September 2019
Welcome to 2019-2020!The 2019-2020 Austin Prep year is underway! We were excited to roll out the Red Carpet on Tuesday, September 3rd welcoming new and returning students to campus as they begin a new year on their Austin Prep Journey. Students came to campus refreshed and excited, and were greeted by members of Student Government - who distributed treats at the entrances - and had fun taking pictures in the Austin Prep photo booth!
ConvocationWe will gather together as a community for the first time Friday, September 13th at 8:30 a.m. for this year's Convocation Mass, which marks the official start of the academic year. Students will proceed into Richard J. Meelia Hall carrying their class banners, with the highlight being the raising of the Class of 2020 Senior Class banner after Mass, where it will remain until being lowered at Baccalaureate Mass in May. Parents and Families are welcome to attend Convocation. To help us properly plan for the community gathering, please RSVP to Ms. Brianna Robbins at by Wednesday, September 11th. Additionally, if special parking accommodations are needed, please let Ms. Robbins know when you RSVP.
Middle School Testing on MondayOn Monday, September 9th, all Middle School students will take the Measures of Academic Progress test (MAP). This standardized testing is a good measure of academic growth and development. We believe this assessment provides informative data which we can use to monitor student progress and growth over time. Students will take three tests: Reading, Language, and Math. This research-based assessment was developed by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and is recommended by the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. You can access additional information here.
Middle Schoolers will test during the morning blocks on Monday. A snack will be provided. Students should bring a writing utensil and an outside reading book in case they finish their tests before the allotted time. If you have any questions at all about our upcoming testing or the Middle School Counseling program, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Jess Lenci at
College Counseling Information NightsThe Office of College Counseling and Advising is hosting two upcoming College Counseling Information Nights for the Classes of 2020 and 2021. Many new components have been added to our College Counseling programs and we are excited to make sure every family is getting the most pertinent information necessary.
Below are the dates for each night, which you can RSVP for here:
Visit Austin Prep at the Reading Street Faire Sunday
The fair is from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm and Austin Prep’s station is located on Lowell Street, right in front of Town Hall. Students will be on hand greeting members of the community - be sure to stop by and say hello! Austin Prep is a community partner of the Reading Rotary Club, which is hosting the fair. Our very own Mr. Mike Collins, Head Girls Tennis Coach, is the President of the Reading Rotary Club!
New Student Lawn SignsBefore the Labor Day weekend, we were excited to welcome the Classes of 2023 and 2026 for new Student Orientation. Upon departing campus for the day, we distributed lawn signs to members of our 6th and 9th grade classes and encouraged students to display their lawn signs in their yards and post pictures on social media. All those who posted a picture on social media and tagged @AustinPrep were entered into a raffle for a Unitas School Store gift card. And the winner of the lawn sign contest is...Aaria Nagpal from the Class of 2026! Congratulations and thank you to all who tagged @AustinPrep on social media. Aaria received her gift card earlier this week.
Middle and Upper School Back to School NightMark your calendars: Back to school nights for parents are just around the corner. The dates and times are as follows: Thursday, September 12th - Middle School Back to School Night @ 5:30 p.m. Thursday, September 19th - Upper School Back to School Night @ 5:30 p.m.
Parent Orientation PresentationIt was wonderful to see so many parents at our Parent Orientation Sessions before the start of Student Orientation. Attached here is a copy of the presentation. It may also be accessed through the Parent Portal under "Quick Links."
Annual Club FairOur annual club fair was yesterday, where students had the opportunity to review the numerous club offerings and schedules. Early next week, students will have time to work with their advisors to begin selecting the clubs they would like to participate in this year.
Nason Award - Two Years in a Row!For the second consecutive year, Austin Prep has been named as the recipient of the Boston Globe Nason Award. This award recognizes overall athletics excellence among Catholic co-educational schools across the Commonwealth, with overall, regular-season winning percentage as the criteria for selection. Congratulations to all our student-athletes and coaches for their unparalleled success over the past two academic years. For more information on all the Boston Globe Scholastic Awards, including the Nason Award, click here.
