Ways to Give

Online Giving

The Austin Prep Fund is the cornerstone of fundraising at Austin Prep, and provides annual, flexible dollars for key programs and priorities, and the funding to address unforeseen needs throughout the year.  Your gift makes an indelible impact on current students, as well as future students, and makes extraordinary possible at Austin Prep. Learn more about the Austin Prep Fund below.

Make a Gift to The Austin Prep Fund Here

Double Your Impact

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Outright Gifts

You can make an outright gift of cash, securities, real estate or personal property. If your total deductions exceed your maximum permitted federal deductions for one year, you can claim the excess as deductions on your federal tax returns in the five subsequent years.

Cash Gifts

The full amount of a cash gift up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income can be deducted for income tax purposes in the year the gift is made.

Capital Giving

Austin Prep is currently is the planning stages of a comprehensive Capital Campaign. For more information please contact Hillary Repucci, Director of Development at hillary.repucci@austinprep.org. For those making pledge payments for our Igniting Hearts and Faith and Reason Campaigns, please click the button below.

Make Your Capital Campaign Pledge Payment Here

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

If you donate appreciated securities to Austin Prep you can avoid capital gains taxes on the difference between the price you paid for the securities and their current market value as of the date the gift is made. Income tax deductions are also allowed.

Here are the DTC delivery instructions:
Austin Preparatory School
101 Willow Street, Reading, MA 01867
Vanguard Account#: 31771230
DTC#: 0062
Vanguard contact information: Website: www.vanguard.com; Telephone: 877.662.7447

Planned Giving

You may choose to name Austin Prep as the recipient of a major gift in the future. Such deferred gifts can be tailored to your personal circumstances while helping you achieve important reductions in your current personal income taxes and estate taxes. Some deferred giving methods include:

  • Life Insurance: There are several ways to use life insurance to mutually benefit Austin Prep and yourself. These include making Austin Prep the sole or co-beneficiary of a new or existing policy. Income tax and estate tax benefits are also available through insurance gifts to Austin Prep.
  • Bequests: Gifts by will, whether in the form of cash, securities or other property, may be fully deducted in determining federal estate taxes and inheritance taxes.

Gifts of Real Estate

If you make a gift of property to Austin Prep, you will be credited with a contribution valued at the fair market value of the real estate, which is ordinarily ascertained by a real estate appraiser.


If you would like additional information on these methods of charitable giving to Austin Preparatory School, please contact Hillary Repucci, Director of Development at hillary.repucci@austinprep.org call 781.944.4900 x4680.

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