January 2025
January 11, 2025
Welcome Back, We Missed You!
We hope everyone had a restful break with loved ones as we celebrated the birth of Christ. With the New Year upon us, there is so much to look forward to in the second half of the 2024-2025 academic year. Winter sports will soon transition to spring; the middle school will turn its attention to signature programs such as the 6th grade Egyptian Museum, the 7th grade May Tea, and the 8th grade capstone trip to Washington, D.C.; Art and Design students will prepare for the spring musical performance of High School Musical and year-end art shows; the spiritual life of campus will focus on the Lenten season; and we will prepare to wish the Class of 2025 well as they get ready for their next Journey, guided by their Augustinian Hearts.
The spring at Austin Prep can come fast and furious, so take a minute to enjoy the Journey. And don't forget, we have something new this year: Austin Prep's first March break from March 10th - 21st. Let's have a great winter and spring!
Sights and Sounds of the Holidays
The Christmas Tree came down this week, but you can relive memories from the holiday season by clicking the link below.
But before we become too far removed from the busy holiday months at Austin Prep, we take a look back at our campus holiday activities grounded in faith, fellowship, and fun. The images capture Austin Prep’s spirit through Advent liturgies, Lessons and Carols, The Nutcracker, supporting families in need in partnership with St. Mary of the Assumption in Lawrence, the Parent Association Signature Event, the Head of School’s Christmas Open House for the Class of 2025, and other festive campus initiatives. Thank you to the Office of Communications and Ms. Nicole Renick, Art and Design Faculty, for capturing the images. We wish you many blessings for the New Year! You can view the images here.
Both Performances of The Nutcracker are Now Available
Did you miss either of this year's performances of The Nutcracker? Or just missing the Christmas season already? Both performances of Austin Prep's The Nutcracker are now available on our YouTube channel here or viewable by clicking the videos above. Enjoy the encore performances, and thank you to all those across our school community who help make the shows a reality!
Big Home Ice Hockey Doubleheader Today
We've got a big ice hockey doubleheader on tap today, January 11th! The boys are up first as they host the Frederick Gunn School at 1:00 p.m., followed by the girls hosting Hoosac School at 4:30 p.m. in the athletics department Game of the Week. Both games are at MPG Memorial Arena (Ristuccia). Come out and support the teams!
Join Us Tomorrow for Monthly Community Mass
Father Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, celebrated Christmas Eve Mass in the Chapel of St. Augustine. Join him there at our monthly Community Mass on Sunday.
The Monthly Community Mass for January will be held on Sunday, January 12th at 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel of St. Augustine. We encourage our school families who regularly attend Sunday Mass at their local parish to consider joining us for this monthly Sunday Mass. The Mass will give us an opportunity to meet each other and pray together, at least occasionally. We will join for a time of fellowship in the Dining Hall after Mass. To help us with our planning, we would ask families to RSVP by clicking here so we can take an appropriate count for the Coffee and Donut Hour.
Students are required to attend with their parents. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, January 12th as we strengthen each other through this act of celebrating Mass together.
College Planning at the Forefront
Austin Prep alum, and current Harvard University freshman, speaks to students about the college process
Harvard freshman Enzo Carminati ’24
This week, Austin Prep alum Enzo Carminati ’24, a Harvard University freshman, visited campus to speak to juniors in Mr. Erik Sullivan’s College Test Prep Class to offer tips and guidance on the college admissions process. This valuable information will aid our juniors as they prepare for their college search.
College acceptances continue to roll in for the Class of 2025
Our seniors continue to receive great news on the Early Decision and Early Action front! Austin Prep students have been accepted to many selective colleges and universities, including Tufts, Wesleyan, Colgate, Northeastern, Babson, Fairfield, Bentley, Holy Cross, Vassar, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Miami, and more! We look forward to continuing to report great news on behalf of the Class of 2025!