Student Travel OpportunitiesAustin Prep is sponsoring several travel opportunities for students in the 2019-2020 academic year. A service trip to the American Southwest awaits Upper School students during April Break from April 18th to April 23rd. Students will explore Utah and Arizona as they take in the wonders of Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon and engage with Park Rangers and participate in cultural stewardship with Hopi and Navajo communities. Middle School students have the opportunity to take in British culture, history, and sport through the Independent Schools Cultural Alliance outside of London through a three-week study abroad program July 12th to August 2nd. For more information about these opportunities, please contact Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School, at
Summer Learning for Our FacultyThis summer English faculty members Mrs. Nicole Putney and Mrs. Stephanie Choate attended the Philips Exeter Institute for the Humanities to be trained in the Harkness method of teaching. The Harkness style is a student led and student centered discussion technique where students sit around a table and drive the conversation and ask the questions. Mrs. Putney and Mrs. Choate spent a week on Exeter's campus and participated in the daily discussions, observed classes, and led discussions. This is the same Professional Development opportunity that English Faculty Mr. Matthew Diapella '99 attended in the summer of 2018, and the Harkness table method is used in his sophomore Discussion and Debate course. Check back in as we profile additional Summer Faculty Sabbatical experiences in upcoming Cougar Couriers.
The Red Bandanna - Summer Reading and 5k Road RaceIn conjunction with The Red Bandanna, this year's selected reading for our community, Austin Prep will be fielding a team for the Welles Remy Crowther Red Bandanna 5K hosted by Boston College. The race will be held on Saturday, October 26th at 9:00 a.m. To register, please click here. When asked whether you want to create a team or join a team, select join a team and then select the Austin Preparatory School Cougars team. Registration is $20.00 for students, $25.00 for non-students. All proceeds go to the Welles Remy Crowther Foundation. Please be on the lookout for more information in the near future, including transportation to and from the race. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Brian Ford, Director of College Counseling at
5th Annual Signature Event - Save the Date!The Parent Social Event of the Year will be here before we know it! The Austin Prep Parents Association's 5th Annual Signature Event will take place Friday, November 1st at 7:00 p.m. at Andover Country Club. The gala features a dinner buffet, silent and live auctions. More information and invitations will be forthcoming. |
Convocation Marks the Start of the Academic YearAustin Prep gathered together as a whole community for the first time this academic year at Convocation Mass on Friday, September 13th. Students processed into Richard J. Meelia Hall carrying their class banners, and Josh Azor '20, Senior Class President, welcomed his fellow classmates. Josh encouraged those in attendance to live in the moment and build optimism within the school community. “We must be willing to hold ourselves accountable to the core values we hold dear,” Josh said. “I want you to be aware that actions do speak louder than words. You may forget what someone has said to you, but you will never forget what someone has done for you.” Fr. Patrick Armano, School Chaplain, reminded students to recognize the goodness of others – even in those who might be facing challenges in life – by not just focusing on one’s own well-being, but the comfort of those around them. “We are entrusted with the great responsibility of recognizing the dignity we have within us and around us, and how it impacts our community as we focus on gaining knowledge, our learning, and our faith,” Fr. Armano said. Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D P'22, '23, '24. noted that as another academic year begins, the focus will continue to be on the presumption of goodness, kindness, and civility, as well as how the school community interacts. Dr. Hickey told anecdotal stories of Nelson Burbank, the longtime Reading community leader and philanthropist who passed away in August at the age of 98. “This was a man who exemplified kindness and civility, a type of kindness and civility that seems to be disappearing” Dr. Hickey said. “You may not have known Mr. Burbank personally, but he lived the life we should all strive to emulate. If, we as a community, are unable to do that, there’s no hope for the larger community beyond this campus.” At the conclusion of the Mass, the Senior Class of 2020 continued with tradition and hoisted its class banner to the rafters of Meelia Hall, where it will remain until being lowered at Baccalaureate Mass in May. To view more photos from the event, visit our Facebook page here.
