any access to Austin Prep after 8:30 a.m., including afterschool pick up of students, will be from the West Street end of Willow Street. A detour will reroute vehicles away from Willow Street and utilize High Street, Mineral Street and Summer Street. Work hours may need to be adjusted or extended based on unforeseen or weather conditions, and we will make the community aware if anything impacts access to campus. A detail of four Reading Police officers will be at various points on Willow Street, with officers located at both the West and Willow Street intersection and outside the entrance to Austin Prep.
Please pass this information along to those in your family who are responsible for afterschool pickup, and we would encourage you to allow for extra time as you travel to and from Austin Prep. We are grateful for our partnership with the Reading Police Department, and appreciate your anticipated patience next week.
"Thriller" to be Released to the Community on Tuesday
As is tradition, to celebrate Halloween, members of APS Media and our Middle School Dancers proudly present their annual interpretation of "Thriller." Be on the lookout for the release on social media on Tuesday!
November is Remembrance Month
All Saints' Day Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday
Trustee Fr. Ray Dlugos, O.S.A. will celebrate Wednesday's All Saints' Day Mass.
The month of November is a time for us to be mindful to pray for the faithful departed, especially our loved ones. Our faith assures us that the bonds of love that we have shared with them do not end with death. Throughout the month of November, we will remember all those we have loved in this life, and we will remember them at the Altar of the Lord. Please note the following, including special dates within the Augustinian order.
- Campus Ministry will have a table at the back of the Chapel of St. Augustine which will work as a sacred altar for the deceased. There will be a memorial book where students and staff can write the names of the deceased. If you have questions, please reach out to Director of Campus Ministry, Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali.
- You are invited to submit the names of your deceased loved ones, which we will place at the foot of the altar in the Chapel of St. Augustine to be remembered in our masses, prayers and sacrifices, as an expression of our faith and in gratitude for your being part of the Austin Prep community. An email will be sent to the entire community next week with instructions pertaining to how to submit names of your deceased loved ones.
- We will be celebrating All Saints' Day on Wednesday, November 1st with a school-wide Mass. All Middle and Upper School students will be in Chapel Dress for the day.
- November 6th is the Commemoration of Deceased Religious of the Order. As an Augustinian family we take this day to remember the deceased members of our Augustinian order, just as the Universal Church remembers all of the deceased on November 2nd – All Souls' Day – in a similar manner.
Austin Prep Recognizes Native American Heritage Month
Austin Prep continues to celebrate diverse cultures, and looks forward to Native American Heritage Month, which runs from November 1st - 30th. Throughout the Month we will be highlighting either individuals or tribes who have made a dramatic impact within Native American History. Austin Prep is committed to supporting and embracing Native American Tribes and people, while preserving their sacred heritage, culture, and beliefs for future generations.
For more information, contact Mr. Jaycob Morales, Coordinator of Community Engagement and Inclusion, and be on the lookout for more information around campus, here in the Cougar Courier and on social media.
Our 6th Annual Day of Giving is Two Weeks Away
In honor of St. Augustine's 1,669th birthday, we will be celebrating with our 6th Annual Day of Giving on November 13th and 14th! Our Annual Day of Giving is an opportunity for our community to come together as one and show our pride in Austin Prep and our students’ education with a gift. Your participation matters! All gifts support the Austin Prep Fund, which provides resources for professional development for our treasured faculty members, curricular and co-curricular programs for students and tuition assistance. More details to come...
Thank You for a Tremendous Open House
Head Green Key Ambassadors played a huge role in the success of Open House. Thank you to all our students who played a role in the important event!
Thank you to everyone in the Austin Prep community who helped make Sunday's Fall Open House a huge success. Nearly 300 families and an estimated 800 people visited campus to learn more about the Austin Prep journey. Visit us on Instagram or Facebook for a video recap of Open House!
As a reminder for those interested, the Priority Application Deadline is December 15. All applications submitted by this deadline will be reviewed in our priority decision period. To learn more about the application process, or to schedule a tour or shadow day, please reach out to the Office of Admissions at admissions@austinprep.org.
Students Place Order for Reading Projects at "Starbooks"
Ms. Alex Dell'Anno with 8th grade English Students.
The excitement and enthusiasm that eighth-grade students displayed during the "Starbooks" book talk experience this week was a fun way to close out the first quarter. Inspired by the ambiance of Starbucks, this event provided readers with an opportunity to showcase their independent reading projects in a creative and engaging way. You can view photos here.
Students arrived at class equipped with detailed one-pagers about their selected books. They used these prompts to convey essential details about the theme, plot, and characters to their classmates. The aroma of hot cocoa and delicious fall-themed bakery treats created a warm and inviting atmosphere, making the exchange of ideas and stories all the more delightful.