Want to keep up to date on college decisions for the Class of 2025 and more? Follow the Office of College Counseling on Instagram here: @austinprepcollegecounseling
Austin Prep college bound student-athletes ink commitments
Reagan Fish '25 with parents Jack and Amy.
Joey Magliozzi '25 with parents Joseph and Julie.
Austin Prep hosted two college athletics signings on Wednesday. Reagan Fish '25 committed to continuing her lacrosse career at NCAA Division II Barton College at a ceremony with family, faculty and classmates, while Joey Magliozzi '25 committed to continuing his baseball and soccer career at NCAA Division III New England College. More college athletics signings of Austin Prep student-athletes to come!
Office of College Counseling hosts college essay writing workshop
English Department Chair Mrs. Stephanie Choate co-presented at the workshop on Thursday. Her college admissions essay was probably great!
On Thursday, the Office of College Counseling hosted a workshop entitled “Writing the College Essay 101”. This program was co-presented by the Austin Prep college counselors and Mrs. Stephanie Choate, English Department Chair. They explained the importance of the college essay, gave advice about the brainstorming and writing process, provided sample essays, and reviewed the Austin Prep college essay writing timeline. Do you know that college admission offices value the college essay only behind high school grades and entrance exam scores? The college essay is an important part of the college application process, and we are pleased so many families could attend.
Spring 2025 Travel Experiences on the Horizon
With the new year upon us, spring is just around the corner, which means student travel opportunities are approaching. This March, Austin Prep students will be heading to Washington, D.C., Bermuda and Japan! Check back here for updates as the trips get closer.
At Austin Prep, student travel is meant to be a transformative adventure that distinguishes its students as seekers of knowledge and champions of cultural understanding. Click here to read a recent article by Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School, as he outlines considerations to be made while crafting student travel opportunities. In addition to his duties in the Middle School, Mr. McLaughlin also leads Austin Prep’s student travel program.
Signature Event Photos Available Now
Last month, the Austin Prep Parent Association hosted their annual Signature Event which was another wonderful evening in support of Austin Prep. This year, the parent community celebrated the Christmas spirit with the theme of "Moonlit Masquerade." Over 200 people attended in support of programs and initiatives for students and faculty. A special thank you goes to Jeanette Vigorito P'27 and members of the Signature Event Committee, who worked tirelessly in preparation for this event. You can view photos from the evening here.
Strategic Planning Updates
Last fall, James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School, provided a series of updates about the field of education, the teaching profession, and Austin Prep’s strategic initiatives to remain in the forefront of Catholic and private education. In those updates, Dr. Hickey outlined Austin Prep's commitment to investing heavily in Austin Prep faculty to advance excellence in teaching and learning, an endeavor that supports professional growth, a synopsis of the investments Austin Prep has made in our facilities and infrastructure over the last several years to support great student experiences both inside and outside the classroom, and more.
Dr. Hickey also provided an update on the strategic planning process, which was commenced by the Board of Trustees in the spring of 2024. This initiative was part of a seamless transition from the last five-year strategic plan, which was launched in 2019 and completed in 2024. In the early fall of this year, the Board of Trustees approved Austin Prep’s next five-year Strategic Plan, 2024-2029. The new plan was developed to lead Austin Prep into another decade of continuous achievement, fueling the school’s long-term, sustained commitment to remain in the vanguard of Catholic education. In Austin Prep’s 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, Austin Prep will continue to chase excellence in the footsteps of St. Augustine and advance our unwavering commitment to Catholic education and Catholic teaching.
The central aspect of strategic planning is to assist our students in reaching their full potential through the mission-promise of Austin Prep. In recent years, Austin Prep has made wide-ranging financial investments totaling more than $22 million that has impacted every aspect of the School community, including a comprehensive campus modernization program, a competitive faculty compensation model, an expansion of student life and athletic programs, and the construction of newly designed science facilities supporting the growth of STEM education.