September 11th Community EventAustin Preparatory School conducted a special community meeting Wednesday to mark 18 years since the September 11th, 2001 attacks. To honor this solemn occasion, the school community gathered in Richard J. Meelia Hall for prayers and remembrance. Gena Rhodes '20 opened the gathering by leading the student body in the singing of the National Anthem. This past summer, the Austin Prep community read The Red Bandanna, which recounts the true story of Boston College alumnus Welles Crowther who was working in the World Trade Center during the attack. After listening to an excerpt of the book, the community watched a short film produced by Calvin Pardee '23, in which Austin Prep Faculty recounted where they were on that fateful September morning. Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D. P'22, '23, '24, then working at a school in New York City, recalled watching from the school rooftop as smoke billowed over Lower Manhattan. With phone lines down and in the pre-cell phone era, Dr. Hickey remembered managing uncertainty from parents, some of whom worked in the City as first responders. “That day changed American Life, and it is important today to pause and remember those who we lost, but also to celebrate,” Dr. Hickey said. “There is something about America that is special and unique. People can come from anyplace around the globe to become an American. It is a gift that we need to honor and revere, and it is important we remember those people who have fought to protect those values. Today, we remember to carry with us the feeling of the special gift we call the United States of America.” The assembly concluded with a moment of silence and the playing of "Taps" by Callum Tinkler '21. This fall, Austin Prep will engage the student body in additional programming in connection with The Red Bandanna, including organizing a delegation of runners to participate in Boston College's Red Bandanna 5K in association with the Welles Crowther Foundation. To register to run the race, please click here. To run as part of the Austin Prep team, select "Austin Preparatory School Cougars" when signing up.
Fall Play Auditions are Monday
Auditions for the Fall play, “Victoria Martin: Math Team Queen” will be held this Monday, September 16th at 2:45 p.m. in the Black Box Theater. Please contact Ms. Kacie Brown at with questions.
College Counseling Information Night for JuniorsOn Tuesday, September 17th, The Office of College Counseling and Advisement is hosting the Junior Class Information Night. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and will take place in the Heritage Room. Parents of Juniors can RSVP here. The event will include a presentation from Summit Educational Group on the SAT and ACT, and pertinent information for the Junior class. Additionally, many new components have been added to our College Counseling programs and we are excited to make sure every family is getting the most pertinent information necessary. The information night will include:
On Monday, October 7th Austin will host its annual College Fair in Meelia Hall from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Here is a list of the almost 80 schools currently attending.
New Head Varsity Baseball CoachAustin Prep has announced the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Pollard '97 (JP) as the school’s new Head Varsity Baseball Coach. No stranger to Austin Prep Athletics, JP served as Austin Prep’s Director of Athletics from 2014 -19, where under his leadership Austin Prep secured 55 Conference Championships, 5 State Championships, and back-to-back Nason Awards from the Boston Globe in recognition for being the winningest high school Catholic co-ed athletic department in the Commonwealth. In July, Mr. Pollard was promoted to Assistant Headmaster for Enrollment and Athletics at Austin Prep. A 1997 graduate of Austin Prep, Mr. Pollard went on to play college baseball at Salem State University where he was a two-time all-conference selection. “It was a privilege to play at Austin Prep, and to have the opportunity now to lead the great young men in the baseball program is simply a dream come true.” Pollard said. Mr. Pollard’s experience in the sport extends far beyond the prep level. In 2011, Mr. Pollard began coaching for USA Baseball in Cary, NC. During his time with USA Baseball, he led national teams around the globe, collecting two silver medals, and a gold medal at the 2015 Pan Am Games. In 2014, Mr. Pollard was named USA Baseball Developmental Coach of the Year. “In my fifteenth year as a head of school, I have had the opportunity to work with many talented coaches in my career and JP is among the best I ever encountered,” Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D. P'22, '23, '24 said. “He has been a fixture at Austin Prep for the last ten years as an alumni volunteer, coach, champion of Austin Prep, Director of Athletics, and, now, Assistant Headmaster for Enrollment and Athletics. Without question, Austin Prep is a better community because JP is in it.” Mr. Pollard will take the helm of one of the premier baseball programs in the state in recent years. Austin Prep won the MIAA Division 3 state title in 2018, and has gone 103-17 since 2015. "We are thrilled to announce Mr. Pollard as our new head baseball coach. His coaching experience and love of Austin Prep will raise the level of our baseball program to new heights,” Director of Athletics Patrick Driscoll '97 said. “His understanding of the league and the balance between academics and athletics will provide a strong foundation for our student-athletes to succeed both on and off the field. Our current and future baseball players are extremely blessed to have Coach Pollard leading them.”
Back to School Nights ContinueBack to School Night for the Upper School will take place on Thursday, September 19th at 5:30 p.m. Parents will follow their child’s schedule and meet teachers and advisors. The evening will end at around 8:00 p.m. Middle School Back to School Night took place last Thursday night. Thank you to all the parents who attended!
