Christian Service 

Whatever skills I have acquired, whatever gifts I have been given, I place them at Your service."
- Saint Augustine

The Mission Statement of Austin Preparatory School emphasizes the importance of lives of service to others in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Service hours give our students the opportunity to reach out to others who truly need what they have to offer: their time and their talents. Students can experience and share God’s love in concrete ways through their words and their actions in ministry to others. They can make a real difference in the lives of others. 

The service experience can also lead to self-discovery and self-growth. Hopefully our students will come to realize through this process that they receive far more than they could ever give, for service to others is service to God and promotes self-awareness and maturity. As Jesus said, “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me” (Matthew 25:40). 

Students work with Mr. Dustin Batista, Coordinator of Service on selecting places and projects that fulfill the goal of service to others. Additional forms and applications can be found by current students on the student portal.

For more information on service requirements of Middle School students, click here. For more information on service requirements of Upper School students, click here.