The accelerating growth of the School over the last several years through community-based strategic planning has united preparation with opportunity, generating transformative educational opportunities. The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, which includes long-term goals and action plans, will build on our strengths, and express our aspirations in innovative and exciting ways. The plan is rooted in mission, continuing the trajectory of growth, and expanding Austin Prep’s coveted value proposition.
With a new strategic vision of the future, Austin Prep is well positioned to accelerate our evolution as a leading Catholic institution. The new strategic plan will help elevate academic experience, expand educational opportunity, enhance our campus infrastructure, and fortify Austin Prep as a leading influence in secondary education. We will be in touch soon with additional strategic planning updates.
Thank You Austin Prep Parents for Your Generosity
As we closed the calendar year, Austin Prep saw new levels of generosity from the parent community in support of the Austin Prep Fund. As parents, your continued support helps enhance the academic and extracurricular experiences that make an Austin Prep education so enriching for students. Additionally, a special recognition is due to our Austin Prep grandparents. We are grateful to the many grandparents who have become engaged members of the Austin Prep community and have contributed to their grandchildren's Austin Prep experience.
January 18, 2025
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Austin Prep celebrates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr., Austin Prep will be closed Monday, January 20th. We wish a Happy MLK Day to our entire community.
Photo taken during the Class of 2028's 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. in March 2024, which included a stop at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.
Save the Date For Health and Wellness Presentation
The Health and Wellness Office is excited to host Dr. Michael G. Thompson for a parent presentation on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Austin Prep. Michael Thompson, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author and school consultant. He has worked in schools for fifty years, starting out as a middle school teacher, later training as a counselor and psychologist.
In the presentation, Dr. Thompson describes the psychological journey that children experience during their thirteen years in school. He reminds parents that children are almost never judging themselves by grades: they are always monitoring their own development and constantly searching for three things: connection, recognition and a sense of power.
Please save the date for this wonderful opportunity and extension of Parent University. A sign-up form will be made available in the coming weeks, but please reach out to Middle School Health and Wellness Counselor Julie Rankin with any questions in the interim.
History Faculty Test New Virtual Reality Application
The always nattily attired Mr. Trevor Jones added a fashion accessory this week by donning virtual reality goggles.
This week, Austin Prep welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Osburn, Director of Education for the Center on Representative Government (CORG) at Indiana University and her colleague Michelle Willhoite, Project Manager (CORG) and the Executive Director for the Indiana Council for the Social Studies to campus. The pair were on campus to offer professional development for members of the History faculty. You can view photos here.
A highlight of the visit was introducing teachers to Democracy Quest. Democracy Quest is an innovative, virtual reality (VR) application with associated lessons and resources being developed by CORG. Democracy Quest revolutionizes historical education through VR immersion, aiming to deepen students’ understanding of U.S. history, government, civics, and law. By analyzing primary sources and engaging with historical scenarios in an immersive way, students develop critical thinking skills while learning how individual citizens can influence national progress. Building historical empathy helps students connect historical lessons to contemporary challenges. Austin Prep will be one of the pilot sites for Democracy Quest, sharing feedback on the lessons and resources and participating in the future of history education.
Dr. Hickey Receives National Catholic Educator Recognition
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) continues its tradition of honoring excellence and distinguished service in Catholic school education with the recent announcement of the annual Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Awards. This award recognizes outstanding efforts, contributions and achievements in support of Catholic school education. James Hickey, Ph.D., Head of School was among this year's recipients.
Congratulations to Dr. Hickey on this national recognition. Austin Prep remains grateful for your undeterred leadership as we work to imprint veritas, unitas, and caritas on the hearts of our students. You can learn more about the award here.
Students Participate in Campus Ministry Retreat
Austin Prep Retreat Leaders at the La Salette Retreat Center.