Summer Learning for Our FacultyThis summer Latin faculty member Mr. Roger Stone celebrated the completion of his 50th year of teaching at Austin Prep by returning to the site of his Fulbright Grant Fellowship for coursework paired with an in-depth study of Aquileia, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The site Mr. Stone visited included an Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia. The Roman city dates to 181 BC and became one of the largest and wealthiest cities in the early Roman Empire until it was sacked and destroyed in 452 by the Huns led by Attila. The city was a major trading center connecting the Mediterranean to Central Europe. Aquileia’s wealth and status within the empire was reflected in its magnificent public buildings and private residences, many of which survive as archaeological remains. The most striking remains of the Roman city are those of the port installations, a long row of warehouses and docks that stretch along the bank of the river. Many of its treasures are currently housed in a local museum. Mr. Stone is looking forward to bringing the lessons he learned in the field at this archeological site to his Latin classroom. Faculty sabbaticals such as this are made possible by support through the Annual Fund. Check back in as we profile additional Summer Faculty Sabbatical experiences in upcoming Cougar Couriers.
5th Annual Signature Event - Tickets Available Now!Tickets are now available for the Parent Social Event of the Year! The Austin Prep Parents Association's 5th Annual Signature Event will take place Friday, November 1st at 7:00 p.m. at Andover Country Club. The gala features a dinner buffet, silent and live auctions. Buy your tickets to the event here!
Mission Catastrophe Flash Writing ContestLast spring, students in Mrs. Lori Courtney's Freshman English and Creative Writing classes participated in the Mission Catastrophe flash writing contest. Students penned disaster stories in less than 100 words. This week, we learned Austin Prep had some contest winners. Their entries will appear in an anthology this fall. |
Headmaster Coffee and ConversationThe first Headmaster Coffee and Conversation with James Hickey, Ph.D. P'22, '23, '24 will take place Tuesday, September 24th at 8:15 a.m. in the Gathering Room. These informal gatherings are great opportunities to spend some time with Dr. Hickey, and stay up to date with current happenings at Austin Prep. If you plan to attend, kindly RSVP to Mrs. Judy Reynolds at Additional fall dates for Headmaster Coffee and Conversation are as follows: Tuesday, October 8th, 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday, November 6th, 8:15 a.m.; and Wednesday, December 11th, 8:15 a.m.
5th Annual Signature Event - Tickets Now AvailableTickets are selling quickly for the Signature Event, the biggest Parent Social of the Year! Please join us at the Andover Country Club on Friday, November 1st for a night of celebrating Truth, Unity, and Love. Tickets currently are $100 per person, but will increase to $125 after Friday, October 11th. Be sure to get in on the early bird pricing. Click here to purchase your tickets. If you would like to donate an item to the auction, any and all donations are welcome! Gift cards to local businesses, tickets to theater performances, concerts and sporting events, jewelry, weekend getaways, and electronics are among the more popular items. Click here for a list of suggested items. Please be sure to bring your donation to Austin Prep by Friday, October 11th. All donations must be accompanied with a donation form.
Parents Association Meeting and Middle School SocialThe Parents Association meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 25th has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon. However, the Middle School Parent Social will still take place Wednesday, September 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room. Middle School parents can still RSVP for the social here. We look forward to seeing Middle School parents there! |
College Counseling to Host Annual College FairOn Monday, October 7th, The Office of College Counseling and Advisement will host its annual College Fair in Richard J. Meelia Hall from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Here is a list of the over 80 schools currently attending. The fair is open to all Upper School students and families and is a great way to show demonstrated interest to schools you may apply to while also learning about a large number of schools in a small period of time. Eighth grade families are also welcome to attend to get an idea of the programming available to our Upper School students. To RSVP, please click here. If you have any questions regarding the fair, please reach out to Mr. Brian Ford, Director of College Counseling.
Picture Day RetakesThere will be an opportunity for students to retake their school picture on Wednesday, October 9th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Students who did not bring their order form to picture day and want to purchase pictures can do so in one of the two following ways:
Back to School Nights ConcludeBack to School Night for the Upper School was on Thursday. Parents followed their child’s schedule, met teachers, and enjoyed a reception in the Dining Hall. It was great to welcome so many parents to campus!