One of the highlights of "Starbooks" was the gallery walk. Students had the chance to delve deeper into their peers' posters. This activity allowed them to explore a wide array of books, sparking their curiosity and helping them make informed decisions about their next independent reading selections.
"Starbooks" not only celebrated students' interest in reading and exploring new stories but also reinforced our value of unitas, in the sharing of knowledge and experiences with one another.
A special thank you to the creativity of Ms. Alexandra Dell'Anno, '12, and Mrs. Kate Cavanaugh, P'28, '30, for all their work on bringing this event to life.
Math Team Competes at WPI Invitational
The Austin Prep Math Team attended the 2023 33rd annual WPI Invitational Mathematics Meet on October 20th at WPI. The team included Hayden Bai ’25 (Captain), Isabella Eisenhauer ’25 (Captain), Dilan Patel ’25, Celina Hwang ’26, and Math Faculty Mr. Sun as the team advisor. After two rounds (individual and team) of competitions with around 30 schools, they received 12th place. Well done! Hayden, as the top scorer on the team, earned a $1,000 scholarship to WPI! Congratulations to the team!
Visit the School Store!
Do you love the new Austin Prep Cougar mascot logo as much as we do? Come check out the Unitas Shop for apparel with the new logo, and more! The school store is open 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Additionally, the Christmas Season online store will be coming soon!
Austin Prep Faculty Attend Augustinian Values Institute
Austin Prep was represented at the Augustinian Values Institute by (standing left to right): Trevor Jones, Humanities; Carly Cavanagh, Science; Cassandra Thompson, English; Eric Smith, Theology; Trustee Anthony Zizza P'26, '29; and Chris Capone, Science. Seated left to right is: Sr. Immaculate Kyampeire, Science and Dr. Bill Driscoll, Dean of Faculty.
Austin Prep sent a delegation to the 20th gathering of the Augustinian Values Institute on October 19th-23rd hosted by Austin Catholic High School in Detroit, Michigan. The Augustinian Secondary Education Association sponsors the conference with the purpose of bringing together educators from all of the Augustinian Schools in North America. The conference creates clarity and fosters a deeper understanding of the Augustinian mission for its educators so they can return back to their schools energized and with their “hearts on fire." This year schools from Austria and England were also in attendance.
Teachers, faculty, and administrators join together to share their experiences and explain how they apply the mission in their respective schools and to learn how others apply the core values of the Augustinian Order. The conference includes prayer, liturgy, lecture, breakout sessions, reflection, and guest speakers to develop educators in focusing on how they might live their vocations in an Augustinian way. Upon reflection from the weekend, English Faculty Cassandra Thompson shared “I am thankful for an amazing weekend and sharing in a faith-filled experience with the Austin Prep delegation. I feel so blessed to work at such a compassionate school with a supportive community of people.” Humanities teacher Trevor Jones added, “I learned so much that will shape how I go about teaching and knowing that I am connected to a greater purpose.”
The host school Austin Catholic, founded in 2011, is the youngest school in the network and demonstrates that the message of Augustinian education continues to resonate with educators, students, and parents around the country. The school is located in a suburb outside of Detroit and the Austin Prep delegation was treated to a visit to a car museum filled with antique vehicles as pictured above.
Local Rabbi Visits with Austin Prep Students
Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal of Temple Beth Shalom of Melrose spoke to students on Tuesday.
Austin Prep hosted Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal of Temple Beth Shalom of Melrose to discuss the history of the Jewish people and their religion. During Rabbi Jessica’s visit with Mr. Raymond Kabunga and Mrs. Stephanie Choate’s Religion & Literature classes and Mrs. Jess Swindell’s Research Methods/Holocaust Examined classes, she held question and answer sessions with over 100 students.
Rabbi Jessica was ordained at Hebrew College in Newton and worked at the Anti-Defamation League in Boston as the Assistant Regional Director. She has been influential in advocating for legislation that will help all of our communities live in a safer and more equitable world. She is widely considered a leading educator on Jewish services and Torah study. She has been trained in multiple Holocaust curricula, such as Facing History and Ourselves and Echoes and Reflections.
Rabbi Jessica’s session with students deepened their understanding of their studies, Jewish literature, and the roots of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Students were fascinated by discussions of the synagogue, Torah, the Talmud, and understanding how scrolls are written. They were intrigued by the history of migration to Israel that occurred during the 18th Century.
This opportunity to engage with a leading scholar is a component of our ongoing mission to inspire students with hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.
Claim Lost and Found Items in the Main Office
Help us keep campus and the Main Office clean and tidy! There are numerous pieces of clothing, water bottles and much more in the lost and found. Stop by the Main Office if you're missing any items to see if anything belongs to you. Please pick up by Friday, November 3rd.