Austin Prep retreat leaders had the privilege of attending a retreat at the La Salette Retreat Center in Attleboro, MA from January 3rd - 5th. This experience provided a meaningful opportunity for students to grow closer as a community while deepening their understanding of faith and leadership. Guided by Fr. Michael Senfuma, Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Parish in Needham, the retreat focused on finding strength in community, drawing inspiration from the lives of the saints. Students reflected on what it means to be a leader and the love God has for every one of us. The weekend included mass, group activities, rosary by the pond, and movie night. The students gathered together as a community to watch the movie Cabrini, about a sister who came from Italy to New York to help children who were abandoned and homeless. Her love and determination throughout the film was a beautiful way to end the weekend as a whole.
Theology faculty member Dr. Michael Lescault played a pivotal role in leading several of the retreat sessions. His inspiring talk on "Pilgrims of Hope" offered students valuable insights into their spiritual journey and mission as leaders. By the conclusion of the retreat, students felt empowered and confident in their ability to plan and facilitate retreats effectively.
Calculus Students Derive Fun From Board Game Assignment
Mrs. Alison Pliskaner's A Block Calculus Honors Class.
Students in Mrs. Alison Pliskaner's Calculus Honors classes worked on a quarter-long project involving derivative rules. The students worked in groups to design their own board games including 20 functions to differentiate. Students had to create a description of their board game, make a detailed rule book, and design the actual board game and pieces. The board games required that students find derivatives of the functions in order to progress through the game. The project culminated with students playing their classmates' board games.
Steiner '25 Makes College Ice Hockey Commitment
Faith Steiner '25 with parents Jason '92 and Christine '98.
Austin Prep hosted a college athletics signing on Friday, with Faith Steiner '25 committing to continuing her ice hockey career at NCAA Division III SUNY Plattsburgh. More college athletics signings of Austin Prep student-athletes to come!
Students Attend STEAM Leadership Conference
Bella Ryan '27 at the Girls in STEAM Leadership Conference.
Aanya Metpelly '28, Bella Ryan '27, Elizabeth Jones '25, and Buddhini Perera '26, were selected to attend the Girls in STEAM Leadership Conference hosted by Cushing Academy. The conference, designed to inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, provided students with valuable networking opportunities. Through interactive workshops and collaborative projects, the students gained insights into various STEAM careers while connecting with successful women professionals in these fields.
Thoughts For Those in Need
Malibu, near the location of Palisades Fire, in sunnier times.
Recent events have brought tremendous hardship to our brothers and sisters across the nation. Beginning January 7th, devastating wildfires swept through Los Angeles County, displacing tens of thousands of residents and leaving behind unimaginable destruction. Thousands of homes and buildings have been reduced to ashes, and lives have tragically been lost. Simultaneously, the impact of Hurricane Helene continues to weigh heavily on families in North Carolina, many of whom are still recovering from the storm's devastating effects.
St. Augustine reminds us of the power of love in action:
“What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.”
As a faith-filled community, joined in unitas and caritas, let us lift up all those who have suffered loss and hardship in our prayers. May we also be inspired to take meaningful steps to support these communities, embodying the Gospel’s call to love and serve one another. Let us reflect on how we, as members of the Austin Prep family, can contribute to the healing and recovery of these communities. Whether through collective prayer, acts of kindness, or charitable outreach, may we strive to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need.
January 25, 2025
Shoe Dog: Austin Prep Welcomes Trustee and Former Nike Executive
Austin Prep Trustee Mark Duggan '72 visited with students on Thursday.
On Thursday Austin Prep welcomed alum Mark Duggan ’72, who spoke to the Sports Operations club and members of the Baseball and Track and Field teams. Mr. Duggan, who has been a member of Austin Prep’s Board of Trustees since 2014, is a veteran of the sports business, footwear, and apparel industry and spoke to students about his career path and offered guidance for those interested in working in the sports management field. You can view photos from the visit here.