Summer Learning for Our FacultyThis summer history faculty member Ms. Alicia Varraso completed a summer sabbatical to the beautiful country of Greece accompanied by World Language faculty Mrs. Linda Sherry and seven Austin Prep students. Ms. Varraso had the opportunity to explore the Greek capital of Athens where she hiked to the top of the Acropolis and studied the historical significance of this once ancient civilization by roaming around the impressive Acropolis of Athens Museum.
The birthplace of democracy was just the first stop of this thorough, 14-day exploration. The group then hopped on a cruise for a tour around the Greek islands. Ms. Varraso made stops in Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes, and Patmos before reaching the final destination of Olympia, where the very first Olympic games were held. Each island brought a unique and exciting perspective for Ms. Varraso, and this Greek trip has allowed her to expand the 6th grade curriculum that spends a significant amount of time focusing on Ancient Greece and the fascinating history of their political system and creation of democracy. Faculty sabbaticals such as this are made possible by support through the Annual Fund. Check back in as we profile additional Summer Faculty Sabbatical experiences in upcoming Cougar Couriers.
Autumn at Austin Weekend is ApproachingJoin current families, faculty and alumni during our annual Autumn at Austin weekend, October 18th and 19th – there is something for everyone!
Trunk or Treat Hosted by Student Council, 6:00- 7:00 p.m., FREE 7:00 p.m. - Football – Varsity vs. Cathedral, Fr. Seymour Field
Roman Dress Up DayStudents in Ms. Heather Veit's Classics I class learned about Roman life and culture by dressing in the traditional Roman fashions. Students learned how to wear a toga, how to make a tunica, and the most fashionable way to drape a palla over oneself. Many of them found that Roman clothes were actually quite comfortable (except the toga!) and easy to make. Some even developed their own take on Roman fashion. All of the students were able to connect more deeply with the ancient Romans through costume.
On a Journey to Find St. AugustineStudents in Ms. Cheryl Amari’s P'25 Freshman Seminar class went on a scavenger hunt around the school searching for images of St. Augustine. This was part of a recent lesson about the life of St. Augustine and what it means to be a member of an Augustinian school community. |
Austin Prep Connection to The Red BandannaAt Thursday’s community meeting, Austin Prep continued its programming in connection with The Red Bandanna by welcoming to campus Mr. Matt O’Keefe P’24, father of Abby O’Keefe ’24. Mr. O’Keefe was a Boston College classmate of Welles Crowther, who was working in the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, and whose story is recounted in The Red Bandanna. Mr. O’Keefe, who is referenced in the book, took time to share his memories of Welles, and reflect on his inspirational story. Specifically, Mr. O’Keefe acknowledged the Augustinian values of veritas, unitas and caritas, and related it to Welles’ life. “I got to know my hero, and it is important that we keep his spirit alive and celebrate everything he was,” O’Keefe said. “Welles inspired me to find my passion. I would encourage you, as you go through school and beyond, to do the things you are passionate about.” Austin Prep received special recognition from Tom Rinaldi, the author of The Red Bandanna and reporter for ESPN and ABC Sports. Mr. O’Keefe established a relationship with Mr. Rinaldi during the writing of The Red Bandanna. In a prepared video, Mr. Rinaldi addressed the Austin Prep community: "My friend Matt O'Keefe told me that The Red Bandanna was your all-school read. I can't tell you what an honor that is for me to know that you will not only have learned about Welles Crowther and his story but also have the chance to spread his example and his legacy." In referencing Welles and the final hour of his life, Mr. Rinaldi encouraged students to "think of selflessness and sacrifice and character as guides as you move forward." On Saturday, October 26th, Austin Prep is organizing a delegation of runners to participate in Boston College's Red Bandanna 5K in association with the Welles Crowther Foundation. The race starts at 9:00 a.m., and bus transportation will be arranged from campus. Details will be provided once they become available. To register to particpate in the race, please click here. To join the Austin Prep team, select "Austin Preparatory School Cougars" when signing up.
From Willow Street to the WorldAustin Prep students have the opportunity to participate in a number of travel opportunities in the United States and abroad that deepen lessons learned in classes on campus. Registration for the following trips closes on Friday, October 4th. Please reach out to Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School, with any questions.
