Your monetary gift – be it cash, check, or credit card – is the simplest method of giving, and not subject to gift or estate taxes. Monetary gifts are immediate and impactful and, as such, are always greatly appreciated. Personal checks, cash and credit/debit cards are all accepted, affording donors an income tax deduction during the year in which the gift is made. Larger donations can be pledged over time to complement charitable tax objectives. Austin Prep prefers that these commitments be completed within three years.
Donors can use our binding Letter of Intent Form to indicate their payment method, the anticipated timing of their pledge payments, and any other necessary information. Checks should be made out and mailed to:
Austin Preparatory School
Attention: Office of External Affairs
101 Willow Street
Reading, MA 01867
Donating long-term appreciated securities — rather than selling the assets and then donating the cash proceeds — is another fantastic way to give. Appreciated, publicly traded securities (e.g., readily marketable stocks or bonds) may have important tax benefits for donors.
Austin Prep maintains an account for the transfer of securities. For further information, please contact the Office of External Affairs or Chief Financial Officer.
While Austin Prep prefers to fulfill our campaign needs by gifts of unrestricted cash or securities, other forms of giving – such as irrevocable trusts or deferred giving – can be attractive options for donors, enabling them to significantly increase the level of their gifts. A transfer of assets to a gift or trust entity that pays income to a named beneficiary – or even shifts assets to heirs – may allow a donor to make a substantial gift to Austin Prep, while also meeting personal financial objectives. A donor may gain immediate tax advantages or may reduce gift or estate taxes through one of these gift arrangements.
Bequests are another popular option to benefit Austin Prep and to perpetuate charitable support well beyond a lifetime. Donors can also support and include the School in their wills. Please contact the Office of External Affairs for more information about all planned giving options.
We understand that planning a gift to Austin Prep takes careful consideration and evaluation. Austin Prep provides limited financial planning guidance and counsel regarding the options for deferred giving. Therefore, donors are advised to consult with their financial planners or legal advisors to evaluate plans that best fit their financial situations.
For the most effective results, we invite prospective donors to meet with our Office of External Affairs to discuss their charitable intentions. This will assure donors’ families that their gifts will be used in accordance with the donor’s exact wishes.
A company’s matching program could double or even triple a gift to Austin Prep, while the donor is acknowledged for the full value of the gift.. For example, if a donor gives $5,000 to Austin Prep, a company’s matching program will also donate $5,000 to the School, acknowledging the donor with a $10,000 gift. Some companies may even match gifts on a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. Donors should contact the Human Resources Departments of their respective companies to obtain the appropriate documentation, which should be forwarded along with their gift. Austin Prep’s Office of External Affairs will be able to take care of the rest.
Gifts of real estate/tangible property may be donated outright. In this instance, an immediate tax deduction is available and capital gains taxes may be avoided. Such gifts may only be accepted upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
Donors should consult their financial advisors about specialized gift techniques, such as this, as they vary based on individual circumstances.