Mr. Duggan’s career experience includes 30 years with Nike Inc., during which time he held key senior executive leadership positions. During his Nike tenure, Mr. Duggan played key leadership roles in strategic planning, marketplace management, global brand development, emerging market expansion and building the next generation of Nike leaders. Mr. Duggan twice received Nike’s prestigious “Just Do It” award for outstanding employee contribution and innovative achievement. During his visit, Mr. Duggan referenced Nike Founder Phil Knight's memoir Shoe Dog as an inspirational piece of reading.
While a student at Boston State College (now UMass Boston), Mr. Duggan was the 1976 NCAA Division III champion in the 3,000-meter steeplechase, and four time NCAA All American in Track and Field and Cross Country.
In the Summer of 2024, Mr. Duggan helped facilitate a private tour of the Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, for members of the Austin Prep Track and Field team during their trip to the Nike Outdoor Nationals track and field meet held at the University of Oregon’s historic Hayward Field.
Catholic Schools Week Begins Sunday
Austin Prep celebrates National Catholic Schools Week (CSW), an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The week runs from January 26th through February 1st, and Austin Prep will have special activities and programming centered around the daily themes for Catholic School Week.
Austin Prep was also featured in a special Catholic Schools Week edition of The Pilot. Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali, Assistant Head of School for Mission and Ministry outlines Austin Prep's commitment to its Catholic heritage in a story that that can be found on page 9.
Summer Programs Registration is Now Open
We are excited to announce registration is open for Summer at Austin Prep 2025. All of our programs have been designed to engage, educate, and inspire students of all ages. Summer programs will be offered from June through August with a diverse range of activities including academic enrichment, sports, arts, and technology.
Whether your child is looking to sharpen their math skills, prepare for the SAT/ACT exams, explore their artistic talents, learn more about Esports and game artistry, or develop new athletic abilities our summer programs provide a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment. Students will not only enhance their skills but also build lasting friendships and create unforgettable memories on our beautiful Austin Prep campus and lunch will be provided daily by our exceptional Sage dining staff.
Summer Programs run on the following dates:
Session 1 | June 23 - July 4 (No programs July 4th)
Session 2 | July 7th - July 18th
Session 3 | July 21st - August 2nd
Session 4 | August 4th - August 15th
Please review our Summer offerings and register by clicking here.
Attention Alumni: Gather With Us on January 30th
Austin Prep Alums! Join us on January 30th as we gather together at Bunratty Tavern in Reading Center for the first official alumni event of the year! Come enjoy a night out with fellow alums at this fun, social gathering. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m., with musical bingo beginning at 7:00 p.m. for those interested.
Please register in advance as space is limited. Registration link is available here.
Please reach out to Darren Stewart, Director of Alumni Engagement and Giving with questions.
Austin Prep Celebrates Black History Month
Be on the lookout in the Cougar Courier and on social media for special programing this month.
At Austin Prep, our commitment to justice and inclusion remains steadfast, rooted deeply in the Augustinian tradition of compassionate scholarship and moral purpose. Our mission transcends mere academic instruction; we are called to nurture holistic understanding and respect across our diverse community.
Engaging with varied cultural perspectives is not just an educational ideal, but a fundamental pathway to developing empathetic, globally-aware leaders. Our Catholic identity compels us to actively work for peace and justice, standing resolute against any form of discrimination.
This February, as we celebrate Black History Month, we honor the extraordinary achievements and resilient spirit of the Black community. Our programming, anchored in Christ, we venture in hope, invites our entire community to explore, learn, and reflect on the profound contributions and ongoing struggles of Black Americans.
Through our commitment to veritas (truth), unitas (unity), and caritas (love), we continue our mission of educating not just the mind, but the whole person—committed to faith, justice, and mutual understanding.
Honoring Black Americans: Anchored in Christ, Venturing in Hope
The profound contributions of Black Americans illuminate our shared journey of faith, resilience, and aspiration. Their experiences powerfully embody our core theme:
Anchored in Christ: Black faith traditions exemplify a deeply rooted spiritual foundation. This profound connection to Christ provides strength and guidance through generations of struggle and triumph, reflecting an unshakable trust in divine providence.