Parents: Save the Date!We look forward to welcoming Jill Walsh, Ph.D., to campus on Tuesday, October 15th at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Walsh is an author, researcher, and digital space advocate. In her research at Boston University, Dr. Walsh’s work “seeks to capture (adolescents) words, stories, and experiences to help adults understand and develop greater empathy for what it is like to grow up in the 21st century.” Dr. Walsh will talk about the teen technology landscape and help parents to understand the digital worlds and relationships teens navigate online. For more information about Dr. Jill Walsh, visit her website here. All parents are invited to attend, and we look forward to having you. If you have questions, please reach out to Health and Wellness counselors Mrs. Jessica Lenci or Mrs. Sarah Holch.
Summer Learning for our FacultyThis summer mathematics faculty member Ms. Michele Brewer attended the Kagan Summer Institute Workshop at Disney Springs in Orlando, Florida. Kagan Structures are simple, step-by-step instructional strategies designed to increase student engagement, cooperation, confidence and achievement. This workshop was specific to collaborative learning in the secondary mathematics classroom, although Ms. Brewer also attended workshops that were not math specific, which was helpful for her overall teaching strategy. Using Kagan Structures, student engagement goes up, as does joy in learning and achievement scores. Ms. Brewer plans on using Kagan Structures in her classroom this school year to get students excited about math. Faculty sabbaticals such as this are made possible by support through the Annual Fund. In next week's Cougar Courier we will profile the final Summer Faculty Sabbatical experience.
Annual Open House is October 27thThe Office of Admissions is hosting an Open House on Sunday, October 27th from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for future students interested in grades 6 - 11. We are looking for Parent Volunteers to staff our registration tables and to help welcome prospective families. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Steve Silverthorn, Director of Admissions. Open House visitors will have the opportunity to meet Middle and Upper School faculty, school leaders, coaches, and take tours of our campus with Green Key Student Ambassadors. Additionally, we would be grateful if you would help spread the word about the event by displaying an Open House lawn sign at your home. If you would like a sign, please stop by the Office of Admissions, located on the first floor of McLaughlin Hall, or reach out to Mr. Silverthorn.
Personality PortraitsStudents in Mrs. Heather Scott's Illustration class were tasked with creating a self portrait, but without drawing any of their facial features. Instead, they made "Personality Portraits," conveying information about themselves through their use of color and application of materials. All portraits had to have a combination of chalk pastel, collage, and text, but it was up to students to determine how to divide the materials. As you can see, the results were as unique as the students themselves!
We Welcome Back Our Alumni!We love when alumni visitors return to campus and engage with our current students! This week, alum Jen Kruh '16 visited with Mr. Tony Biscardi '88 and brought by a signed poster of the movie "Knives Out" where she was the set decorator. The movie is scheduled to be in theaters in November 2019. Jen just finished working on the new season of Castle Rock, a series on Hulu, and will be working on a new Ryan Reynolds movie soon. The poster has been added to Mr. Biscardi's "Wall of Fame" in his classroom. If you know of an alum who would like to come back to campus to visit a teacher, class, club or team, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations to coordinate your visit 781-944-4900, ext. 852.
Concentración de Hola, ¿Qué tal?In Mrs. Linda Filadoro's P'22, '23 Spanish 1 College Prep class, students played a fun game of concentration. Using a two-minute time limit, each group had to match a set of pictures with the corresponding exchanges that students have been learning in the class. The first group to finish within the time limit and with 100% accuracy won the game!
5th Annual Signature Event - Tickets Now AvailableTickets are selling quickly for the Signature Event, the biggest Parent Social of the Year! Please join us at the Andover Country Club on Friday, November 1st for a night of celebrating Truth, Unity, and Love. Tickets currently are $100 per person, but will increase to $125 after Friday, October 11th. Be sure to get in on the early bird pricing. Click here to purchase your tickets. If you would like to donate an item to the auction, any and all donations are welcome! Gift cards to local businesses, tickets to theater performances, concerts and sporting events, jewelry, weekend getaways, and electronics are among the more popular items. Click here for a list of suggested items. Please be sure to bring your donation to Austin Prep by Friday, October 11th. All donations must be accompanied with a donation form.
Autumn at Austin Weekend is ApproachingJoin current families, faculty and alumni during our annual Autumn at Austin weekend, October 18th and 19th – there is something for everyone!
Trunk or Treat Hosted by Student Council, 6:00- 7:00 p.m., FREE 7:00 p.m. - Football – Varsity vs. Cathedral, Fr. Seymour Field |