Venturing: The historical journey of Black Americans represents a remarkable testament to courage and hope. From the resilience of the enslaved to the transformative movements of civil rights, each step forward becomes an act of faith, demonstrating extraordinary personal and collective perseverance.
In Hope: Despite encountering systemic challenges, Black communities consistently manifest an inspiring optimism. Their ability to maintain hope—grounded in spiritual conviction and communal solidarity—transforms adversity into opportunities for growth, dignity, and collective advancement.
This celebration honors not just historical achievements, but the ongoing narrative of Black Americans: a story of spiritual depth, courageous exploration, and unbreakable hope.
Meet the "Humans of Austin Prep"
The "Humans of Austin Prep" project in the art gallery.
Students in Art and Design Faculty Ms. Nicolle Renick’s Digital Photography classes recently finished their "Humans of Austin Prep" project, based on New York City photographer Brandon Stanton’s famed "Humans of New York" project. Students were to photograph three subjects, including at least one adult. They used a set of interview questions to spark thoughtful responses from their subjects. The focus was on using correct aperture and interesting poses and backgrounds to create a meaningful and well-composed portrait.
In referencing his Humans of New York project, Stanton said, "Humans of New York" began as a photography project in 2010. The initial goal was to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers on the street, and create an exhaustive catalogue of the city’s inhabitants. Somewhere along the way, I began to interview my subjects in addition to photographing them. And alongside their portraits, I would include quotes and short stories from their lives.”
Taken together, these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, with over twenty million followers on social media, providing a worldwide audience with daily glimpses into the lives of strangers on the streets of New York City. Want a glimpse into the lives of those who occupy the offices, classrooms, and hallways of Austin Prep? Check out the art gallery to see the full installation of photos and interviews conducted by our students.
Students Participate in Interdisciplinary History Project
Lucas Sarno '27, Eliza Satterthwaite '27 and Jessica Shield '27 with the fictional home of "Zhao Li."
Students in History Faculty member Mr. Alfonse Femino's Cold War Era America Classes recently participated in an interdisciplinary learning project. Using the web design app Tinkercad and Austin Prep's 3D printer, students created palaces of fictional government leaders. The finished products were not only impressive, but provided an opportunity to use STEM concepts and equipment in a non-science based class.
Ava Sherry '27 and Ciera Balfe '27.
"This project challenged me, but it also helped me develop creativity and patience, and it’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve done at Austin Prep," Ciera Balfe said.
"We made this because our created leader, named Zhao Li, cared more about his well-being, which means he prioritized privacy. Therefore, the building is high security, with barely any windows, to fully ensure this privacy. For the actual creation of the building, it was difficult at first to know where to put each shape and what shapes to choose. However, I quickly got the hang of it and was able to complete the task." Lucas Sarno said.
School Health Guidelines and Tips for Staying Healthy
Nurse Kim Esakof and Nurse Diana Carlson '12 have been busy this past week! Please do your best to ensure that those around you stay healthy.
As we are in the peak of the cold and flu season, we want to remind everyone of our school’s health policies to help prevent the spread of illness and ensure the well-being of our community.
If your child is feeling unwell or exhibiting symptoms of illness, please keep them at home. This is essential not only to help them recover but also to protect others at school. If your child has been sick we kindly ask that they meet the following health guidelines before returning to school:
- Fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (such as Tylenol or ibuprofen).
- All symptoms should be resolved and your child must feel better (this includes symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, body aches, or gastrointestinal issues).
In addition to following these guidelines when your child is sick, we encourage everyone to adopt healthy habits that can help prevent illness and promote overall well-being, including getting your flu shot, practicing proper handwashing, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and staying active. Keeping sick students at home helps reduce the spread of viruses and ensures the health and safety of everyone in our school community.
Please feel free to reach out to the health office if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health or need support in determining when it’s appropriate for your child to return to school.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can help keep our school community healthy.